WINNING! Just The Idea of Re-Imposed Trump Sanctions Has Iran's Economy Crashing!

Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.

No suffering, this is good for the Iranian people. The mullahs will soon have their heads displayed on pikes in Teheran, and the beloved Peacock Throne will be restored.

When the Pahlavi Family reigned over Iran, the nation was friendly with the US and Israel, they had religious freedom, as well as western ideals of women wearing miniskirts to the office and bikinis on the beach.

Iran will soon be welcomed back to modern times

They lived in peace and were prosperous under the Democratically-Elected Mosaddegh too. But then the CIA overthrew him, and installed a Puppet Dictator. The Shah went on to kill and imprison Thousands of Iranians. Most Iranians haven't forgiven the US. It's what led to the Islamic Revolution.
Everyone knows about Iran and yet the crazy angry left seems to be on Iran's side instead of President Trump. Hatred and disappointment will do strange things to your mental state if you are a weak person.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.

No suffering, this is good for the Iranian people. The mullahs will soon have their heads displayed on pikes in Teheran, and the beloved Peacock Throne will be restored.

When the Pahlavi Family reigned over Iran, the nation was friendly with the US and Israel, they had religious freedom, as well as western ideals of women wearing miniskirts to the office and bikinis on the beach.

Iran will soon be welcomed back to modern times

They lived in peace and were prosperous under the Democratically-Elected Mosaddegh too. But then the CIA overthrew him, and installed a Puppet Dictator. The Shah went on to kill and imprison Thousands of Iranians. Most Iranians haven't forgiven the US. It's what led to the Islamic Revolution.

Fuck the commies and fuck the mullahs.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
not sure your point.
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days

More crap from the feeble minded Trump dicksuckers.

Funny how when those sanctions were in place prior to the agreement, this did not happen. Why was that?
dude you're boring. I read your posts and think, how uneducated you are.
It was an EA (Executive Agreement) so it really wasn't 'illegal', just scummy as hell.


Barak Obama entered into negotiations on behalf of the United States and made concessions and agreements on behalf of the United States, Constitutional powers / authorities he did not have.

I know you snowflakes bend over so far backwards to try to protect President Obama from the crimes he committed, to the point where you can actually stick your head up your own ass, but no matter how you try to explain it or what YOU want to call it, Obama violated the Constitution by agreeing to his OWN PERSONAL Treaty with Iran.

The Constitution does not give the President the power / authority to make binding agreements as was done by Barry with Iran through 'Executive Order'. Try learning about the Separation of Powers Act, something liberals no longer teach in public schools for a reason.

After he signed it he ran straight to the UN to get his illegal treaty ratified by the International body, by-passing Congress again to do so. As such, the illegal treaty was not worth the paper it was written on.

President Trump appropriately voided / wiped away that illegal treaty along with Obama's illegal Constitutionally violating personal 'DACA' EDICT.

Dewd, I am one of the most rabidly Conservative people on the Board.

I'm telling you right now, you're just simply wrong. Presidents have been entering into Executive Agreements for almost two Centuries.

Executive Agreements
well yeah it was illegal. the action obammy took with Iran was illegal.
Funny how when those sanctions were in place prior to the agreement, this did not happen. Why was that?

Because wealthy Clinton donors were violating sanctions against Iran and running / selling black market goods to them...

Clinton Foundation accepted money from donors who violated Iran sanctions
and we know that if it wasn't for the American bankers, obammy would have done the same thing three fold.
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

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when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

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when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

Sent from my iPhone using
when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

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when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:
Think 800,000 losing jobs in just GWB's last month alone had any bearing on that??
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

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when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:
Think 800,000 losing jobs in just GWB's last month alone had any bearing on that??
I'm sure they did. that was a combo of bad demo tactics with home loans and the end of a president's tenure. not good. the dems then double down when obammy got elected cause election have consequences so people had to lose more jobs.
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

Sent from my iPhone using
when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:

Look at Bush's food stamp numbers you fuckling asshole.

As many were added to food stamps under Bush as under Obama & Obama had the worst recession in 80 years handed to him.

Fuck you dishonest POS. You & Trump are a pair.
Can we all agree if Trump says up progressives say down? Doesn't matter what it is, progressives are intellectually dishonest.

Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

Sent from my iPhone using
when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:

Look at Bush's food stamp numbers you fuckling asshole.

As many were added to food stamps under Bush as under Obama & Obama had the worst recession in 80 years handed to him.

Fuck you dishonest POS. You & Trump are a pair.
why didn't you just post them since you know already? I doubt you have a link.

Here for the record:

The Obama economy in 10 charts

"Food stamps
6 of 10


One of the clearest signs of how much people were hurting during the recession is that nearly 50 million Americans -- roughly 15% of the population -- needed food stamps."
Did you forget about the 8 years when all you faux-cons were doing the same thing to Obama

Sent from my iPhone using
when was that? show me some media stories from the right that match 95% negative news about obammy. I'll wait. :auiqs.jpg:

you really are a closet leftist. you should come on out.

BTW, had obammy not made the statement that elections have consequences, realtionships may have been better. down right evil man. he proved it. all of the regulations that drove people into food stamps and out of employment searches.
You have alzheimers?? Obama had a streak of 75 months of 6 digit job gains and under his presidency unemployment dropped from the 9's to the 4 %'s
and people dropped out of looking for a job, called the participation rate. derp. just look at the food stamp numbers for his eight years. :auiqs.jpg:
Think 800,000 losing jobs in just GWB's last month alone had any bearing on that??
I'm sure they did. that was a combo of bad demo tactics with home loans and the end of a president's tenure. not good. the dems then double down when obammy got elected cause election have consequences so people had to lose more jobs.

In the month that Obama took office we lost 800,000 jobs. That was January & we lost that many in February & then they started to go down.

So how the fuck is that doubling down?

And you bvlame Obama.

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