Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

And Paul was probably a closeted gay man.
LOL....we'll leave this as another failed argument, probably, since you can't even say for sure Paul was
gay and even if so, his sexuality does nothing to change biblical teachings on homosexuality.

And? Nothing you posted counters what the facts are...The bible has been used to justify slavery and segregation.
Not with any success or actual theological authority, it hasn't. Try and drive that thought through your very thick skull, if you can. You aren't citing facts. You are citing failed arguments that carry no weight.

A restaurant went to the Supreme Court saying his religion prevented him from serving blacks. Those were his "sincerely held religious beliefs". Why do your beliefs trump his?
And how did that work out for him?
Not well I'm guessing since racism has never been justified by the courts on religious grounds, or any other for
that matter.

My beliefs are not the issue's the beliefs of the cake makers in Oregon and Colorado that were ruled upon by the US Supreme Court. I would probably grudgingly make the cake for the gays since I really don't care if they marry or not. But the fact is that labor cannot be compelled or forced by law if it violates someone's freedom of thought and religion. This is not Communist China, though you act like you wish it were.

Not with any success? Are you not from America? Very, very, VERY young? Just incredibly stupid?

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery

The Southern Argument for Slavery []

They even had an entire pamphlet

Yeah, how'd that whole slavery-in-America thing turn out?
Yeah, how'd that whole slavery-in-America thing turn out?
Not very well since the whole abolitionist movement was Christian based. A crummy apologist pamphlet put out by slave holders trying to justify slavery through the bible was obviously not very well received or paid attention to.

Only a real dim bulb would submit it as evidence as it fails not only on it's own but also because slavery is not the issue here. Gay marriage and the bible is but any port in a storm when you are thrashing around for a life saver.
Not with any success? Are you not from America? Very, very, VERY young? Just incredibly stupid?

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery

The Southern Argument for Slavery []

They even had an entire pamphlet
I'm trying not to be outright rude to you but your circular posts about how slave holders attempted to use the bible to justify slavery is so fucking idiotic and plainly fails to make it's point you are making it very difficult on me.

Your reasoning is absurd and just because someone claims something doesn't make it so. Hitler and his adherents had all sorts of arguments and reasons why Aryans were the master race. Somehow it wasn't true anyway.

You are only succeeding in proving how dense you are by this line of specious thought and non reasoning.

To the segregationists and slave owners, it WAS (is) so. They found passages in the bible to support their claims just like anti gay bigots do. To THEM it is as sincerely held a religious belief than being anti gay is. Just because YOU don't agree with them makes no difference. Plenty of people don't believe the New Testament is as anti gay as the bigots want it to be. Times change and so do religions.
Not with any success? Are you not from America? Very, very, VERY young? Just incredibly stupid?

How Christian Slaveholders Used the Bible to Justify Slavery

The Southern Argument for Slavery []

They even had an entire pamphlet
I'm trying not to be outright rude to you but your circular posts about how slave holders attempted to use the bible to justify slavery is so fucking idiotic and plainly fails to make it's point you are making it very difficult on me.

Your reasoning is absurd and just because someone claims something doesn't make it so. Hitler and his adherents had all sorts of arguments and reasons why Aryans were the master race. Somehow it wasn't true anyway.

You are only succeeding in proving how dense you are by this line of specious thought and non reasoning.

Three paragraphs, ^^^ and three ad hominems. Typical rhetoric of someone whose emotions get out of hand when someone offers an opinion which challenges him.

Don't use opinions...use facts

I provided facts. You ignore them.
To the segregationists and slave owners, it WAS (is) so. They found passages in the bible to support their claims just like anti gay bigots do. To THEM it is as sincerely held a religious belief than being anti gay is. Just because YOU don't agree with them makes no difference. Plenty of people don't believe the New Testament is as anti gay as the bigots want it to be. Times change and so do religions.
Yeah, I've already seen an example of your "proof" (God didn't put the black, yellow, white, red people together so that's proof He didn't want them mixing). That's weak bullshit!
Billy Graham didn't buy it. Neither do I.

Sincerity sinschmerity....either you can justify your beliefs in accordance with the Bible or you can't. Racists can't. The anti gay marriage crowd can. So you can kiss my matter how many times you wish something to be so it just is not.
No one can deny someone a contract based sex. It's against the law. The PA laws don't have to enter the situation. Contract law does.

What it all comes down to is the business person is denying a contract to someone based on that person's sex.

That's illegal in America.

How so? I've never heard of such a thing. "Deny someone a contract" is a non-sensical phrase. The entire concept of a contract is based on mutual consent.
Liberals believe in unilateral superiority on a bilateral circumstance, just like cats hiss, it’s s liberal emotional thing.
No one can deny someone a contract based sex. It's against the law. The PA laws don't have to enter the situation. Contract law does.

What it all comes down to is the business person is denying a contract to someone based on that person's sex.

That's illegal in America.

How so? I've never heard of such a thing. "Deny someone a contract" is a non-sensical phrase. The entire concept of a contract is based on mutual consent.
It’s made up fake.
No one can deny someone a contract based sex. It's against the law. The PA laws don't have to enter the situation. Contract law does.

What it all comes down to is the business person is denying a contract to someone based on that person's sex.

That's illegal in America.

How so? I've never heard of such a thing. "Deny someone a contract" is a non-sensical phrase. The entire concept of a contract is based on mutual consent.
It’s made up fake.

Maybe. I've never heard of such a thing. Discrimination is usually only banned in certain situations - PA laws, employment, lending - or when a company is foolish enough to contract with the government. But I don't believe there's any general prohibition about discrimination when signing a contract. It seems kind of crazy to me.

But then the modern liberal approach to civil rights seems kind of crazy to me, so it's certainly possible I'm wrong. There may be such laws on the books (in all fifty states).
No one can deny someone a contract based sex. It's against the law. The PA laws don't have to enter the situation. Contract law does.

What it all comes down to is the business person is denying a contract to someone based on that person's sex.

That's illegal in America.

How so? I've never heard of such a thing. "Deny someone a contract" is a non-sensical phrase. The entire concept of a contract is based on mutual consent.
It’s made up fake.

Maybe. I've never heard of such a thing. Discrimination is usually only banned in certain situations - PA laws, employment, lending - or when a company is foolish enough to contract with the government. But I don't believe there's any general prohibition about discrimination when signing a contract. It seems kind of crazy to me.

But then the modern liberal approach to civil rights seems kind of crazy to me, so it's certainly possible I'm wrong. There may be such laws on the books (in all fifty states).
There is no legal predetermination regarding requiring entry into a proposed bilateral contract.
Makes libbies feel good to say that there is or should be.
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No one can deny someone a contract based sex. It's against the law. The PA laws don't have to enter the situation. Contract law does.

What it all comes down to is the business person is denying a contract to someone based on that person's sex.

That's illegal in America.

How so? I've never heard of such a thing. "Deny someone a contract" is a non-sensical phrase. The entire concept of a contract is based on mutual consent.
It’s made up fake.

Maybe. I've never heard of such a thing. Discrimination is usually only banned in certain situations - PA laws, employment, lending - or when a company is foolish enough to contract with the government. But I don't believe there's any general prohibition about discrimination when signing a contract. It seems kind of crazy to me.

But then the modern liberal approach to civil rights seems kind of crazy to me, so it's certainly possible I'm wrong. There may be such laws on the books (in all fifty states).
There is no legal predetermination regarding requiring entry into a proposed bilateral contract.
Might make some libbies feel good to say that there is or should be.

I think it's kinda like when they claim the PA laws are there to force businesses to treat everyone equally. Those laws don't even pretend to do that - but libs are convinced that's the deal.
To the segregationists and slave owners, it WAS (is) so. They found passages in the bible to support their claims just like anti gay bigots do. To THEM it is as sincerely held a religious belief than being anti gay is. Just because YOU don't agree with them makes no difference. Plenty of people don't believe the New Testament is as anti gay as the bigots want it to be. Times change and so do religions.
Yeah, I've already seen an example of your "proof" (God didn't put the black, yellow, white, red people together so that's proof He didn't want them mixing). That's weak bullshit!
Billy Graham didn't buy it. Neither do I.

Sincerity sinschmerity....either you can justify your beliefs in accordance with the Bible or you can't. Racists can't. The anti gay marriage crowd can. So you can kiss my matter how many times you wish something to be so it just is not.

You're asking for proof of what someone believes. That's not how beliefs work. Racists believe the bible supports their racism just as deeply as anti gay bigots believe the bible supports their bigotry. I think they are both wrong, you only think one of them is wrong.

So, you think you can tell the racist "you're wrong so you have to serve black people". Why don't I get to say "you're wrong, you have to serve gay people"?
Ya got This is devine

Pretty desperate to spin this as a win. Denying gays equal services will still result in lawsuits where the bigots lose.

These cases are not cases of denying gays equal service, it's refusing to engage in an activity that contradicts their religious beliefs. It's the difference between

"I refuse to serve you because you're gay


"I refuse to perform this particular service for you because I feel it would make me complicit in your sin."

Yes, actually that is exactly what they are. Couple A, a man and a woman, order cake number 5 from baker. Couple B, two men, walk in to purchase the same cake, you've denied them equal service and in some places that's illegal. On the other hand, the gay must serve the Christian in all 50 states.

Denying equal service or no, the fact remains that some people of faith are extremely uncomfortable performing this type of service because, again, it makes them feel complicit in the gays' sin of homosexuality. It's just not as simple as declaring bigotry disguised by religious tenets because that is not necessarily true in all cases.

I happen to not agree that homosexuality is a sin but homosexuals don't get special considerations. A person's religious beliefs should be considered and respected just as much as the gay's rights.

That's just it, you want to give anti gay religious bigots concessions we do not give racist religious bigots. Racists tried to use "religious freedom" to keep segregation in place. It failed. Why should it be allowed to work for anti gay bigots and not racist bigots?

The point I made in my last post is that not every Christian who opposes gay marriage is a bigot. The problem here is that you're arguing from the position that any and every Christian against gay marriage is just a bigot so from there we have no obligation to consider religious beliefs. This is a presumption of guilt where guilt has not been established and it is not in the least bit fair and objective. We have to take into consideration the possibility that the Christian in question is genuinely distressed at the idea of being complicit in an activity they believe to be immoral.
Can a business owner refuse service to anyone they want for reasons besides religious ones?
PA laws...vary in some states....tho I believe all states have PA laws that state businesses cannot discriminate based on religion or race or handicap. About 30 states include sexual orientation.

Gender is included.

Which sexual orientation doesn't need to be in the list if they include gender and all of them do.

It's illegal to deny someone a contract based on their gender.

The business owner is denying people the contract to make a cake or take photos etc, because one of them is of the wrong sex.

That's so extremely illegal here in every part of America.

So a way to get around homophobia to ensure homosexuals have equal rights, use the existing laws of those states.

I had the chance to discuss marriage equality with a couple supreme court justices of my state. I told them the same thing. That our contract laws are being violated when a homosexual is denied a marriage license. They agreed with me and said they had never considered it that way.

So if someone doesn't want to enter into a contract because someone is of the wrong sex, they are so violating our equality laws and can be prosecuted. A PA law for sexual orientation isn't needed.

All 31 plus genders?
You're asking for proof of what someone believes. That's not how beliefs work. Racists believe the bible supports their racism just as deeply as anti gay bigots believe the bible supports their bigotry. I think they are both wrong, you only think one of them is wrong.

So, you think you can tell the racist "you're wrong so you have to serve black people". Why don't I get to say "you're wrong, you have to serve gay people"?
No, and I am totally unsurprised you got things all wrong again, even though I've stated it plainly enough over and over.
The bible supports the idea that being gay is a sin but nowhere can I find passages in the bible that support racism and the notion of racial superiority.

What you've provided is rationalizing by racist preachers and slave holders justifying a segregated world and nation
But that's their view. Not that of the bible. And I'n sure they believe whole heartedly in their view. But that belief, their own belief, is unsupported by the bible

And that's how the Supreme Court ruled...based on the scripture of the bible that would support an anti same sex marriage view but not one that's racist. Deal with it.
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You're asking for proof of what someone believes. That's not how beliefs work. Racists believe the bible supports their racism just as deeply as anti gay bigots believe the bible supports their bigotry. I think they are both wrong, you only think one of them is wrong.

So, you think you can tell the racist "you're wrong so you have to serve black people". Why don't I get to say "you're wrong, you have to serve gay people"?
No, and I am totally unsurprised you got things all wrong again, even though I've stated it plainly enough over and over.
The bible supports the idea that being gay is a sin but nowhere can I find passages in the bible that support racism and the notion of racial superiority.

What you've provided is rationalizing by racist preachers and slave holders justifying a segregated world and nation
But that's their view. Not that of the bible. And I'n sure they believe whole heartedly in their view. But that belief, their own belief, is unsupported by the bible

And that's how the Supreme Court ruled...based on the scripture of the bible that would support an anti same sex marriage view but not one that's racist. Deal with it.

It doesn't matter if YOU think the passages support racism, slavery or segregation...The racists believe they do. Do you think you get to dictate someone else's sincerely held religious belief?
It doesn't matter if YOU think the passages support racism, slavery or segregation...The racists believe they do. Do you think you get to dictate someone else's sincerely held religious belief?
Then let the racists argue their case before the Supreme Court as the Kleins have.

Oh...that's right. They already have and got absolutely nowhere!
I give you one last chance to catch me where the bible endorses or encourages racism.

Show me anything remotely like Leviticus 18:22 with regard to race or shut the fuck up and go away.

Really. Prove your point or shut the fuck up and go away! I'm not interested in what racists think or how they rationalize their idiocy. I'm looking for one single biblical passage that starkly states support by God for racism the way Leviticus 18:22 states things plainly with regard to homosexuality.

Thank you and good bye.
It doesn't matter if YOU think the passages support racism, slavery or segregation...The racists believe they do. Do you think you get to dictate someone else's sincerely held religious belief?
Then let the racists argue their case before the Supreme Court as the Kleins have.

Oh...that's right. They already have and got absolutely nowhere!
I give you one last chance to catch me where the bible endorses or encourages racism.

Show me anything remotely like Leviticus 18:22 with regard to race or shut the fuck up and go away.

Really. Prove your point or shut the fuck up and go away! I'm not interested in what racists think or how they rationalize their idiocy. I'm looking for one single biblical passage that starkly states support by God for racism the way Leviticus 18:22 states things plainly with regard to homosexuality.

Thank you and good bye.

Leviticus? That's old testament stuff and doesn't apply, remember?

Every link I gave you, you obviously didn't read because their justifications were all in there. But you're a Trumpsters so you need things fed to you like a baby bird so here you go.

This is one the segregationists like to hang their hat on:

Acts 17

And he [God] made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, (ESV)

Nehemiah 13:23–30
In those days also saw I Jews that had married wives of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of Moab:

24 And their children spake half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the Jews' language, but according to the language of each people.

25 And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.

26 Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.

27 Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?

28 And one of the sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib the high priest, was son in law to Sanballat the Horonite: therefore I chased him from me.

29 Remember them, O my God, because they have defiled the priesthood, and the covenant of the priesthood, and of the Levites.

30 Thus cleansed I them from all strangers, and appointed the wards of the priests and the Levites, every one in his business;

Numbers 25:1–13

6 And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. When Phinehas othe son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand.

10 And the Lord said to Moses, was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in rmy jealousy. s‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace, this descendants after him the covenant of ua perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel.’ ”

And that's just the stuff used to justify segregation. There's all kinds of verses supporting slavery too.
Leviticus? That's old testament stuff and doesn't apply, remember?
Nope! What are you talking about? Doesn't "apply" how and to whom?

And when you finish not being able to explain that go ahead and explain all the other citations which you clearly don't understand and show the racism in each and every one.

I can keep showing what a ridiculous clown you are as long as you can keep putting your ignorance and stubbornness on display. It's very easy.
And at the end of everything, the Supreme Court rulings will still be in place and those bakers who were railroaded by
leftist state civil rights commissions and boards will still be exonerated.

I hope you didn't waste too much time pulling up that evidence of nothing. You probably didn't.

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