WINNING! Just The Idea of Re-Imposed Trump Sanctions Has Iran's Economy Crashing!

Same stupid steps they took against Japan to FORCE Japan to attack the USA....idiotic and not a sane foreign policy.
...but violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to agree to and sign an Illegal Treaty with this nation's enemy, helping to advance their nuclear weapons effort while they mock you and call for your destruction before you sign the treaty was 'damn good' foreign policy?!

And yet we have ZERO evidence they have any nuclear weapons because unlike Israel ,Iran actually allows inspectors into their country....Muh Amurica.

Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has caused the streets of the major cities of Yemen to run red with blood. Ask a Yemeni muslim. Iran wants MECCA
Same stupid steps they took against Japan to FORCE Japan to attack the USA....idiotic and not a sane foreign policy.
...but violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to agree to and sign an Illegal Treaty with this nation's enemy, helping to advance their nuclear weapons effort while they mock you and call for your destruction before you sign the treaty was 'damn good' foreign policy?!

And yet we have ZERO evidence they have any nuclear weapons because unlike Israel ,Iran actually allows inspectors into their country....Muh Amurica.

Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.
Same stupid steps they took against Japan to FORCE Japan to attack the USA....idiotic and not a sane foreign policy.
...but violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to agree to and sign an Illegal Treaty with this nation's enemy, helping to advance their nuclear weapons effort while they mock you and call for your destruction before you sign the treaty was 'damn good' foreign policy?!

And yet we have ZERO evidence they have any nuclear weapons because unlike Israel ,Iran actually allows inspectors into their country....Muh Amurica.

Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.

DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is
for the record-----speak to some Syrians about Iran too-----LOTS AND LOTS of Syrians right here in the USA
Same stupid steps they took against Japan to FORCE Japan to attack the USA....idiotic and not a sane foreign policy.
...but violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to agree to and sign an Illegal Treaty with this nation's enemy, helping to advance their nuclear weapons effort while they mock you and call for your destruction before you sign the treaty was 'damn good' foreign policy?!

And yet we have ZERO evidence they have any nuclear weapons because unlike Israel ,Iran actually allows inspectors into their country....Muh Amurica.

Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.

DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is

Obviously untrue. Iran hasn't invaded either country.
...but violating the Constitution by by-passing Congress to agree to and sign an Illegal Treaty with this nation's enemy, helping to advance their nuclear weapons effort while they mock you and call for your destruction before you sign the treaty was 'damn good' foreign policy?!

And yet we have ZERO evidence they have any nuclear weapons because unlike Israel ,Iran actually allows inspectors into their country....Muh Amurica.

Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.

DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is

Obviously untrue. Iran hasn't invaded either country.

ever hear of the word HEZBOLLAH?
It was an EA (Executive Agreement) so it really wasn't 'illegal', just scummy as hell.


Barak Obama entered into negotiations on behalf of the United States and made concessions and agreements on behalf of the United States, Constitutional powers / authorities he did not have.

I know you snowflakes bend over so far backwards to try to protect President Obama from the crimes he committed, to the point where you can actually stick your head up your own ass, but no matter how you try to explain it or what YOU want to call it, Obama violated the Constitution by agreeing to his OWN PERSONAL Treaty with Iran.

The Constitution does not give the President the power / authority to make binding agreements as was done by Barry with Iran through 'Executive Order'. Try learning about the Separation of Powers Act, something liberals no longer teach in public schools for a reason.

After he signed it he ran straight to the UN to get his illegal treaty ratified by the International body, by-passing Congress again to do so. As such, the illegal treaty was not worth the paper it was written on.

President Trump appropriately voided / wiped away that illegal treaty along with Obama's illegal Constitutionally violating personal 'DACA' EDICT.

Dewd, I am one of the most rabidly Conservative people on the Board.

I'm telling you right now, you're just simply wrong. Presidents have been entering into Executive Agreements for almost two Centuries.

Executive Agreements
And yet we have ZERO evidence they have any nuclear weapons because unlike Israel ,Iran actually allows inspectors into their country....Muh Amurica.

Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.

DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is

Obviously untrue. Iran hasn't invaded either country.

ever hear of the word HEZBOLLAH?

Not an Iran 'invasion.' I think you're just trying to stretch the definition of 'invasion', to justify your own nation's numerous invasions and 'interventions' since WWII.
Yeah, and when's the last time Iran invaded a country? Compare that to the numerous US invasions and 'interventions' since WWII. Who's the aggressor in this mess?

Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.

DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is

Obviously untrue. Iran hasn't invaded either country.

ever hear of the word HEZBOLLAH?

Not an Iran 'invasion.' I think you're just trying to stretch the definition of 'invasion', to justify your own nation's numerous invasions and 'interventions' since WWII.

very definitely an IRAN invasion. Trained, funded and armed by Iran---not private Iranian citizens with a weird ideology-----THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT-----ITS PROXY ARMY
Iran has invaded Lebanon and Yemen.

DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is

Obviously untrue. Iran hasn't invaded either country.

ever hear of the word HEZBOLLAH?

Not an Iran 'invasion.' I think you're just trying to stretch the definition of 'invasion', to justify your own nation's numerous invasions and 'interventions' since WWII.

very definitely an IRAN invasion. Trained, funded and armed by Iran---not private Iranian citizens with a weird ideology-----THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT-----ITS PROXY ARMY

Again, pretty sure you're just stretching the definition of 'invasion' to justify your own nation's numerous invasions and 'interventions' over the years. Iran doesn't even have military bases in Lebanon. It may have some now in Syria though.

But in stark contrast, the US has numerous military bases all over the world. Does that mean the US has 'invaded' all those nations? I think you do understand all that. You're just trying to justify the Permanent War Agenda.
Last edited:
It was an EA (Executive Agreement) so it really wasn't 'illegal', just scummy as hell.


Barak Obama entered into negotiations on behalf of the United States and made concessions and agreements on behalf of the United States, Constitutional powers / authorities he did not have.

I know you snowflakes bend over so far backwards to try to protect President Obama from the crimes he committed, to the point where you can actually stick your head up your own ass, but no matter how you try to explain it or what YOU want to call it, Obama violated the Constitution by agreeing to his OWN PERSONAL Treaty with Iran.

The Constitution does not give the President the power / authority to make binding agreements as was done by Barry with Iran through 'Executive Order'. Try learning about the Separation of Powers Act, something liberals no longer teach in public schools for a reason.

After he signed it he ran straight to the UN to get his illegal treaty ratified by the International body, by-passing Congress again to do so. As such, the illegal treaty was not worth the paper it was written on.

President Trump appropriately voided / wiped away that illegal treaty along with Obama's illegal Constitutionally violating personal 'DACA' EDICT.

Dewd, I am one of the most rabidly Conservative people on the Board.

I'm telling you right now, you're just simply wrong. Presidents have been entering into Executive Agreements for almost two Centuries.

Executive Agreements

Kings have talked to each other for MILLENNIA
DSCH finds it FUNNY that Iran invaded Lebanon and Yemen-------the people of Lebanon and Yemen are not
Laughing. We got LOTS OF YEMENIS and LOTS OF LEBANESE right here in the USA-----ask them how FUNNY
it is

Obviously untrue. Iran hasn't invaded either country.

ever hear of the word HEZBOLLAH?

Not an Iran 'invasion.' I think you're just trying to stretch the definition of 'invasion', to justify your own nation's numerous invasions and 'interventions' since WWII.

very definitely an IRAN invasion. Trained, funded and armed by Iran---not private Iranian citizens with a weird ideology-----THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT-----ITS PROXY ARMY

Again, pretty sure you're just stretching the definition of 'invasion' to justify your own nation's numerous invasions and 'interventions' over the years. Iran doesn't even have military bases in Lebanon. It may have some now in Syria though.

But in stark contrast, the US has numerous military bases all over the world. Does that mean the US has invaded all those nations? I think you do understand all that. You're just trying to justify the Permanent War Agenda.

wrong again-----military bases that just SIT THERE-----like our bases in Germany and Saudi Arabia is not INVASION------
operatives who are armed and fighting and engaging in
terrorism -----IS INVASION
"Iran's currency traded at a fresh record-low of 119,000 to the dollar on Tuesday, a loss of nearly two-thirds of its value since the start of the year as US sanctions loom.

The Iranian rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the re-imposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6.

It hit 100,000 to the dollar for the first time on Sunday and continued its decline, losing 18 percent of its value in less than two days.

On January 1, the dollar was worth 42,900 rials.

The government has been in crisis mode, replacing its central bank chief last week.

The central bank issued a statement on Monday, blaming the currency volatility on the "enemies' conspiracy" and vowing fresh counter-measures "in the coming days".

It was nice of Iran to give President Trump credit for their economy's collapse the way they did.


Iran currency drops 18% in two days
Cool :love_ya4:
I'm telling you right now, you're just simply wrong. Presidents have been entering into Executive Agreements for almost two Centuries.
Dude, I am telling you that what Obama did was enter into negotiations with Iran on behalf of the United States and his administration / he signed a TREATY with Iran.

'The Executive Branch negotiates treaties, then gives it to the appropriate Senate Committee to start the ratification process.

Not all agreements with foreign governments count as treaties. Trade agreements, for example, don't count as treaties. Some types of agreements just require Presidential approval, others require regular Congressional majorities to pass an Act.'

Obama did not negotiate a TRADE AGREEMENT. Obama negotiated a treaty with an enemy of this nation that eliminated sanctions preventing their rapid expansion and pursuit of nuclear weapons, gave them access to BILLIONS.

Obama HID it / by-passed Congress to make this happen. After signing the Treaty he fled to the UN with it so Congress could not see it before it was ratified.

President 'I promise to have the most transparent administration Evuh' negotiated a deal with the enemy of the United States in 'SECRET' - refusing to let Congress look at it while it was being negotiated - and ran to the UN to get his 'edict' ratified in 'secret' (not letting Congress know what was in it until the deed was done.

It does not matter what you call it - the deal SUCKED, endangered the US, started an arms race in the middle East etc (why the Founding Fathers did not want 1 asshole to have the power to enter into such a horrible deal on his own - why they wanted CONGRESS to approve such a deal.

Obama did not take it to Congress and did this on his own because he KNEW Congress would never approve it....

(....much like how he never went before Congress to ask for the authority to take the US to war in Libya to help AL QAEDA - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country. Obama knew there was no way in hell Congress would let him drag the US into a war to help Al Qaeda!)
I'm telling you right now, you're just simply wrong. Presidents have been entering into Executive Agreements for almost two Centuries.
Dude, I am telling you that what Obama did was enter into negotiations with Iran on behalf of the United States and his administration / he signed a TREATY with Iran.

'The Executive Branch negotiates treaties, then gives it to the appropriate Senate Committee to start the ratification process.

Not all agreements with foreign governments count as treaties. Trade agreements, for example, don't count as treaties. Some types of agreements just require Presidential approval, others require regular Congressional majorities to pass an Act.'

Obama did not negotiate a TRADE AGREEMENT. Obama negotiated a treaty with an enemy of this nation that eliminated sanctions preventing their rapid expansion and pursuit of nuclear weapons, gave them access to BILLIONS.

Obama HID it / by-passed Congress to make this happen. After signing the Treaty he fled to the UN with it so Congress could not see it before it was ratified.

President 'I promise to have the most transparent administration Evuh' negotiated a deal with the enemy of the United States in 'SECRET' - refusing to let Congress look at it while it was being negotiated - and ran to the UN to get his 'edict' ratified in 'secret' (not letting Congress know what was in it until the deed was done.

It does not matter what you call it - the deal SUCKED, endangered the US, started an arms race in the middle East etc (why the Founding Fathers did not want 1 asshole to have the power to enter into such a horrible deal on his own - why they wanted CONGRESS to approve such a deal.

Obama did not take it to Congress and did this on his own because he KNEW Congress would never approve it....

(....much like how he never went before Congress to ask for the authority to take the US to war in Libya to help AL QAEDA - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country. Obama knew there was no way in hell Congress would let him drag the US into a war to help Al Qaeda!)

Your lack of understanding of Executive Agreements diminishes your point on the Lying Cocksucker in Chief making a bullshit agreement with Iran.

the scumbag had every legal right to do it, but what he did was bullshit.
Your lack of understanding of Executive Agreements diminishes your point on the Lying Cocksucker in Chief making a bullshit agreement with Iran.

the scumbag had every legal right to do it, but what he did was bullshit.

'The Executive Branch negotiates treaties, then gives it to the appropriate Senate Committee to start the ratification process.'

Over the years / decades asshole dictator wannabes have usurped more and more power that the Constitution does not give them by claiming to do whatever they want through 'Executive Orders'.

The Constitution provides that "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States," and it goes on to grant Congress a robust-and fearsome-list of powers. James Madison assumed that "n republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates," and he cautioned that the legislative department may tend to "draw[] all power into its impetuous vortex." But modern politics and law seem to tell a quite different story. With executive orders, administrative regulations, creative interpretations of federal statutes, and executive agreements with other nations, it may seem that the President, not Congress, is, in effect, wielding the most potent legislative power.

The President Has Usurped the Constitutional Power of Congress

Obama's 'DACA Edict' is a great example. Obama himself declared he did not have the Constitutional Authority to affect Immigration Law through Executive Order...right before he did it anyway.
Is this what America has become? Wishing for awful suffering. We really do need reconsider this Empire-Building Agenda. We have no right to impose 'Regime Change.' All Empires fall.

No suffering, this is good for the Iranian people. The mullahs will soon have their heads displayed on pikes in Teheran, and the beloved Peacock Throne will be restored.

When the Pahlavi Family reigned over Iran, the nation was friendly with the US and Israel, they had religious freedom, as well as western ideals of women wearing miniskirts to the office and bikinis on the beach.

Iran will soon be welcomed back to modern times

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