Winning! Trump's $1 Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Plan Could Create As Many As 3 Million Jobs

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What great news this is. What do you think Matthew? You see ladies and gentlemen, this is what you get when you have a smart patriotic president who got experience in building infrastructure and putting people to work. This is all about Nationalism and America First, something former disgraced president Obama didn't like.

You apparently keep forgetting that Congress hold the purse string in this country, and it will be they that decides where the money goes.

Cutting corporate and individual taxes in his big tax CUT plan doesn't leave any money for 1 trillion to be spent on infracstructure.
I'll believe it when I see it and I don't expect to see it until after 2018 at the earliest and probably not until after the 2020 election, if then. CA and the Northeast have postponed well over five trillion of in state infrastructure that has to be brought up to civilized standards without any federal money such as the dam that nearly failed in CA recently.
I'm very skeptical of those numbers. I've heard this story before. This is gonna get a lot of Democrat support, but is that a good thing? For me, i knew what i was getting with Trump. He never claimed to be a 'Fiscal Conservative.' Those who thought that's what they were getting, are gonna be very sadly disappointed. I voted for Trump based on just a couple issues. It was all about Immigration and the Supreme Court. And while he's been thwarted a bit by Democrats on Immigration, he's still fighting the good fight. And if he can appoint 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justices, that will amount to a Coup.

Everything else doesn't matter much to me. He's clearly gonna increase the Debt. But that doesn't surprise me. If he does well on just the couple issues i supported him for, he'll continue to have my support. I mean, imagine the alternative? Hillary Clinton would have been an absolute disaster on Immigration, and she would be appointing the Supreme Court Justices right now. So, i take what i can get these days. That's just how i feel anyway.
much much better than Obama who created 42 jobs in 8 years
Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

The president is claiming a big victory on getting Americans back to work again.

"Businesses that were bleeding jobs unleashed the longest streak of job creation on record," Obama wrote in a letter to the American people this week.

He's right: The economy has added jobs for 75 straight months, although his overall jobs gains aren't as strong as some prior presidents.

The U.S. added 15.9 million jobs under President Ronald Reagan and a whopping 22.9 million under President Bill Clinton if you look at how many Americans were employed in the last full month they were in office versus the January when they were sworn in.

Obama did outpace President George W. Bush though. Bush is in the back of the pack among recent presidents who served two terms. Only 2.1 million jobs were added during Bush's full tenure.

Final tally: Obama created 11.3 million jobs

My goodness, Rex, you are almost up with the orange clown in lies.
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