WINNING! Just The Idea of Re-Imposed Trump Sanctions Has Iran's Economy Crashing!

"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
Maybe we can go in again and overthrow they democratically elected gov as we did in the 50s
And we don't trust them?
Tough, a 250 year old country, been at war 90% of the time telling A 4000 year old country what to do.
Talk about ignorance

Democratically elected mullahs?
You're some kind of stupid.
when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:

Look at Bush's food stamp numbers you fuckling asshole.

As many were added to food stamps under Bush as under Obama & Obama had the worst recession in 80 years handed to him.

Fuck you dishonest POS. You & Trump are a pair.
why didn't you just post them since you know already? I doubt you have a link.

I doubt you have the ability to follow any link since you are too fucking stupid to look up the numbers yourself.
I already did so it’s obvious I’m worlds smarter than you
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:
Think 800,000 losing jobs in just GWB's last month alone had any bearing on that??
I'm sure they did. that was a combo of bad demo tactics with home loans and the end of a president's tenure. not good. the dems then double down when obammy got elected cause election have consequences so people had to lose more jobs.

In the month that Obama took office we lost 800,000 jobs. That was January & we lost that many in February & then they started to go down.

So how the fuck is that doubling down?

And you bvlame Obama.
dude if you can't use links I'm not talking to you. I provided the food stamp numbers in my last post. unless you got anything else, you're a worthless debater.

Wow, asfterr you hsd a freaking fit " LINK!! LINK!! OMG OMG OMG"

To freak out & have a fir about food stamps under Obama while being totally ignorant of Bush's record demonstrates just how ignorant you really are.
I posted the facts. Feel free to counter that. You won’t cause you don’t know how. :auiqs.jpg:
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
I'm sure they did. that was a combo of bad demo tactics with home loans and the end of a president's tenure. not good. the dems then double down when obammy got elected cause election have consequences so people had to lose more jobs.
JC For your reading pleasure....
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987? - NYMag
Jul 8, 2018 - For all the ambiguous, suspicious facts surrounding Trump's ties to Russia, Manafort's role is the most straightforward. He is an utterly amoral ...
Everything We Know About Russia and President Trump | Committee ...
Donald Trump's connection to Russia and Russian interests dates back more ... First launched in February 2017, the Trump-Russia Timeline now contains more ...
Russia: Trump & His Team's Ties | Congressman Eric Swalwell
Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties
Despite Russia's harmful national interests against the U.S., and its human rights violations around the world, President Trump and his team are directly and ...
The Pompeo Hearing Gets Testy - Video -
▶ 0:57
6 days ago - Uploaded by The New York Times
... who took exception to his question about whether President Trump talked to him about his meeting with ...

Paul Manafort's trial: One question could tie his Russia connections to ...
The question hanging over Paul Manafort...
6 hours ago - One question hangs over Paul Manafort, Donald Trump'sformer ... say has close ties to president Vladimir Putin and to the Russianmafia—had ...
The Bush's, like the Clinton's are evil people. You sir are a disingenuous, deceitful Lefty.
IF they were they are choir boys next to the worst slime bag ever to enter our WH Drumph

One should do one's research on said two families.
I would never call any of them angels but trump is in a league all his own when it comes to sleeze , and unlike the others, I've followed trumps life for many years being from NY

He may or may not be. Nothing is hidden about the Bush's or the Clinton's. They are pure evil.
Not sure about Bush's but Clintons have done more good for more people than trump could in 10 lifetimes
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Why do we need to be so feminist about an enemy states suffering? The point is to win after all. And in order to do so your enemy has to suffer. We can’t snowflake and safe space our way through a war. You win wars by kicking the other guys ass so hard he can’t survive and his family can’t either.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Seems that Iran always saying in public"Death To America" is getting returned back to them!
  2. They are in a death spiral now, down the drain economically, and we all know if the economy tanks people do too.
  3. Trump needs to shut off ALL their oil export channels, then boom, they beg to be forgiven.
  4. All Trump has to do is threaten to block their oil exports, they will fold.
  5. Look at Venezuela...
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Why do we need to be so feminist about an enemy states suffering? The point is to win after all. And in order to do so your enemy has to suffer. We can’t snowflake and safe space our way through a war. You win wars by kicking the other guys ass so hard he can’t survive and his family can’t either.
Republicans love Russia.
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
I wonder when that was. Not in my lifetime
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Regime change is not the goal. The administration has made that clear. Pay attention.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Suffering like that caused by Iran's sponsoring of terrorism ?
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
I don't know. Did we?
What was it Trump shelved?
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
I wonder when that was. Not in my lifetime

  1. a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
    synonyms: agreement, settlement, pact, deal, entente, concordat, accord, protocol, convention, contract, covenant, bargain, pledge;
    concord, compact
What is the Iran nuclear deal?

Gee, I don't know what else to say?
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
I wonder when that was. Not in my lifetime

  1. a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
    synonyms: agreement, settlement, pact, deal, entente, concordat, accord, protocol, convention, contract, covenant, bargain, pledge;
    concord, compact
What is the Iran nuclear deal?

Gee, I don't know what else to say?
Dude, there is a big word in your definition, “”ratified “ do you even know what that is? :auiqs.jpg:
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

For being evil, terror exporting tyrants.
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
I wonder when that was. Not in my lifetime

  1. a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
    synonyms: agreement, settlement, pact, deal, entente, concordat, accord, protocol, convention, contract, covenant, bargain, pledge;
    concord, compact
What is the Iran nuclear deal?

Gee, I don't know what else to say?

a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.

When the treaty was brought up for ratification, what was the vote?
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Our allies won't be on board and we don't trade with Iran. So what are the sanction supposed to do?

I don't know if US sanctions against Iran will do anything this time.

Their exchange rate suggests they are doing something.

So what are the sanction supposed to do?

Punish the mullahs.
For what? Keeping a treaty?

Treaty? We had a treaty with Iran?
I don't know. Did we?
What was it Trump shelved?

Maybe you should consider looking it up, before making yourself sound more stupid.

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