Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

They are baking a cake for a sinful couple. Isn't that the bakers grief with the gay couple, that by baking the cake for them they are condoning and talking part in that sin?

So what if gay couples marry and divorce? That has nothing to do with the point you are dodging.
I agree. So what if the gay couple divorces, as some have done. I don't have any idea what point you think you are making.

Of course're hypocrisy immune.
You're wasting your time. She's Biblical illiterate and is for anything gay.
I agree but it's actually interesting to see where her crazy train will make it's next stop. She's a moron and a good laugh.
I reposted the citation about the Muslims who won a law suit because their religious rights were ignored so the issue couldn't be more clear but I bet she will find some way to rationalize that fact.

I will tire of the idiocy soon though so this will not go one forever.

The case you cited had nothing to do with PA laws. This one does though...

Muslim cab drivers lose round in court
Of course're hypocrisy immune.
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!
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The case you cited had nothing to do with PA laws. This one does though...

Muslim cab drivers lose round in court
Interesting. How does the case play out? Because the Supreme Court ruled that a cake maker can refuse to make a wedding cake on grounds of religious conscience.
In Narrow Opinion, Supreme Court Rules For Baker In Gay-Rights Case

Have you heard of this case? Doesn't seem like it.

I have. Obviously more than you have because I know that ruling didn't change a single PA law anywhere. All of them are still in place and still enforceable.
Of course're hypocrisy immune.
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!

I know they are as hypocritical as you are...

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings
I have. Obviously more than you have because I know that ruling didn't change a single PA law anywhere. All of them are still in place and still enforceable.
And I know several cake makers who can legally refuse to work on gay wedding cakes. Stick that in your P.A.
That's what happens when you sue a business and fine it out of existence (Go Fund Me notwithstanding).
I would be wary too of refusing any work after the Kleins went through a legal and financial wringer.

Why don't you write them a letter and ask them why they will do cloning cakes? Or is it possible a big time homo magazine has not honestly reported the matter?

You've been consistently wrong on everything regarding this issue. I don't take anything you say at face value.
Of course're hypocrisy immune.
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!

I know they are as hypocritical as you are...

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

Should hypocrisy be against the law?
That's what happens when you sue a business and fine it out of existence (Go Fund Me notwithstanding).
I would be wary too of refusing any work after the Kleins went through a legal and financial wringer.

Don't break the law and you won't get sued. Know what would happen to the business without PA laws? They'd get terrible Yelp reviews and maybe picketing outside their establishment. I'm fine with the free market taking care of bigots like Masterpiece and Sweetcakes bakery, but get rid of all PA laws, not just the ones protecting gays.

Why don't you write them a letter and ask them why they will do cloning cakes? Or is it possible a big time homo magazine has not honestly reported the matter?

You've been consistently wrong on everything regarding this issue. I don't take anything you say at face value.

Ah, the weak argument attacks the source because he can't face the FACT that it's not about religion, it's about hating gays.
Of course're hypocrisy immune.
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!

I know they are as hypocritical as you are...

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

Should hypocrisy be against the law?

The law should be consistent.

The Key Principle in the Blockbuster Cakeshop Case Was Litigated in 1968
I have. Obviously more than you have because I know that ruling didn't change a single PA law anywhere. All of them are still in place and still enforceable.
And I know several cake makers who can legally refuse to work on gay wedding cakes. Stick that in your P.A. ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan environments, captain obvious?

Of course're hypocrisy immune.
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!

I know they are as hypocritical as you are...

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

Should hypocrisy be against the law?

The law should be consistent.

Sure, but should it force its subjects to be consistent? Aren't people allowed to be fickle and biased? ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan environments, captain obvious?

Crazy that you would say that after giving me the shocking news that public accommodation laws are still in existence and being enforced. WOW! Talk about mind blowing! sure caught me off guard with that news flash!
Don't break the law and you won't get sued. Know what would happen to the business without PA laws? They'd get terrible Yelp reviews and maybe picketing outside their establishment. I'm fine with the free market taking care of bigots like Masterpiece and Sweetcakes bakery, but get rid of all PA laws, not just the ones protecting gays.
That's just the point you are apparently too fucking dumb to get into your head....these two bakers you say broke the law (in Colorado and Oregon)? They did NOT break the law, and the Supreme Court has vindicated them and attests to that fact. Jesus....get a clue.
Ah, the weak argument attacks the source because he can't face the FACT that it's not about religion, it's about hating gays.
Hate the the sinner. That's what the good Christians say. The Kleins had lots of gay customers until the one day they declined the request for a gay wedding cake. From that day on they were MONSTERS!

Some people hate gays unfortunately, just like you seem to hate anyone who follows the dictates of their religion instead of maladjusted homos but that's alright.
I know of lots of homosexuals who happen to be gay and don't go through life with a chip on their shoulder carrying ridiculous grudges. And it sounds like a cliche but one of my best friends in school was gay.
He moved from California to New York after high school and died years later of AIDS. I don't hate but I don't think one can say the same of you.
Of course're hypocrisy immune.
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!

I know they are as hypocritical as you are...

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

Should hypocrisy be against the law?

The law should be consistent.

Sure, but should it force its subjects to be consistent? Aren't people allowed to be fickle and biased?
People yes, the law no.
Don't break the law and you won't get sued. Know what would happen to the business without PA laws? They'd get terrible Yelp reviews and maybe picketing outside their establishment. I'm fine with the free market taking care of bigots like Masterpiece and Sweetcakes bakery, but get rid of all PA laws, not just the ones protecting gays.
That's just the point you are apparently too fucking dumb to get into your head....these two bakers you say broke the law (in Colorado and Oregon)? They did NOT break the law, and the Supreme Court has vindicated them and attests to that fact. Jesus....get a clue.

Yes, they did break the law and nothing in either SCOTUS ruling changes that.

Hate the the sinner. That's what the good Christians say. The Kleins had lots of gay customers until the one day they declined the request for a gay wedding cake. From that day on they were MONSTERS!

They denied equal service which happens to STILL be against the law in both Oregon and Colorado.

Justice Anthony Kennedy warned in his written opinion that although “religious and philosophical objections are protected, it is a general rule that such objections do not allow business owners and other actors in the economy and in society to deny protected persons equal access to goods and services under a neutral and generally applicable public accommodations law.”

Some people hate gays unfortunately, just like you seem to hate anyone who follows the dictates of their religion instead of maladjusted homos but that's alright.

I don't hate anyone. I hate when racists and anti gay bigots like you use the bible to justify their bigotry. Jesus does too.
Go ahead and cite where the bible states that bakers shouldn't bake wedding cakes for gay couples.
Go ahead and cite where it says they must bow to the wishes of Sodomites and other perverts.
You can't show where the bible states that bakers shouldn't bake wedding cakes for gay couples, can you? Another made up "deeply felt belief".
Only in a pretend way that a fool might recognize. Do you think a cake maker is supposed to
be omniscient and withhold all services in perpetuity for customers who have not led exemplary lives? That really does make you a fool.

He has nothing to do with the divorces of couples one way or the other. Eff off!

I know they are as hypocritical as you are...

Bakery Will Do Pagan, Cloning, and Divorce Cakes But Not Gay Weddings

Should hypocrisy be against the law?

The law should be consistent.

Sure, but should it force its subjects to be consistent? Aren't people allowed to be fickle and biased?
People yes, the law no.

Well, that's in direct conflict with your position on these PA laws.

Should hypocrisy be against the law?

The law should be consistent.

Sure, but should it force its subjects to be consistent? Aren't people allowed to be fickle and biased?
People yes, the law no.

Well, that's in direct conflict with your position on these PA laws.

How so? I think my position is pretty consistent. Racists were not allowed to disobey our laws because of their "deeply held religious beliefs" so I don't think anti gay bigots should get special rights we don't give racist bigots.

How is that conflicted?

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