Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

Their fetish is deserving of the same rights.

Businesses are a strange partnership between the owners and us all. Businesses are given legal status, the ability to sue, get sued and declare bankruptcy by the law of gays, puritans, muslims, lutherans, them all. So to be fair, businesses have to serve them all.

Ask Donald about the advantages of incorporation.

Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.
Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.

Create fake straw man, then light afire....Nice going. LOL :ahole-1:


No counter huh Mr Pro Discrimination?

The rest of us are thinking about the Pilgrims having to flee the discrimation of the other Protestants.

Maybe you can have some internmwnt camps for those who have butt sex?

Maybe not let them use your air?
By the way he still served her. Imagine that! A REAL Christian for a change.

If a known Al Queda jihadist goes into an American gun store and wants to buy a gun to kill apostates, is the gun store owner obligated to 'serve' them?
So you are conflating a known criminal with a homosexual. Seriously?

Try again.
I had no idea trying to claim equal rights was fascist.

Maybe you lot ought to quit whining when twitter and fb exercise their umh "freedom of conscience" by blocking your haters.
No one has a right to force another into a political or religious view. That would be the fascism I referred to. In this case, homofascism.

Who is being “forced”? Under public accommodation laws in certain states, my business can not discriminate against heterosexuals. I have to serve them just as I would any other customers, but nothing forces me to approve of their behavior.

The funny thing is...Jesus would have served homosexuals...just as he washed the feet of a prostitute... A humble and powerful man. What the fuck is wrong with his followers?
There is a difference between a business serving a homosexual and a business being forced to endorse that behavior choice.

No one is endorsing. It is providing a service or product. I might not like Trump but if a Trump supporter with a MAGA hat comes in to my bakery and orders a birthday cake, I am to serve him the same as any customer even though I don’t endorse his behavior choice.
Wearing a MAGA hat is not the same as anal sex.

Well now....they both can be interpreted as being up someone’s butt.
I had no idea trying to claim equal rights was fascist.

Maybe you lot ought to quit whining when twitter and fb exercise their umh "freedom of conscience" by blocking your haters.
No one has a right to force another into a political or religious view. That would be the fascism I referred to. In this case, homofascism.

Who is being “forced”? Under public accommodation laws in certain states, my business can not discriminate against heterosexuals. I have to serve them just as I would any other customers, but nothing forces me to approve of their behavior.

The funny thing is...Jesus would have served homosexuals...just as he washed the feet of a prostitute... A humble and powerful man. What the fuck is wrong with his followers?
BTW, Jesus told the prostitute to stop being a prostitute.

By the way he still served her. Imagine that! A REAL Christian for a change.
He didn’t serve her by acquiescing to her prostitution.

Exactly. Yet he didn’t chuck her out but instead served her with dignity and compassion. You lot seem to have lost that part of Jesus. A baker providing a cake is not acquiescing to anything.
And straight man can marry a straight man and a straight woman can marry a straight woman. Equality.

Heterosexuals don't marry same sex partners. Your argument is oxymoronic. BTW we are discussing State condoned marriages. No one cares if two same sex queers want to have their own private ceremony.
And homosexuals don’t marry opposite sex partners. What is your point?
I would not deal with a wedding no matter what business I was in, getting married makes them nuts.
Exactly. Yet he didn’t chuck her out but instead served her with dignity and compassion. You lot seem to have lost that part of Jesus. A baker providing a cake is not acquiescing to anything.
Neither are two queers trying to end somebody's business because he wouldn't bake a cake for them.
Talking about the spirit of Jesus....they don't have it. Not compassion. Not forgiveness. Not love. Nothing!

These guys could get a cake anywhere. But they intend to ruin someone's life instead. You shouldn't bring Jesus into this makes you look like a complete hypocrite.
No one has a right to force another into a political or religious view. That would be the fascism I referred to. In this case, homofascism.

Who is being “forced”? Under public accommodation laws in certain states, my business can not discriminate against heterosexuals. I have to serve them just as I would any other customers, but nothing forces me to approve of their behavior.

The funny thing is...Jesus would have served homosexuals...just as he washed the feet of a prostitute... A humble and powerful man. What the fuck is wrong with his followers?
BTW, Jesus told the prostitute to stop being a prostitute.

By the way he still served her. Imagine that! A REAL Christian for a change.
He didn’t serve her by acquiescing to her prostitution.

Exactly. Yet he didn’t chuck her out but instead served her with dignity and compassion. You lot seem to have lost that part of Jesus. A baker providing a cake is not acquiescing to anything.
A baker making a cake that endorses homosexuality is equal to a baker making a prostitution-themed cake. Jesus said to the prostitute, “Your sins are forgiven you. Go and sin no more.”
He didn’t say, “I’ll bake a cake that celebrates prostitution.”
"Masterpiece Cakeshop became involved in a similar case in 2018, stemming from an incident in June 2017. The bakery refused to bake Autumn Scardina, a Colorado lawyer, a cake to celebrate her gender transition, which would have had a pink interior and blue exterior. Philips stated later that he refused to bake such a cake based on his Christian beliefs that one does not get to choose their gender."

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission - Wikipedia

"In March 2019 the suit and countersuit between Phillips and the state were dropped, with the state believing that while the core issue on the intersection of discrimination against sexual orientation or gender identity and religious beliefs of service business remain in question, the specific case around Scardina was not the proper vehicle to answer those questions. The agreement allowed Scardina, should she want, to pursue her own civil action against Masterpiece.[50] In June 2019, Scardina, represented by attorneys Paula Greisen and John McHugh, brought civil suit against Phillips in federal district court on the perceived discrimination. Greisen stated they felt the state did not represent Scardina's case well, thus taking action directly"

I wonder what did Jesus say about gender identity?

Ya got This is devine

Pretty desperate to spin this as a win. Denying gays equal services will still result in lawsuits where the bigots lose.

These cases are not cases of denying gays equal service, it's refusing to engage in an activity that contradicts their religious beliefs. It's the difference between

"I refuse to serve you because you're gay


"I refuse to perform this particular service for you because I feel it would make me complicit in your sin."

Yes, actually that is exactly what they are. Couple A, a man and a woman, order cake number 5 from baker. Couple B, two men, walk in to purchase the same cake, you've denied them equal service and in some places that's illegal. On the other hand, the gay must serve the Christian in all 50 states.

Denying equal service or no, the fact remains that some people of faith are extremely uncomfortable performing this type of service because, again, it makes them feel complicit in the gays' sin of homosexuality. It's just not as simple as declaring bigotry disguised by religious tenets because that is not necessarily true in all cases.

I happen to not agree that homosexuality is a sin but homosexuals don't get special considerations. A person's religious beliefs should be considered and respected just as much as the gay's rights.

That's just it, you want to give anti gay religious bigots concessions we do not give racist religious bigots. Racists tried to use "religious freedom" to keep segregation in place. It failed. Why should it be allowed to work for anti gay bigots and not racist bigots?
So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?
Moses had an Ethiopian wife. Women in the Scriptures: Moses' Ethiopian Wife
I didn't notice anywhere in the bible Moses being defamed or cast out because he married a black woman.

Try again. Next time learn about the subject before making ridiculous arguments.

Historical arguments. I'm sorry you're ignorant of history.

How the Bible Is Used to Defend Racism and Slavery

Don't believe me? How about Bob Jones of the Bob Jones university? Would you believe him?

Is Segregation Scriptural? A Radio Address from Bob Jones on Easter of 1960
Historical arguments. I'm sorry you're ignorant of history.

How the Bible Is Used to Defend Racism and Slavery

Don't believe me? How about Bob Jones of the Bob Jones university? Would you believe him?

Is Segregation Scriptural? A Radio Address from Bob Jones on Easter of 1960
Here's a historical argument for you: Moses was married to an Ethiopian woman.

Yes, Moses. The revered patriarch of the Old Testament. The man God passed the Ten Commandments
on to. Seems that God had no problems with his wife.

I'm sorry you are ignorant of the bible that you pretend to know something about and that you are so resoundingly dumb.
That's just it, you want to give anti gay religious bigots concessions we do not give racist religious bigots. Racists tried to use "religious freedom" to keep segregation in place. It failed. Why should it be allowed to work for anti gay bigots and not racist bigots?
Because plainly there are no religiously based admonishments to shun others on a racial basis the way there clearly is when it comes to men laying together, as the bible puts it. Duh!!

Racists using the bible to justify their racism haven't a leg to stand on, from a strictly scriptural standpoint.
Does that mean that some preachers who have tried to justify racism are wrong? Apparently so. Use your own link, knot-head, to see what Billy Graham thought of using the bible to
justify racism. It pays to vet what you are posting.
Historical arguments. I'm sorry you're ignorant of history.

How the Bible Is Used to Defend Racism and Slavery

Don't believe me? How about Bob Jones of the Bob Jones university? Would you believe him?

Is Segregation Scriptural? A Radio Address from Bob Jones on Easter of 1960
Here's a historical argument for you: Moses was married to an Ethiopian woman.

Yes, Moses. The revered patriarch of the Old Testament. The man God passed the Ten Commandments
on to. Seems that God had no problems with his wife.

I'm sorry you are ignorant of the bible that you pretend to know something about and that you are so resoundingly dumb.

And Paul was probably a closeted gay man. And? Nothing you posted counters what the facts are...The bible has been used to justify slavery and segregation.

A restaurant went to the Supreme Court saying his religion prevented him from serving blacks. Those were his "sincerely held religious beliefs". Why do your beliefs trump his?
So, this is good news. But I wonder how many people cheering for it have consistent principles? And how many are hypocrites? F'rinstance - how many of you respect Facebook's right to refuse to serve people who they think are 'sinners'?

He should have a sign: "I reserve the right to not serve you for any reason I choose it's my friggin" business not yours":poke:

That is not an absolute right...

Not interested in parsing what you mean by "absolute". That usually points to a strawman. But everyone should have the basic right to say "no". Compulsive service is slavery.
Interestingly enough....that same baker would NOT be allowed to say no to a muslim, or a buddhist or a pagan based on religion.
No, the decision has to do with religious freedom that was denied to Aaron and Melissa by a 'state body.' It was NOT about any 'rights' the gay couple were entitled to. In fact, according to the 14th the gay couple was NOT denied equal protection as they could always go somewhere else.
There is no constitutionally guaranteed right to a wedding cake and if there were there is no right that compels the person you choose to make your cake to make it for you.
Labor cannot be forced or mandatory....that's called slavery.
No Constitutionally guaranteed right to a business license....especially if you cannot follow the business laws inherent with getting said license. Or don't religious people who have these "deeply felt beliefs" have to do so in order to keep their licenses?
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Where in the Bible does it say interracial marriage is a sin? Verse please
Where in the Bible? Good question....this Virginia judge had a "deeply felt belief" that it was God's plan:

On October 28, 1964, after waiting almost a year for a response to their motion, the ACLU attorneys brought a class action suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. This prompted the county court judge in the case, Leon M. Bazile (1890–1967), to issue a ruling on the long-pending motion to vacate. Echoing Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's 18th-century interpretation of race, Bazile wrote:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.[24]

Loving v. Virginia - Wikipedia
That's just it, you want to give anti gay religious bigots concessions we do not give racist religious bigots. Racists tried to use "religious freedom" to keep segregation in place. It failed. Why should it be allowed to work for anti gay bigots and not racist bigots?
Because plainly there are no religiously based admonishments to shun others on a racial basis the way there clearly is when it comes to men laying together, as the bible puts it. Duh!!

Racists using the bible to justify their racism haven't a leg to stand on, from a strictly scriptural standpoint.
Does that mean that some preachers who have tried to justify racism are wrong? Apparently so.

The racists disagree. They are just as convinced of the bible verses supporting their beliefs as you are of yours. You seem to think your hate is more supported than theirs, but they don't.

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. (Leon Bazile, Virginia trial court judge, 1965)
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Where in the Bible does it say interracial marriage is a sin? Verse please
Where in the Bible? Good question....this Virginia judge had a "deeply felt belief" that it was God's plan:

On October 28, 1964, after waiting almost a year for a response to their motion, the ACLU attorneys brought a class action suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. This prompted the county court judge in the case, Leon M. Bazile (1890–1967), to issue a ruling on the long-pending motion to vacate. Echoing Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's 18th-century interpretation of race, Bazile wrote:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.[24]

Loving v. Virginia - Wikipedia

I didn't ask that, shitferbrains
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Where in the Bible does it say interracial marriage is a sin? Verse please
Where in the Bible? Good question....this Virginia judge had a "deeply felt belief" that it was God's plan:

On October 28, 1964, after waiting almost a year for a response to their motion, the ACLU attorneys brought a class action suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. This prompted the county court judge in the case, Leon M. Bazile (1890–1967), to issue a ruling on the long-pending motion to vacate. Echoing Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's 18th-century interpretation of race, Bazile wrote:

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.[24]

Loving v. Virginia - Wikipedia

Jinx...owe me a coke. I'll add this one.

Connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them should be prohibited by positive law and be subject to no evasion. (Virginia Supreme Court ruling, 1878)

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