WINNING! Just The Idea of Re-Imposed Trump Sanctions Has Iran's Economy Crashing!

Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.

Slow down, D......

The sanctions are a brilliant way to defeat a dangerous enemy without firing a shot....and the policy was tried and worked before:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," , p.185
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.


America must defend her people, borders and interests at any cost. Americans for America first; not Americans sacrificing their own safety to benefit the rest of the world. Liberally bleed your heart on foreign soil if you can't handle that.

I certainly agree with you on securing our Borders and defending our People. But we aren't about that at this point. We're about Empire now. If it were about securing our Borders and defending our People, the Borders would have been secured a long time ago. These days, we're running around the world demanding Regime Change and starting war after war.

Sadly, we've become the world's most brutal bully. We've been bombing and invading almost non-stop since WWII. Our Founding Fathers warned against Empire-building. We're supposed be about Free/Fair Trade and Peace with all nations. This Empire-Building needs end. All Empires fall.
securing the border isn't the only thing we need to do, we need to also keep nuclear war heads out of our country. How you gonna do that when they are built in these countries we're in? I'm all eyes to read how you stop it.

Defending our People doesn't have to = Demanding Regime Change and starting war after war. There are other ways to defend our nation and its People.

what war did we start?
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Regime change is not the goal. The administration has made that clear. Pay attention.

Regime Change is the goal. Has been for many years. And we wonder why countries like Iran hate us. Would Americans be ok with other nations forcing Regime Change on the US? It's a terrible Empire bully policy. It's not what our country is supposed to be about.
Fail. It was not the Obama goal obviously, considering the billions he gave them, and it is not a Trump goal.

Mattis: U.S. Not Pursuing Regime Change In Iran

""We need them to change their behavior on a number of threats that they can pose with their military, with their secret services, with their surrogates, and with their proxies," Mattis said during an off-camera briefing at the Pentagon."
Maybe at one time we were about that. But that time has passed. We're rightfully seen as a brutal bully by many in the world. We're now everywhere wreaking havoc. It's very sad. Americans need to realize that all Empires fall. We're already $22 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin around the world. Folks need to read up some on the fall of the Roman Empire. We should learn from its demise. We should end this Empire-Building.

The Roman Empire lasted 2,000 years. Until it was conquered by (if you guessed 'Muslims' you get a prize)

Besides, making broad, sweeping statements like, "We're wreaking havoc everywhere" is intellectual cowardice, fundamentally lazy and infantile all at the same time.

Start a thread on one area where we're doing more harm than good and we can debate it.

Making sophomoric statements like you are is really boring

$22 Trillion in Debt and meddling everywhere in the world. Then you throw in wide open Borders to boot. It's lookin a lot like when the Roman Empire fell in the West. How long can we afford to meddle in every nations' affairs?
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Suffering like that caused by Iran's sponsoring of terrorism ?

The biggest supporters of Islamic Terrorism in the world are 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They've been funding Sunni Muslim Terrorism for many years. For instance, ISIS received most of its funding and weapons from 'Allies' Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation. It doesn't support Sunni Terror Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, it played a major role in exterminating ISIS in Syria.

Shiites make up a only a small percentage of total Muslims in the world. So Iran can't be a big force in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism. The only possible known Shiite 'Terror Org' in the world, is Hezbollah. And most in Lebanon don't consider it a Terror Org. It's a legitimate part of the Government. So in terms of Islamic Terrorism, Iran isn't nearly the threat Sunni Islamic Terrorism is. Saudi Wahhabism is still being practiced by many Islamic nations. Iran poses virtually no threat, as far as Global Terrorism goes. That's the reality.

now for reality------at least 20% of the world muslim population is SHIITE----
that's lots of millions of Shiites. Considering the fact that DA JOOOOS---
who constitute less than 1 % of the world's western population and YET
control everything-------I wonder why 20% of a BILLION AND ONE HALF---
"DEATH TO THE USA people are ok with Dsch ? There are Shiites thruout the muslim world----FAITHFUL TO IRAN ------Iran is so holy to Shiites that they consider FARSI to be a "holy" language. The very first muslim I knew well-----50 years ago ---was a Shiite.------NUTS!!!!
$22 Trillion in Debt and meddling everywhere in the world. Then you throw in wide open Borders to boot. It's lookin a lot like when the Roman Empire fell in the West. How long can we afford to meddle in every nations' affairs?

More broad, sweeping statements that sound more like they're from the Pulpit of a Unitarian Church/Religious Cult than from a thinking member of our illustrious Politics Board.

Buy a clue
Maybe at one time we were about that. But that time has passed. We're rightfully seen as a brutal bully by many in the world. We're now everywhere wreaking havoc. It's very sad. Americans need to realize that all Empires fall. We're already $22 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin around the world. Folks need to read up some on the fall of the Roman Empire. We should learn from its demise. We should end this Empire-Building.

The Roman Empire lasted 2,000 years. Until it was conquered by (if you guessed 'Muslims' you get a prize)

Besides, making broad, sweeping statements like, "We're wreaking havoc everywhere" is intellectual cowardice, fundamentally lazy and infantile all at the same time.

Start a thread on one area where we're doing more harm than good and we can debate it.

Making sophomoric statements like you are is really boring

$22 Trillion in Debt and meddling everywhere in the world. Then you throw in wide open Borders to boot. It's lookin a lot like when the Roman Empire fell in the West. How long can we afford to meddle in every nations' affairs?

The romans fell?
$22 Trillion in Debt and meddling everywhere in the world. Then you throw in wide open Borders to boot. It's lookin a lot like when the Roman Empire fell in the West. How long can we afford to meddle in every nations' affairs?

More broad, sweeping statements that sound more like they're from the Pulpit of a Unitarian Church/Religious Cult than from a thinking member of our illustrious Politics Board.

Buy a clue

be gentle-----
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Suffering like that caused by Iran's sponsoring of terrorism ?

The biggest supporters of Islamic Terrorism in the world are 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They've been funding Sunni Muslim Terrorism for many years. For instance, ISIS received most of its funding and weapons from 'Allies' Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation. It doesn't support Sunni Terror Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, it played a major role in exterminating ISIS in Syria.

Shiites make up a only a small percentage of total Muslims in the world. So Iran can't be a big force in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism. The only possible known Shiite 'Terror Org' in the world, is Hezbollah. And most in Lebanon don't consider it a Terror Org. It's a legitimate part of the Government. So in terms of Islamic Terrorism, Iran isn't nearly the threat Sunni Islamic Terrorism is. Saudi Wahhabism is still being practiced by many Islamic nations. Iran poses virtually no threat, as far as Global Terrorism goes. That's the reality.

now for reality------at least 20% of the world muslim population is SHIITE----
that's lots of millions of Shiites. Considering the fact that DA JOOOOS---
who constitute less than 1 % of the world's western population and YET
control everything-------I wonder why 20% of a BILLION AND ONE HALF---
"DEATH TO THE USA people are ok with Dsch ? There are Shiites thruout the muslim world----FAITHFUL TO IRAN ------Iran is so holy to Shiites that they consider FARSI to be a "holy" language. The very first muslim I knew well-----50 years ago ---was a Shiite.------NUTS!!!!

The only known possible Shiite Terror Org in the world, is Hezbollah. And it isn't considered a Terror Org by many. It's a legitimate member of the Lebanon Government. Shiites make up only a small percentage of Muslims worldwide. So Iran isn't a major player, in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism.

The real threats and players, are Sunni Muslim 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They've been funding radical Islamic groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS for years. Iran, a Shiite nation, doesn't support those groups. In terms of Global Islamic Terrorism, Iran is a bit player at best.
Maybe at one time we were about that. But that time has passed. We're rightfully seen as a brutal bully by many in the world. We're now everywhere wreaking havoc. It's very sad. Americans need to realize that all Empires fall. We're already $22 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin around the world. Folks need to read up some on the fall of the Roman Empire. We should learn from its demise. We should end this Empire-Building.

The Roman Empire lasted 2,000 years. Until it was conquered by (if you guessed 'Muslims' you get a prize)

Besides, making broad, sweeping statements like, "We're wreaking havoc everywhere" is intellectual cowardice, fundamentally lazy and infantile all at the same time.

Start a thread on one area where we're doing more harm than good and we can debate it.

Making sophomoric statements like you are is really boring

$22 Trillion in Debt and meddling everywhere in the world. Then you throw in wide open Borders to boot. It's lookin a lot like when the Roman Empire fell in the West. How long can we afford to meddle in every nations' affairs?

The romans fell?

Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.
Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.

Dewd, you don't know shit from Applebutter about history.

I strongly suggest you do some reading.

One thing to keep in mind....... Most of the people warring with Rome?

They didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to be PART of Rome.

Sound familiar? It should.

Now, turn off CNN and educate yourself. CNN has been known to rot the brain
Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.

Dewd, you don't know shit from Applebutter about history.

I strongly suggest you do some reading.

One thing to keep in mind....... Most of the people warring with Rome?

They didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to be PART of Rome.

Sound familiar? It should.

Now, turn off CNN and educate yourself. CNN has been known to rot the brain

till they died--------they also like to BOIL themselves in hot baths----another
theory is the LEAD LINED water pipes and wine casks-------lead poisoning
leads to a peripheral neuropthy (besides dementia) -------they wobbled themselves to death
Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.

Dewd, you don't know shit from Applebutter about history.

I strongly suggest you do some reading.

One thing to keep in mind....... Most of the people warring with Rome?

They didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to be PART of Rome.

Sound familiar? It should.

Now, turn off CNN and educate yourself. CNN has been known to rot the brain

Yes, they became a PART of it by conquering it and ending the Empire in the West. It's pretty amazing we're making the same awful mistakes. The Barbarians will be at our gate too someday. With a shocking $22 Trillion Debt, Border wide open, and meddling everywhere in the world, the Barbarians will be here soon.
Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.

Dewd, you don't know shit from Applebutter about history.

I strongly suggest you do some reading.

One thing to keep in mind....... Most of the people warring with Rome?

They didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to be PART of Rome.

Sound familiar? It should.

Now, turn off CNN and educate yourself. CNN has been known to rot the brain

Yes, they became a PART of it by conquering it and ending the Empire in the West. It's pretty amazing we're making the same awful mistakes. The Barbarians will be at our gate too someday. With a shocking $22 Trillion Debt, Border wide open, and meddling everywhere in the world, the Barbarians will be here soon.

what 'barbarians' ??? now that the Vikings have turned into Danes
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Suffering like that caused by Iran's sponsoring of terrorism ?

The biggest supporters of Islamic Terrorism in the world are 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They've been funding Sunni Muslim Terrorism for many years. For instance, ISIS received most of its funding and weapons from 'Allies' Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation. It doesn't support Sunni Terror Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, it played a major role in exterminating ISIS in Syria.

Shiites make up a only a small percentage of total Muslims in the world. So Iran can't be a big force in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism. The only possible known Shiite 'Terror Org' in the world, is Hezbollah. And most in Lebanon don't consider it a Terror Org. It's a legitimate part of the Government. So in terms of Islamic Terrorism, Iran isn't nearly the threat Sunni Islamic Terrorism is. Saudi Wahhabism is still being practiced by many Islamic nations. Iran poses virtually no threat, as far as Global Terrorism goes. That's the reality.
Bullshit Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Why do we need to be so feminist about an enemy states suffering? The point is to win after all. And in order to do so your enemy has to suffer. We can’t snowflake and safe space our way through a war. You win wars by kicking the other guys ass so hard he can’t survive and his family can’t either.

More Americans need to ask, why is Iran an enemy? It goes back many years to the CIA overthrowing their Democratically-Elected leader, and installing a brutal Dictator Puppet. It ultimately led to the Islamic Revolution.

And now, we're itching to meddle in Iran again. Yet most Amerians wonder why they hate us. When does all this Regime Change meddling end? It's not what our country is supposed to be about. We're now seen as a brutal bully by many in the world. Let's stop all the meddling and war. Let's go a different route for a change.

More Americans need to ask, why is Iran an enemy?

Because the mullahs are evil.

Yet most Amerians wonder why they hate us.

The people don't hate us, the mullahs do.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Suffering like that caused by Iran's sponsoring of terrorism ?

The biggest supporters of Islamic Terrorism in the world are 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They've been funding Sunni Muslim Terrorism for many years. For instance, ISIS received most of its funding and weapons from 'Allies' Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation. It doesn't support Sunni Terror Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, it played a major role in exterminating ISIS in Syria.

Shiites make up a only a small percentage of total Muslims in the world. So Iran can't be a big force in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism. The only possible known Shiite 'Terror Org' in the world, is Hezbollah. And most in Lebanon don't consider it a Terror Org. It's a legitimate part of the Government. So in terms of Islamic Terrorism, Iran isn't nearly the threat Sunni Islamic Terrorism is. Saudi Wahhabism is still being practiced by many Islamic nations. Iran poses virtually no threat, as far as Global Terrorism goes. That's the reality.
Bullshit Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Impossible. It's a Shiite Muslim nation. There is only one possible Shiite Terror Org known in the world. And that would be Hezbollah. But it isn't considered a Terror Org by many. It's a legitimate member of Lebanon's Government.

All other known Islamic Terror Orgs are Sunni Muslim. Shiites make up only a small portion of Muslims worldwide. Iran does not support groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis hate Shiites, and vice versa. Iran is a bit player at best, in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Suffering like that caused by Iran's sponsoring of terrorism ?

The biggest supporters of Islamic Terrorism in the world are 'Allies' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. They've been funding Sunni Muslim Terrorism for many years. For instance, ISIS received most of its funding and weapons from 'Allies' Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation. It doesn't support Sunni Terror Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. In fact, it played a major role in exterminating ISIS in Syria.

Shiites make up a only a small percentage of total Muslims in the world. So Iran can't be a big force in terms of Global Islamic Terrorism. The only possible known Shiite 'Terror Org' in the world, is Hezbollah. And most in Lebanon don't consider it a Terror Org. It's a legitimate part of the Government. So in terms of Islamic Terrorism, Iran isn't nearly the threat Sunni Islamic Terrorism is. Saudi Wahhabism is still being practiced by many Islamic nations. Iran poses virtually no threat, as far as Global Terrorism goes. That's the reality.
Bullshit Iran is the top state sponsor of terrorism in the world.

Depends on what one thinks of TERRORISM.
Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.

Dewd, you don't know shit from Applebutter about history.

I strongly suggest you do some reading.

One thing to keep in mind....... Most of the people warring with Rome?

They didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to be PART of Rome.

Sound familiar? It should.

Now, turn off CNN and educate yourself. CNN has been known to rot the brain

Yes, they became a PART of it by conquering it and ending the Empire in the West. It's pretty amazing we're making the same awful mistakes. The Barbarians will be at our gate too someday. With a shocking $22 Trillion Debt, Border wide open, and meddling everywhere in the world, the Barbarians will be here soon.

what 'barbarians' ??? now that the Vikings have turned into Danes

Open Borders. The Barbarians are actually already here.
Yes, in the West it did. They spread themselves too thin and couldn't defend back at home. It was kinda like what we're doing now. $22 Trillion in Debt, Wide open Border, and meddling everywhere in the world. This Empire-Building is gonna cost us bigtime at some point. I recommend we scale things way back and end the Empire-Building Agenda.

Dewd, you don't know shit from Applebutter about history.

I strongly suggest you do some reading.

One thing to keep in mind....... Most of the people warring with Rome?

They didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to be PART of Rome.

Sound familiar? It should.

Now, turn off CNN and educate yourself. CNN has been known to rot the brain

Yes, they became a PART of it by conquering it and ending the Empire in the West. It's pretty amazing we're making the same awful mistakes. The Barbarians will be at our gate too someday. With a shocking $22 Trillion Debt, Border wide open, and meddling everywhere in the world, the Barbarians will be here soon.

what 'barbarians' ??? now that the Vikings have turned into Danes

Open Borders. The Barbarians are actually already here.

who are the barbarians?

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