Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

You REALLY think that over 2,000 years ago, the city of Sodom, the whole city, was as gay as the Castro in the 21st century?!?
It is where the term "sodomy" comes from.
I assume there is a good reason for all the queers living in Sodom.

Oh, please do keep trying to explain away the ridiculous story of God destroying two cities because one of the cities was entirely gay. :lol:
I'm not a biblical scholar and haven't attempted to explain why Gomorrah was destroyed. I do know why Sodom was wiped out.
No shit, Sherlock. It's a cautionary allegory against in-hospitality, but you want to use it for bigots to hide behind.
Yeah....(roll eyes). I think I'll find another source other than your unique take on the bible. No offense, unless you are referencing the inhospitality of a bunch of butt pirates wanting to rape Lott's angels.

Sorry, bub, but until these bigoted bakers start denying other "sinners", they're just bigots using Jesus.
You're welcome to be as wrong and ignorant as you like. No skin off me or the Supreme Court's ruling.
Their fetish is deserving of the same rights.

Businesses are a strange partnership between the owners and us all. Businesses are given legal status, the ability to sue, get sued and declare bankruptcy by the law of gays, puritans, muslims, lutherans, them all. So to be fair, businesses have to serve them all.

Ask Donald about the advantages of incorporation.

Yes, a gay man can marry a woman and a gay woman can marry a man same as all normal people. The 14th was not meant to make men into women and women into men.

Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.

What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
I’m not telling you buttfucking is wrong. That’s for you and your asshole to decide.
I’m saying that the government forcing that to be everyone else’s business is wrong. the government is forcing buttfucking to be everyone's business? REALLY? That's what your take on legalized gay marriage is?
Ah, there goes the big government lover dictating where ppl stick their sticks or how they use their holes.

Be careful or else history will look at you like how history looks at the Dredd Scott case supporters.
That is so backwards. This is about homofascists compelling the government to force people into where people stick their sticks and use their holes.
The hetero one is about procreation. Something homo relationships can’t do.

What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
I’m not telling you buttfucking is wrong. That’s for you and your asshole to decide.
I’m saying that the government forcing that to be everyone else’s business is wrong.

So we're agreeing. The government should not treat people differently if they like male or female cheerleader anuses. Anusi? Well, you get the point.
Right. They should not establish privilege based on anal sex. Just hetero sex.
Special rights, eh?
What are you doing? Telling me butt sex with cheerleaders is wrong because its not for procreation?

FWIW, my religion might just come by and determine masturbation or butt sex is a sin and is punishable so tread lightly.
I’m not telling you buttfucking is wrong. That’s for you and your asshole to decide.
I’m saying that the government forcing that to be everyone else’s business is wrong.

So we're agreeing. The government should not treat people differently if they like male or female cheerleader anuses. Anusi? Well, you get the point.
Right. They should not establish privilege based on anal sex. Just hetero sex.

There you go again trying to establish a religious caliphate.
Not religious.
Survival of the species.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
"Democrats should not be allowed to vote"....and thus we get to what CRCs are REALLY all about in this great American Republic.
Judge Bazile's comment is AS MUCH IN THE BIBLE as that cake baking couple's "deeply felt religious belief" to not bake a wedding cake.
Go ahead and cite where the bible states racial groups were never intended to mingle. It makes me wonder why God created racial differences in the first place if Bazile's comment is even remotely true.

I already cited something that offered 35 different biblical verses in which the bible disdains homosexuality. You should look it up.
Go ahead and cite where the bible states that bakers shouldn't bake wedding cakes for gay couples.
You REALLY think that over 2,000 years ago, the city of Sodom, the whole city, was as gay as the Castro in the 21st century?!?
It is where the term "sodomy" comes from.
I assume there is a good reason for all the queers living in Sodom.

It was misinterpreting the bible, that's where it came from. Kinda like "the mark of Cain"

I'm not a biblical scholar and haven't attempted to explain why Gomorrah was destroyed. I do know why Sodom was wiped out.

Yeah, me too. It's explained in Ezekiel.

Yeah....(roll eyes). I think I'll find another source other than your unique take on the bible. No offense, unless you are referencing the inhospitality of a bunch of butt pirates wanting to rape Lott's angels.

Look up the description of angels. Read the fucking bible.

You're welcome to be as wrong and ignorant as you like. No skin off me or the Supreme Court's ruling.
You don't begin to understand the "ruling". You still can't discriminate against gays.
And I already gave you the verses the racists and segregationists use/used. That YOU don't support them does not change their belief in them and support of them.
Their beliefs are not supported by an unbiased and reasonable person's reading of the bible.
Leviticus says do no lay with another doesn't get much more clear cut than that.

Compare that with the idea that people of differing racial groups were placed at geographic odds with one another because God didn't want them to mix. That calls for inferring God's motives...NOT something that is clear at all especially considering that God created differing racial groups in the first place.

One says do not do this....the other says well, this is what God wanted and meant to do. It calls for interpretation.
Are you not bright enough to see the difference? Or perhaps you just don't want to see.
So we're agreeing. The government should not treat people differently if they like male or female cheerleader anuses. Anusi? Well, you get the point.
Right. They should not establish privilege based on anal sex. Just hetero sex.

There you go again trying to establish a religious caliphate.
Not religious.
Survival of the species.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Ah, so you have moved to a dictatorship where the opposition can't vote.

Grasp any straw you can to impose your will and that of the government on what consenting adults do.
You emphasize my point about democrats lacking reasoning ability.
I said nothing about dictating behavior.
I said nothing about opposition.
This is about granting privileges in the name of nature. You can still buttfuck or be buttfucked with/by any consenting adult.
Go get a non-democrat to draw you a picture of the logic.

But you said ppl who disagree with you (Democrats) should not be allowed to vote.

If you mean something else, type something else.
I forgot nothing, I'm simply better educated on the subject than you are.

Are you familiar with the story at all? Lott welcomed two angels (strangers) into his home. The in-hospitable townspeople demanded Lott produce the strangers. The crowd allegedly wanted to rape the angels (who are like 9 foot begins of light so I'd have liked to see how that was supposed to be possible) but the "godly" Lott offered his virgin daughters to the angry crowd instead. Now rape, as you may or may not be aware, is not a sexual act. The men of the town were not gay with consenting same sex attractions, they were an angry mob bent on asserting power over the strangers..

Let's fast forward to Lott escaping into the mountains with only his daughters...who he FUCKED. Tell me how gays got the bad rap in that story?

Oh, and God decided to destroy S & G before the crowd wanted to rape the angels so it obviously wasn't destroyed because of the gays.
Right. :icon_rolleyes: Clearly the mob of sodomists who preferred to "know" the two men staying with Lott rather than his two young virgin daughters were not gay! Sure thing! Not gay at all! No gay tendencies exhibited there. Nope! And Harvey Milk and Liberace were raging hetero males.

"Not long afterward, "the LORD appeared" to Abraham in the form of "three men" come to visit and have a meal with him, and after two left to go to Sodom,". Men! Not nine foot tall beings of light. Men.

The Sodomites (don't forget where they got their name) demanded of Lott to "know" these angels but Lott said take my two daughters instead which did not please them.
The Sodomites, famous for their "sodomy" (but who you insist were not gay) said hell no, bring us those two cute guys in your house.

You claim the Sodomites were not gay but when offered two young virgin girls in place of the angels the crowd demanded the angels (who appeared as men to them). Not gay? Not a fucking chance!

You aren't a liar so much as a deluded fool.
And according to the bible, and not you and your b.s., it was Lott's daughters who got their father drunk so they could lay with him. Lot (biblical person) - Wikipedia.

There was no rape here, certainly not on Lott's part anyway. Better educated? Or just an incompetent liar? Your story is clearly an attempt to deny who the Sodomites were and what went on in Sodom. Unfortunately what went on in Sodom did not stay there.

I cannot believe you offer this all as a serious reinterpretation of the bible. It's fucking bunk!
Get lost.

You actually believe all the men of Sodom were gay and that’s why the city was destroyed? You’re not even applying logic let alone a reasonable person standard. And even if that were remotely possible, what about Gomorrah?

If I may interject here: Genesis 19:4 says that all the men of the city converged outside Lot's home.

NIV version:
4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."

King James version:
4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them

It would appear that, by the text itself, every man in the city of Sodom wanted to lay with Lot's guests. As for Gomorrah, Abraham conversed with the angels before they entered the city and he pleaded for them to spare the cities if there were at least ten righteous people living there and they agreed. So, we can only assume from the fact that they destroyed them that there were fewer than ten righteous people in the cities or none at all.
Right. They should not establish privilege based on anal sex. Just hetero sex.

There you go again trying to establish a religious caliphate.
Not religious.
Survival of the species.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Ah, so you have moved to a dictatorship where the opposition can't vote.

Grasp any straw you can to impose your will and that of the government on what consenting adults do.
You emphasize my point about democrats lacking reasoning ability.
I said nothing about dictating behavior.
I said nothing about opposition.
This is about granting privileges in the name of nature. You can still buttfuck or be buttfucked with/by any consenting adult.
Go get a non-democrat to draw you a picture of the logic.

But you said ppl who disagree with you (Democrats) should not be allowed to vote.

If you mean something else, type something else.
I said that not because I disagree but because they demonstrate the lack of intellect and reason to be able to make a sound judgment.
There you go again trying to establish a religious caliphate.
Not religious.
Survival of the species.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Ah, so you have moved to a dictatorship where the opposition can't vote.

Grasp any straw you can to impose your will and that of the government on what consenting adults do.
You emphasize my point about democrats lacking reasoning ability.
I said nothing about dictating behavior.
I said nothing about opposition.
This is about granting privileges in the name of nature. You can still buttfuck or be buttfucked with/by any consenting adult.
Go get a non-democrat to draw you a picture of the logic.

But you said ppl who disagree with you (Democrats) should not be allowed to vote.

If you mean something else, type something else.
I said that not because I disagree but because they demonstrate the lack of intellect and reason to be able to make a sound judgment.

That's fairly narcissistic.

So yeah, anyone who you don't agree with can't vote. Sounds like a great idea from Stalin here.
Not religious.
Survival of the species.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.

Ah, so you have moved to a dictatorship where the opposition can't vote.

Grasp any straw you can to impose your will and that of the government on what consenting adults do.
You emphasize my point about democrats lacking reasoning ability.
I said nothing about dictating behavior.
I said nothing about opposition.
This is about granting privileges in the name of nature. You can still buttfuck or be buttfucked with/by any consenting adult.
Go get a non-democrat to draw you a picture of the logic.

But you said ppl who disagree with you (Democrats) should not be allowed to vote.

If you mean something else, type something else.
I said that not because I disagree but because they demonstrate the lack of intellect and reason to be able to make a sound judgment.

That's fairly narcissistic.

So yeah, anyone who you don't agree with can't vote. Sounds like a great idea from Stalin here.
The unbridled catering and deference to emotional whim is undermining America
We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple
G-d has nothing to do with your evil and your hate
God has everything to do with my Love, White Privilege, and Patriotism!
It took decades of hard work to earn our privledges but they are a delight once realized.

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