Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

I've been in lots of churches. I've never picked up a bible anywhere that was comprised only of the New Testament.
Your authoritative wisdom when it comes to Christian theology is ridiculous. Watching you explain how Christianity
works is like watching a retard trying to solve a Rubic's Cube.
I've been in lots of churches. I've never picked up a bible anywhere that was comprised only of the New Testament.
Your authoritative wisdom when it comes to Christian theology is ridiculous. Watching you explain how Christianity
works is like watching a retard trying to solve a Rubic's Cube.

Are you trying to make my point that the anti gay bias is not about religion but is just about hate? If these bakers were going off Leviticus, they’d have A LOT more people to not bake wedding cakes for.

*People who wear clothing of mixed cloth
*People who eat shellfish
*People who cut their hair or trim their beards

And the penalty for these “transgressions” is often death. Now tell me again how the OT is followed?

If just once one of the supposed “Christian bakers” refused to bake a wedding cake for a formerly divorced couple, I might actually believe they have “sincerely held religious beliefs” and weren’t simply bigots hiding behind religion.
Leviticus? That's old testament stuff and doesn't apply, remember?
Nope! What are you talking about? Doesn't "apply" how and to whom?

Doesn't apply to Christians. Christians, allegedly, follow the New Testament not Old Testament...which is where Leviticus resides.

Christians follow the Bible and understand don't have the first clue

Really? Stoned any adulterers lately?
Are you trying to make my point that the anti gay bias is not about religion but is just about hate? If these bakers were going off Leviticus, they’d have A LOT more people to not bake wedding cakes for.

*People who wear clothing of mixed cloth
*People who eat shellfish
*People who cut their hair or trim their beards

And the penalty for these “transgressions” is often death. Now tell me again how the OT is followed?

If just once one of the supposed “Christian bakers” refused to bake a wedding cake for a formerly divorced couple, I might actually believe they have “sincerely held religious beliefs” and weren’t simply bigots hiding behind religion.
:icon_rolleyes: Once more you validate my statement that watching you struggle with explaining the bible is like watching a retard trying to solve a Rubic's Cube puzzle.

You act as if Leviticus is the only place in the bible where homosexuality is condemned and rejected. It is not!
35 Important Bible Verses About Homosexuality And Being Gay (2019)

Ever hear of a place called Sodom...the San Francisco of antiquity? And what the people liked to do there? was called sodomy. And what happened to the town, it so displeased God?
Well, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Surprise!

As for the other quaint Old Testament admonitions of Leviticus people don't mind hair cuts so much. But sticking one's wiener in another man's poo hole is still seen as a disgusting vile depraved act. Funny how that goes.
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I've been in lots of churches. I've never picked up a bible anywhere that was comprised only of the New Testament.
Your authoritative wisdom when it comes to Christian theology is ridiculous. Watching you explain how Christianity
works is like watching a retard trying to solve a Rubic's Cube.

Dear Eric Arthur Blair
The separate books I've seen that were New Testament only
were not in churches but they are distributed as more convenient to reference.
I guess that's why they print them that way.

I agree with both you and Seawytch
No, Christians are not bound by the letter of the law
as in the OT.
But yes, Christians are still compelled to keep
the 10 commandments and follow the
authority of Jesus or Justice that
FULFILLS the law and doesn't abolish it,
nor imposes judgment or condemnation
but exists to CORRECT and RECONCILE.

The spirit of the NT is RESTORATIVE JUSTICE.
That's the meaning and message of CHRIST JESUS.
to bring peace and justice by establishing TRUTH.

When we no longer violate laws we no longer
invoke the OT codes of punishment and judgment.

Instead we seek forgiveness for correction
so we RESTORE good faith relations and justice
to find renewed PEACE in relations and society.

It's not about "rejecting" laws in order to escape judgment.
It's about following and fulfilling them NATURALLY
so there are no more transgressions but these
are prevented and corrected in Christ Jesus/Restorative Justice
that we live by instead of judgment and punishment
by retributive justice as in the OT. We keep the laws
but stop the corruption and abuses of them.
Dear Eric Arthur Blair
The separate books I've seen that were New Testament only
were not in churches but they are distributed as more convenient to reference.
I guess that's why they print them that way.
And I stand by my statement that I've never seen a bible in all my years of infrequent church attendance consisting only of the New Testament.

Christianity itself is a new compact with God that began with Jesus and the old eye for an eye ways of the Old Testament were superseded but still the patriarchs of the church, Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc. are still very essential to the modern Christian church.
Dear Eric Arthur Blair
The separate books I've seen that were New Testament only
were not in churches but they are distributed as more convenient to reference.
I guess that's why they print them that way.
And I stand by my statement that I've never seen a bible in all my years of infrequent church attendance consisting only of the New Testament.

Christianity itself is a new compact with God that began with Jesus and the old eye for an eye ways of the Old Testament were superseded but still the patriarchs of the church, Moses, Abraham, Noah, etc. are still very essential to the modern Christian church.

Thank you Eric Arthur Blair
Basically the SPIRIT of the laws or JUSTICE/JESUS
fulfills the laws that are no longer enforced by the "literal letter"
which gets politicized and corrupted by greed for power.

Seawytch do you understand the difference between
living by the SPIRIT of the laws instead of the letter?

We have the same conflicts over Constitutional laws.
If people insist they are following the letter but violating
the spirit of the laws, that isn't the right spirit.

The rightful spirit of the laws would UNITE people in AGREEMENT
for ALL people.

With both church and state, we are seeking that perfect justice
that does represent and protect all people's interest. So this is
what Christianity seeks to do using Scriptural laws and authority.
And what Constitutionalism seeks to do using Civil laws and authority.
To understand the bible from within stupidity is a different thing than understanding it from without stupidity. That is why the bible joins all self-glossing literatures of the planet as being dangerous, based as they are on the infantilism of fairy tales and non-existent entities.

Derrida aligns justice with the unconditional that exceed law, and and the idea of perfect justice or absolut justice is untenable. The coming of time undercuts the idea of absolute justice. 'The established laws may always turn out to be inadequate and are fundamentally exposed to the coming of time, which can challenge or overturn what has been prescribed.' (Haegglund, Radical Atheism)
Their fetish is deserving of the same rights.

Businesses are a strange partnership between the owners and us all. Businesses are given legal status, the ability to sue, get sued and declare bankruptcy by the law of gays, puritans, muslims, lutherans, them all. So to be fair, businesses have to serve them all.

Ask Donald about the advantages of incorporation.

Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.
YOu can tell CRCs...they're all about thinking and talking about anal sex.
Are you trying to make my point that the anti gay bias is not about religion but is just about hate? If these bakers were going off Leviticus, they’d have A LOT more people to not bake wedding cakes for.

*People who wear clothing of mixed cloth
*People who eat shellfish
*People who cut their hair or trim their beards

And the penalty for these “transgressions” is often death. Now tell me again how the OT is followed?

If just once one of the supposed “Christian bakers” refused to bake a wedding cake for a formerly divorced couple, I might actually believe they have “sincerely held religious beliefs” and weren’t simply bigots hiding behind religion.
:icon_rolleyes: Once more you validate my statement that watching you struggle with explaining the bible is like watching a retard trying to solve a Rubic's Cube puzzle.

You act as if Leviticus is the only place in the bible where homosexuality is condemned and rejected. It is not!
35 Important Bible Verses About Homosexuality And Being Gay (2019)

Ever hear of a place called Sodom...the San Francisco of antiquity? And what the people liked to do there? was called sodomy. And what happened to the town, it so displeased God?
Well, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. Surprise!

As for the other quaint Old Testament admonitions of Leviticus people don't mind hair cuts so much. But sticking one's wiener in another man's poo hole is still seen as a disgusting vile depraved act. Funny how that goes.

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for in-hospitality and is also OT.

49 “ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

You can't pick and choose which of the parts of Leviticus you want to adhere to. You don't get to beat gays with the restrictions of Leviticus while ignoring the parts you violate. God didn't make a distinction.

What did Jesus say about gays? He said a lot about divorce...
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for in-hospitality and is also OT.

49 “ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
You forgot the part about the Sodomites. Now how did that happen? Cherry picking much?

You can't pick and choose which of the parts of Leviticus you want to adhere to. You don't get to beat gays with the restrictions of Leviticus while ignoring the parts you violate. God didn't make a distinction.
I gave you a citation which included 35 different verses condemning homosexuality which you absolutely ignored!
Don't talk to me about cherry picking.

Throughout the ages people have forgotten about not cutting your own hair or wearing clothes of different fabrics just like they ignore keeping the sabbath holy. Because it seems to be inconsequential.
But people world wide are still quite offended by sodomites, though we tend to ignore whatever two people do to each other behind closed doors.
That's how humanity marches on.
What did Jesus say about gays? He said a lot about divorce...
He said lots of things. I never heard of him approving of men fornicating with other men in sodomy. Have you?
I wonder if a painting company would be required to paint a house with two men butt humping?
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for in-hospitality and is also OT.

49 “ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
You forgot the part about the Sodomites. Now how did that happen? Cherry picking much?

I forgot nothing, I'm simply better educated on the subject than you are.

Are you familiar with the story at all? Lott welcomed two angels (strangers) into his home. The in-hospitable townspeople demanded Lott produce the strangers. The crowd allegedly wanted to rape the angels (who are like 9 foot begins of light so I'd have liked to see how that was supposed to be possible) but the "godly" Lott offered his virgin daughters to the angry crowd instead. Now rape, as you may or may not be aware, is not a sexual act. The men of the town were not gay with consenting same sex attractions, they were an angry mob bent on asserting power over the strangers..

Let's fast forward to Lott escaping into the mountains with only his daughters...who he FUCKED. Tell me how gays got the bad rap in that story?

Oh, and God decided to destroy S & G before the crowd wanted to rape the angels so it obviously wasn't destroyed because of the gays.
Their fetish is deserving of the same rights.

Businesses are a strange partnership between the owners and us all. Businesses are given legal status, the ability to sue, get sued and declare bankruptcy by the law of gays, puritans, muslims, lutherans, them all. So to be fair, businesses have to serve them all.

Ask Donald about the advantages of incorporation.

Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.

What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
Their fetish is deserving of the same rights.

Businesses are a strange partnership between the owners and us all. Businesses are given legal status, the ability to sue, get sued and declare bankruptcy by the law of gays, puritans, muslims, lutherans, them all. So to be fair, businesses have to serve them all.

Ask Donald about the advantages of incorporation.

Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.

What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
I’m not telling you buttfucking is wrong. That’s for you and your asshole to decide.
I’m saying that the government forcing that to be everyone else’s business is wrong.
Their fetish is deserving of the same rights.

Businesses are a strange partnership between the owners and us all. Businesses are given legal status, the ability to sue, get sued and declare bankruptcy by the law of gays, puritans, muslims, lutherans, them all. So to be fair, businesses have to serve them all.

Ask Donald about the advantages of incorporation.

Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.

What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
I’m not telling you buttfucking is wrong. That’s for you and your asshole to decide.
I’m saying that the government forcing that to be everyone else’s business is wrong.

So we're agreeing. The government should not treat people differently if they like male or female cheerleader anuses. Anusi? Well, you get the point.
Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.

What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
I’m not telling you buttfucking is wrong. That’s for you and your asshole to decide.
I’m saying that the government forcing that to be everyone else’s business is wrong.

So we're agreeing. The government should not treat people differently if they like male or female cheerleader anuses. Anusi? Well, you get the point.
Right. They should not establish privilege based on anal sex. Just hetero sex.

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