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Winning! Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

Pretty sad victory. It's like claiming victory when you're the guy that took home the year supply of Top Ramen instead of the prize money.
A “sad victory” is better than a loss. You people are your own worst enemy...
According to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of LGBT advocacy group GLAAD, the number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable with LGBT people in various situations slipped from 53% in 2017 down to 45% in 2018. And the 53% figure is down from 63% in 2016.
Down almost 20% since 2016 because you people want to act like filthy barnyard animals.
The LGBT movement is now defined by fighting against gender norms, demanding that children in drag become an accepted new normal, and filing lawsuits so that biological males can use women’s restrooms.

This kind of aggressive, entitled behavior is difficult to acquiesce to, especially when it infringes upon the rights of others who would rather not participate.
You’re losing, sweetie. The American people are winning. Decency is winning. Reason is winning. Just as President Trump promised.

Here's a Possible Reason Young People Are Less LGBT-Accepting
According to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of LGBT advocacy group GLAAD, the number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable with LGBT people in various situations slipped from 53% in 2017 down to 45% in 2018. And the 53% figure is down from 63% in 2016.

Down almost 20% since 2016 because you people want to act like filthy barnyard animals.

Your link does not say that at all.

Why are always so disingenuous with your posting?
That's not what the SCOTUS ruled. That's what the bigots WANTED the SCOTUS to rule on, but they declined and instead ruled, quite narrowly, in favor of this baker, but ONLY because there was alleged "animus" towards his religion (which is arguable). In other words, they punted because they didn't want to take up the larger argument.
There is no larger argument. The issue is straight forward and it has been decided. You can't handle the truth, poor baby.
No, it didn't "exonerate" him. He is still guilty of discriminating and breaking the law.
LOL....The court ruled in his favor. Period. Do you understand what it means when the court rules in the
favor of one party over the other?
No, I don't agree. Libertarians want to get rid of all PA laws, Republicans will only say out loud that they want to get rid of the ones that protect gays.
There is no movement to eliminate public accommodation laws. I've said a dozen times that this is not about ending gay rights a if that were possible. It's a victory for the Constitutional rights of one single individual and it frightens you.

It's a sign of the paranoia and pearl clutching going on when single one small business owner in Colorado is able to assert his right to follow his own religious values, regardless of what you think of them, is seen as some apocalyptic omen for gays.

We have gay pride hoorah up the ass (all irony intended), gay movies, gay weddings, gay soccer bitches, gay drag queens indoctrinating children as much as they can, etc. etc. and you are crapping a brick because one little
bakery owner had to go all the way to the Supreme Court just to assert his right not to become a slave laborer
for a couple of angry drama queen 'mos. Be careful the sky doesn't fall in on top of you.
There is no larger argument. The issue is straight forward and it has been decided. You can't handle the truth, poor baby.

Yes, there was a larger issue that the bigot baker argued on and did not prevail. This was not the outcome the baker and his bigoted backes wanted.
There is no movement to eliminate public accommodation laws. I've said a dozen times that this is not about ending gay rights a if that were possible. It's a victory for the Constitutional rights of one single individual and it frightens you.

I don't care either way but you can't have it both ways. Either you treat gays exactly like other protected classes or you get rid of all protected classes. It's that simple. If racists bigots can't discriminate, anti gay ones shouldn't be able to either...and that's why the SCOTUS punted, because THEY were cowards.
We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

My, what hatred. I thought this was supposed to be a Christian nation.

Oh well. What's your dream? That businesses, something all of us and big government helps give birth to, don't have to serve blacks, Muslims, christians or you?

My, what judgement! I thought you were supposed to be the tolerant left.

Oh, well. What's your dream? That if you spend every day telling people how they don't meet with your approval, one day they will magically care? That if you shout, "Racist!" loudly enough in response to any disagreement with you, it will somehow make that disagreement stop existing?
Weddings are traditionally between a man and a woman. Gay weddings are aberrant. I see no need to extend any special rights for such aberrant behavior. We TOLERATE benign aberrant behavior as "odd" or "kinky" or "abnormal." But we are not obliged to accept being coerced into pretending that behavior as normal in the course of human society. Before you knee-jerk radicals descend on me, I am not advocating any kind of hate or violence toward gay folks, they are unfortunately handicapped mentally. They need help.

I don't care what you accept. You just can't enjoy the benefits of incorporation which gay taxes go to support and not treat everyone equally. Hypocrites.

Go ask Donald about the socialist benefits f incorporation

You 'don't care'......That says a lot about your own hatred of those you disagree with. Gays are obliged to pay taxes the same as any other sexual fetishist. Why is their fetish somehow deserving of 'special rights?'

Interesting how leftists think "I don't care what you want" is an appropriate answer for them to give, but is never acceptable when given back to them, isn't it?
You know the trolling doesn't help the conservative side right?
Satan's disciples.... really?
When liberals try to claim that conservatives are haters etc... you make their day.
He didn’t necessarily accuse all homos of being ‘satan’s disciples’. Only the evil ones attempting to impose their fascist wills. That may be most but that would be on them.
I had no idea trying to claim equal rights was fascist.

Maybe you lot ought to quit whining when twitter and fb exercise their umh "freedom of conscience" by blocking your haters.

I had no idea calling something "equal rights" made it true. But then, I'm not a delusional leftist.
We have God to thank. Hopefully this will put an end to this harassment by Satan's disciples, aka Homosexuals.

Supreme Court Tosses Ruling Against Christian Bakers Who Refused Cake For Gay Couple

My, what hatred. I thought this was supposed to be a Christian nation.

Oh well. What's your dream? That businesses, something all of us and big government helps give birth to, don't have to serve blacks, Muslims, christians or you?

Muslims, Christians and Blacks are not the subject here skippy.
What, ppl who decide to kneel and do weird things aren't the subject?

No, people who think it's their job and their right to judge others as "weird" and then hypocritically gripe about "intolerance" are the subject. Take a bow, you're finally the center of attention.
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Typical leftist non-argument: "Well, well, well . . . BLACK PEOPLE!!!!"

I'd ask if it bothered you that black people themselves do not appreciate being equated with homosexuals, but we all know they're just useful pawns to you, not actual people who matter.
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Typical leftist non-argument: "Well, well, well . . . BLACK PEOPLE!!!!"

I'd ask if it bothered you that black people themselves do not appreciate being equated with homosexuals, but we all know they're just useful pawns to you, not actual people who matter.
Black people weren't happen about the feminist movement piggybacking on their Civil Rights movement either. It's a funny thing, this human nature.
Yes, there was a larger issue that the bigot baker argued on and did not prevail. This was not the outcome the baker and his bigoted backes wanted.
Never heard that version of reality at all. Get over your butt hurt self.
I don't care either way but you can't have it both ways. Either you treat gays exactly like other protected classes or you get rid of all protected classes. It's that simple. If racists bigots can't discriminate, anti gay ones shouldn't be able to either...and that's why the SCOTUS punted, because THEY were cowards.
There is a Constitutional right to freedom of religion and religious expression. There is none when it comes to forcing people to perform tasks they find morally loathsome. Welcome to America, sweet cheeks.

Your problem is you think queers are the only people that have rights in this nation. Been living here long?
According to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of LGBT advocacy group GLAAD, the number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable with LGBT people in various situations slipped from 53% in 2017 down to 45% in 2018. And the 53% figure is down from 63% in 2016.

Down almost 20% since 2016 because you people want to act like filthy barnyard animals.
Your link does not say that at all. Why are always so disingenuous with your posting?
That’s exactly what it says. It’s there for everyone to see. You may not want to accept reality, but you'll never be able to talk others out of accepting reality.
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Typical leftist non-argument: "Well, well, well . . . BLACK PEOPLE!!!!"

I'd ask if it bothered you that black people themselves do not appreciate being equated with homosexuals, but we all know they're just useful pawns to you, not actual people who matter.

Things you make up in your head don't bother me at all.

"For many years now, I have been an outspoken supporter of civil and human rights for gay and lesbian people. I've always felt that homophobic attitudes and policies were unjust and unworthy of a free society and must be opposed by all Americans who believe in democracy."
As an African-American woman, I am concerned about discrimination against my race and gender. But it's just not good enough to support human rights for one's own race or culture and then be silent about injustices to other groups. As long as that's all we do, our successes will be limited, and we will be working against each other instead of with each other."

"I've made the decision that I'm not going to put up with homophobic bigotry because it's morally wrong and because it lowers human rights standards for everyone."

"I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people. Gays and lesbians stood up for civil rights in Montgomery and Selma, Alabama, in Albany, Georgia, and St. Augustine, Florida, and many other campaigns of the civil rights movement. Many of these courageous men and women were fighting for my freedom at a time when they could find few voices for their own, and I salute their contributions."

Coretta Scott King
According to the annual Accelerating Acceptance report, conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of LGBT advocacy group GLAAD, the number of Americans 18 to 34 who are comfortable with LGBT people in various situations slipped from 53% in 2017 down to 45% in 2018. And the 53% figure is down from 63% in 2016.

Down almost 20% since 2016 because you people want to act like filthy barnyard animals.
Your link does not say that at all. Why are always so disingenuous with your posting?
That’s exactly what it says. It’s there for everyone to see. You may not want to accept reality, but you'll never be able to talk others out of accepting reality.

No it doesn't. When you click on the link you get the analysis page...which does not say anything akin to the above, then when you click on the "report", you get a three page info graphic. This is the one about comfort with gays and lesbians in various situations. There is no 20% drop in any of those measurements.


Come now, Puppy...we know you don't visit the GLAAD website, so where's the original link that you got your bovine feces from.
Yeah, now Trump can stage an event to give the bigot the Medal of Freedom.

Good idea!! :113: And NO, the Baker is not a 'bigot.'

So if a baker said to an interracial couple "I can't bake your cake because the bible says mixing races is a sin", he's not a bigot?

Typical leftist non-argument: "Well, well, well . . . BLACK PEOPLE!!!!"

I'd ask if it bothered you that black people themselves do not appreciate being equated with homosexuals, but we all know they're just useful pawns to you, not actual people who matter.

Things you make up in your head don't bother me at all.

"For many years now, I have been an outspoken supporter of civil and human rights for gay and lesbian people. I've always felt that homophobic attitudes and policies were unjust and unworthy of a free society and must be opposed by all Americans who believe in democracy."
As an African-American woman, I am concerned about discrimination against my race and gender. But it's just not good enough to support human rights for one's own race or culture and then be silent about injustices to other groups. As long as that's all we do, our successes will be limited, and we will be working against each other instead of with each other."

"I've made the decision that I'm not going to put up with homophobic bigotry because it's morally wrong and because it lowers human rights standards for everyone."

"I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brother and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people. Gays and lesbians stood up for civil rights in Montgomery and Selma, Alabama, in Albany, Georgia, and St. Augustine, Florida, and many other campaigns of the civil rights movement. Many of these courageous men and women were fighting for my freedom at a time when they could find few voices for their own, and I salute their contributions."

Coretta Scott King

Your signature makes your posts pretty irrelevant however, Homosexuality is not a race and, nobody condones bigotry. WTF are you trying to say anyway?
Yes, there was a larger issue that the bigot baker argued on and did not prevail. This was not the outcome the baker and his bigoted backes wanted.
Never heard that version of reality at all. Get over your butt hurt self.

So you're admitting you ignored all of the links to the facts of the case. Good to know that you choose to remain ignorant.

Phillips argued that the Commission's order violated his First Amendment rights. Phillips argued that unlike other baked goods, the creation of a wedding cake would compel expressive conduct that violated his religious beliefs.
Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission Colorado Court of Appeals opinion.pdf - Ballotpedia

There is a Constitutional right to freedom of religion and religious expression. There is none when it comes to forcing people to perform tasks they find morally loathsome. Welcome to America, sweet cheeks.

But only if you're anti gay and not racist, right, asshat?

Your problem is you think queers are the only people that have rights in this nation. Been living here long?

Your problem is that you're a homophobe that doesn't believe gays deserve equal rights and protections.
Your problem is that you're a homophobe that doesn't believe gays deserve equal rights and protections.

'Your problem' is that you're a heterophobe that doesn't believe heteros have the same rights as homosexuals. You believe homosexuals have superior rights. Get your TDS butt outta here....
Yes, there was a larger issue that the bigot baker argued on and did not prevail. This was not the outcome the baker and his bigoted backes wanted.
Never heard that version of reality at all. Get over your butt hurt self.
I don't care either way but you can't have it both ways. Either you treat gays exactly like other protected classes or you get rid of all protected classes. It's that simple. If racists bigots can't discriminate, anti gay ones shouldn't be able to either...and that's why the SCOTUS punted, because THEY were cowards.
There is a Constitutional right to freedom of religion and religious expression. There is none when it comes to forcing people to perform tasks they find morally loathsome. Welcome to America, sweet cheeks.

Your problem is you think queers are the only people that have rights in this nation. Been living here long?
So you support people making up "deeply held religious beliefs" to get around the business laws they were supposed to follow by getting a business license.

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