Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

Yes, they did break the law and nothing in either SCOTUS ruling changes that.
Inventing your own facts now. Always a good move that gives you lots of credence.
They denied equal service which happens to STILL be against the law in both Oregon and Colorado.
Due to religious circumstances, just like in the case of the Muslim truck drivers, these bakers cannot be forced or compelled by authorities to provide services that violates their deeply held beliefs. Forced labor is slave labor.

You know all this and I'm really starting to tire of your game. This is all you've got, repeating the same nonsense over and over again. I am going to have to ignore you if you can't come up with some rational discussion which we both know you can't possibly do. You're on notice.
I don't hate anyone. I hate when racists and anti gay bigots like you use the bible to justify their bigotry. Jesus does too.
Well Jesus also does not appreciate hypocrites throwing stones while they provide cover for sodomites and other detestable abominations before the Lord. Of course you don't just love to smear and condemn the people who have philosophical differences with you. That's how stupid people settle their differences....with hateful name calling.
Why would our civil courts and laws care about what your religious beliefs and "deeply held" hate of your fellow Americans are all about?
By talking to them...or don't Christians do that?
You're a fucking idiot! The baker is not in business to serve only morally exceptional people. How many times have I noted that the Kleins had a gay clientele before the whole gay wedding thing erupted?
These "bigots" served them like everyone else, no questions asked. You should really extract your head from your ass.
They made wedding cakes....maybe if they want to be so goddamned judgemental of other people's weddings, they shouldn't be in the business of making wedding cakes? Pull their license. Problem solved.
But NOBODY is going after that law, the FEDERAL law. They're not fighting for "liberty" or any other bullshit libertarian catch phrases that tickle your "no government" fancy. They're fighting ONLY to discriminate against gays. That's bigotry not liberty.
Clearly not true as in the case of the Muslim truck drivers that was applauded as a victory for individual rights.
Your tunnel vision makes you even dumber than you might possibly already be.
Why would our civil courts and laws care about what your religious beliefs and "deeply held" hate of your fellow Americans are all about?
Good question. Why should they work to protect your right to be a bigoted ignoramus? Without these laws Muslims would be tossing perverts like yourself, or pervert friendly people like you, off of rooftops. And true gay haters, not those that simply disagree with gay marriage, would be out bashing gays in packs with baseball bats for sport.

So I would shut up if I were you about protecting the rights of people who don't think exactly like you do. Let's see if you are bright enough to appreciate this. I doubt you are.
Why would our civil courts and laws care about what your religious beliefs and "deeply held" hate of your fellow Americans are all about?
Good question. Why should they work to protect your right to be a bigoted ignoramus? Without these laws Muslims would be tossing perverts like yourself, or pervert friendly people like you, off of rooftops.

So I would shut up if I were you about protecting the rights of people who don't think exactly like you do. Let's see if you are bright enough to appreciate this.
The same civil courts and laws don't care about muslim religious beliefs. In fact, in the eyes of the law.....christian fundies and muslim fundies are two sides of the same religious coin and are dismissed.

But it is always interesting to sense that gleam in CRC eyes when they bring up throwing gays off buildings. One can sense their envy for their muslim brothers.
They made wedding cakes....maybe if they want to be so goddamned judgemental of other people's weddings, they shouldn't be in the business of making wedding cakes? Pull their license. Problem solved.
Tell it to the Supreme Court. They probably aren't aware of your brilliant litmus test for running a business in America.
They made wedding cakes....maybe if they want to be so goddamned judgemental of other people's weddings, they shouldn't be in the business of making wedding cakes? Pull their license. Problem solved.
Tell it to the Supreme Court. They probably aren't aware of your brilliant litmus test for running a business in America.
The Supreme Court sent both cases back to the state level. Haven't you been paying attention at all?
The same civil courts and laws don't care about muslim religious beliefs. In fact, in the eyes of the law.....christian fundies and muslim fundies are two sides of the same religious coin and are dismissed.
They obviously do care as evidenced by the Muslims who sued, and won, when they were forced to deliver shipments of alcohol against their will.

Same with the bakers who were forced by left wing commissions and courts to labor against their own wills.
Sort of like a black baker forced to bake a cake celebrating the Klan. You know what that looks like, right?

So these people are "dismissed" and our laws and courts "don't care"? What rock do you live under? Just how stupid are you when this entire lengthy thread is about the
US Supreme Court vindicating a baker in Colorado standing up for his own rights? You are impossible to take seriously.

But it is always interesting to sense that gleam in CRC eyes when they bring up throwing gays off buildings. One can sense their envy for their muslim brothers.
Is that what you sensed? I sense a gay Nazi willing to
steamroll everyone he/she doesn't agree with. I sense a fascist prick wrapped up in a bright rainbow colored flag.
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And I can show where Jesus roundly and soundly condemned divorce. Not just six random passages (many of which are in the OT and don't apply), but Jesus, the Lord and Savior himself talking about how divorce is a SIN.

And yet, oddly, not once have we ever heard of the so called "Christian" bakers ever refusing to "participate in that sin".
How stupid are you? Who asks a baker to design a "divorce cake"?

Not as stupid as you are, obviously since i was talking about a wedding cake for someone who had been divorced previously and is marrying. You know, like the extra crispy bucket of Christian like Trump with his MANY sinful divorces. Want to bet the Klein's would have baked a wedding cake for him?

And a divorce cake is also a thing.

Divorce Cakes Are Now A Thing To Celebrate The End Of A Relationship And We Can See Why

And we know it's a thing Sweet Cakes will do despite not wanting to make cakes for gays.

When one of the reporters called and asked if the business could make two identical cakes to help a friend celebrate the grant she received for cloning human stem cells, a Sweet Cakes employee simply laughed and said, “It’ll be $25.99 each, so about $50 to start.”

A request for a cake to congratulate a friend on her divorce was also happily accepted, with a Sweet Cakes worker saying, “We can definitely do something like that.”

Sweet Cakes was even happy to take orders for cakes for a pagan summer solstice fete — complete with a green pentagram decoration — and celebrating babies born out of wedlock.
Wrong. You still can't hide behind religion either. Sorry bigots.

“Colorado law,” Justice Kennedy wrote in one, “can protect gay persons, just as it can protect other classes of individuals, in acquiring whatever products and services they choose on the same terms and conditions as are offered to other members of the public.”
The Supreme Court exonerated the Colorado baker persecuted for declining to make a gay marriage cake.
Exonerate. Are you familiar with that word?

Cite the ruling that "exonerated" them.
By talking to them...or don't Christians do that?
You're a fucking idiot! The baker is not in business to serve only morally exceptional people. How many times have I noted that the Kleins had a gay clientele before the whole gay wedding thing erupted?
These "bigots" served them like everyone else, no questions asked. You should really extract your head from your ass.

The baker is refusing to serve gays by claiming they have a moral obligation to do so because their religion dictates it (it does not). They could prove they are, indeed, doing it because of their religion by actually refusing to bake for other "sinners". But we know they don't really have "deeply held religious beliefs", they're just bigots hiding behind the bible.

That makes baby Jesus cry...
Not as stupid as you are, obviously since i was talking about a wedding cake for someone who had been divorced previously and is marrying.
As opposed to what other sort of "divorce cake" would there possibly be for someone who was previously married, speaking of stupid?.......duh! :113:

You know, like the extra crispy bucket of Christian like Trump with his MANY sinful divorces. Want to bet the Klein's would have baked a wedding cake for him?
They haven't been asked and you are free to rub your little greasy hands together gleefully imagining such a thing.

So you've already said recycling all your failed arguments, as if that will help, again.

And we know it's a thing Sweet Cakes will do despite not wanting to make cakes for gays.

When one of the reporters called and asked if the business could make two identical cakes to help a friend celebrate the grant she received for cloning human stem cells, a Sweet Cakes employee simply laughed and said, “It’ll be $25.99 each, so about $50 to start.”

A request for a cake to congratulate a friend on her divorce was also happily accepted, with a Sweet Cakes worker saying, “We can definitely do something like that.”

Sweet Cakes was even happy to take orders for cakes for a pagan summer solstice fete — complete with a green pentagram decoration — and celebrating babies born out of wedlock.
A) Has anyone but the Advocate, gayest of all gay sources, corroborated this "news"? Were the Kleins themselves asked about this? Not according to you and the Advocate. Try harder next time.

B) Divorces haven't suddenly and controversially only recently become legalized, unlike gay weddings.
The Kleins have every right to withhold their approval for a corruption of a religious institution. Why haven't the Kleins expressed their disapproval of the epidemic of divorces?
Who knows that they haven't?

And possibly because a divorce is a civil matter and not an issue for the church to address. Why don't you get off your stubborn ignorant ass and ask them?
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Not as stupid as you are, obviously since i was talking about a wedding cake for someone who had been divorced previously and is marrying.
As opposed to what other sort of "divorce cake" would there possibly be?.......duh! :113:

You know, like the extra crispy bucket of Christian like Trump with his MANY sinful divorces. Want to bet the Klein's would have baked a wedding cake for him?
They haven't been asked and you are free to rub your little greasy hands together gleefully imagining such a thing.

So you've already said recycling all your failed arguments, as if that will help, again.

And we know it's a thing Sweet Cakes will do despite not wanting to make cakes for gays.

When one of the reporters called and asked if the business could make two identical cakes to help a friend celebrate the grant she received for cloning human stem cells, a Sweet Cakes employee simply laughed and said, “It’ll be $25.99 each, so about $50 to start.”

A request for a cake to congratulate a friend on her divorce was also happily accepted, with a Sweet Cakes worker saying, “We can definitely do something like that.”

Sweet Cakes was even happy to take orders for cakes for a pagan summer solstice fete — complete with a green pentagram decoration — and celebrating babies born out of wedlock.
A) Has anyone but the Advocate, gayest of all gay sources, corroborated this "news"? Were the Kleins themselves asked about this? Not according to you and the Advocate. Try harder next time.

B) Divorces haven't suddenly and controversially only recently become legalized, unlike gay weddings.
The Kleins have every right to withhold their approval for a corruption of a religious institution. Why haven't the Kleins
expressed their disapproval of the epidemic of divorces? Possibly because a divorce is a civil matter and not an issue for the church to address. Why don't you get off your stubborn ignorant ass and ask them?

It wasn't an advocate reporter.

However, two undercover reporters from Portland alternative weekly paper Willamette Week discovered the bakery operators were happy to bake goods for celebrations of other things conservatives traditionally scorn, including parties for divorce, a pagan solstice, and stem cell research.
It wasn't an advocate reporter.

However, two undercover reporters from Portland alternative weekly paper Willamette Week discovered the bakery operators were happy to bake goods for celebrations of other things conservatives traditionally scorn, including parties for divorce, a pagan solstice, and stem cell research.
Better still. Some free "alternative" left wing rag from possibly the most liberal area in all the nation. All my points remain.

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