Wisconsin gov’s collective-bargaining reforms have been resounding success


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Wisconsin gov

Wisconsin struts onto the stage Tuesday in the drama known as the crisis of the entitlement state in the Western world. The state’s recall election of Gov. Scott Walker upstages, however briefly, the story line of Illinois trying to come to grips with its unfunded $83 billion liability in government employee pensions, the comedy of Gov. Jerry Brown pursuing an extravagantly expensive high-speed train to nowhere as California sinks under a $16 billion budget deficit, and the starring role of Greece in the wrenching euro zone tragedy.

The curious thing is that, judging from the campaign rhetoric, the issue that prompted today’s recall election, Walker’s reform of public employee unions, isn’t at center stage in the debate. It hardly got mentioned in the closing weeks of the campaign by Democrat Tom Barrett, mayor of Milwaukee, to unseat Walker. Rather than campaign on collective bargaining, Barrett talked about the economy and jobs, women’s issues and an investigation into Walker’s aides during his previous elective office in Milwaukee.

The reason for that is quite simple: Walker’s collective bargaining reforms turned out to be a resounding success.

  • Public service employees are finally making reasonable contributions to their pension and health benefits
  • Government employee unions no longer dictate work rules
  • Local school districts and governments with new latitude to renegotiate contracts have saved Wisconsin taxpayers $1 billion

Taxpayers have grown weary of financing generous benefits that most of them never see in their lives. President Barack Obama must recognize that voter attitudes on this are changing. Despite the appeals of Wisconsin Democrats for a big show of support, the closest Obama came to Wisconsin was flying over the state recently on his way to a fund-raising dinner in Minneapolis.
Tough sell to WI voters IMO, both sides.

What sensible Democrats whose tax money along with others has been spent on funding spoiled public sector union stooges' pensions and benefits doesn't want them to pay their fair share just like the other workers throughout the state? The stooges had a sweet deal for years but at last they're having to ante up some of their own money, albeit not a the rates others have to pay. Not yet anyhow.
Had to laugh at Barrets campaign sound bites.

Shit. The whole recall was supposedly about the public sector unions rights.

The economy, jobs and investigations into Walkers aides? Thats what he campaigned on??

Jeeze. What happened to all the "Rights" the unions and Dems were bitching about??

Don't blame Barry. Hell I'd fly over WI as well. Wonder if he waved as he was going past??
Wisconsin job losses highest in nation for last 12 months, federal report says

Read more: Wisconsin job losses highest in nation for last 12 months, federal report says

From you link.

But Wisconsin also was one of 18 states to post a statistically significant decrease in its unemployment rate compared to March 2011, the report noted. Wisconsin's rate fell from 7.6 percent to 6.8 percent during that time period, a difference of 0.8 percentage points. Alabama and Michigan had the nation's biggest jobless drops from March 2011, both falling about 2 percentage points, the report said.
seems Walker is doing good after all.
He has done very well under very difficult circumstances. The Unions/Democrats have thwarted him at every turn. But he is making a difference. He's getting their Budget under control and creating a much friendlier Business environment. He's cleaning up an awful Union/Democrat mess. And i'm sure common sense thinking Wisconsin Citizens understand that. I'll be rooting for him today.
do you have an idea of what will happen to this state in a few years if they trash their teachers, nurses, firemen and police and cut their pay?
do you have an idea of what will happen to this state in a few years if they trash their teachers, nurses, firemen and police and cut their pay?
Albiet NONE of that has happened, has it?

You should get a refund on that crystal ball TdM. You got snookered.
do you have an idea of what will happen to this state in a few years if they trash their teachers, nurses, firemen and police and cut their pay?

considering that has not happened as is not being planned, it's a dumb question.
take a look at what happened to california schools and the crime that came after they passed prop 13
Concessions were made by the unions before Walker took a crap on their collective bargaining rights.
The school system in which I teach still has 15-20 applicants per opening, the lights are still on, the buses are still running, and I get paid once a month as promised.

This after two years with no COLA or step increase. Plus, we have to kick in a little more to our retirement fund. It was all necessary to fix the budget and those that complained were reminded of the free market and invited to seek employment elsewhere. Our union was basically told to eff off. *Snicker, snicker*

After the Walker win, more states and local jurisdictions will follow and get their own houses in order.
Concessions were made by the unions before Walker took a crap on their collective bargaining rights.

Concessions were made because they had no choice, Rocky...and as they were being made the Teacher's Unions were pouring millions into efforts to unseat GOP politicians so that the concessions that WERE made could be eliminated. Saying that the unions willingly went along with concessions is laughable.

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