Wisconsin Judge Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Used in 2020 Election Were Illegal

From the link:

For example, a Sept. 25, 2020, letter from an attorney for Republican legislative leaders explicitly endorsed the use of drop boxes.

"We wholeheartedly support voters' use of any of these convenient, secure, and expressly authorized absentee-ballot-return methods," wrote attorney Misha Tseytlin representing Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and then-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.

Should this case find its way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, all eyes will be on conservative Justice Brian Hagedorn, the court's swing vote. Hagedorn ruled against former President Donald Trump and his allies in multiple lawsuits seeking to overturn Wisconsin's 2020 presidential election.
After hearing three hours of arguments, Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren determined state law allows absentee ballots to be returned in person or by mail — but not in a ballot drop box.
"It's all good and nice, but there's no authority to do it," Bohren said of the use of drop boxes.

So the judge is NOT saying there was any voter fraud involved.
He is not saying ballots were not being turned in and counted.

And personally I think the judge is wrong.
If the same security is applied to the drop boxes as is given to ballot boxes at polling places, then these drop boxes are just a convenience for voters, so they do not have to travel as far.
I would only be wrong if the mail in ballot boxes at polling stations had higher security, such as checking ID, that the remote drop box did not have.
For me, unlimited mail in voting is an invitation for fraud. In 2020, my 90 year old mother went to the polls only to find she had already cast a mail in ballot. But she didn't. So maybe a political scammer found out she didn't vote in 2016 and figured at 90 years old she was probably done voting then took the liberty to vote for her with the new lax voting rules our corrupt AG and Governor had installed. It took about an hour to resolve it and then they let her vote. But if she would have skipped the election, the mail in ballot that who knows sent in would have become a valid vote. Mail in votes should be registered to a specific person and should require an ID and valid signature. They should also be issued out of need, not convenience. It shouldn't be too much trouble for any American that is currently living in his district to show up at the polls and vote.
Polls show 75% of Americans want voter ID. Leftists are on the wrong side of this one by a very large margin.

And so, what is so hard? You register to vote with an ID. You show same ID when you vote. If you are going to be out of town or are physically unable to show, you get an absentee ballot.

NOBODY sees the big deal, no matter what race they are, only Leftists do. All of their reasons are not really reasons, they are EXCUSES, and Americans have caught on. Americans are TIRED of these senseless challenges to elections, and are well aware that voter ID, along with enforcing not being able to harvest ballots, will go a long way towards stopping this. Americans want integrity built back into the system, it appears for whatever reason, Leftists do not!
Isn't every fucking mailbox in the USA a drop box for mail in ballots?

What is this pearl clutching over not enough ballot drop boxes?
Isn't every fucking mailbox in the USA a drop box for mail in ballots?

What is this pearl clutching over not enough ballot drop boxes?
Ballot drop boxes are just like mailboxes only substantially more secure since the ballots don’t have to pass through the mail system.

The only objection to them comes from sore losers with nothing better to do.
There must be so many examples of people trying to vote, but not being allowed to vote because of GOP unfair laws.

List the people who want to vote but have been prevented:


These people must be all over CNNMSNBCBSABCWAPONYT.
So how about having supervised ballot boxes and let people vote...

This is another anti voter rule... The GOP don't want the people to vote, they are trying everything to stop the people being heard...

GOP shows that they are afraid of the people...
Yes. It's a move that targets urban areas. Urban areas trend Democrat, rural areas trend Republican.

This will be appealed and stopped before the next election (on 2/15). But it will eventually succeed, meaning new legislation will be required to have community drop boxes.

As is now the norm in this country, 61% of Wisconsin's state house are republican, despite slightly more people voting Democrat in 2020. So we know how this is going to go.
Look, we all know how risky it is that people put ballots in drop boxes. They need to be put into mail boxes because it’s much more important that ballots be handled by numerous middlemen in the mail system rather than be directly collected by election staff.
You are forgetting a judge says it was illegal. That makes the votes illegal. The election should have never been certified.
Ballot drop boxes are just like mailboxes only substantially more secure since the ballots don’t have to pass through the mail system.

The only objection to them comes from sore losers with nothing better to do.

What an EXCUSE, lol. Nobody said (or at least I didn't) that those boxes weren't secure, or that they couldn't be made secure in the future, but rather that the voting process BEFORE they are dropped in was not, or can NOT be made secure. Quit using a red herring!
What an EXCUSE, lol. Nobody said (or at least I didn't) that those boxes weren't secure, or that they couldn't be made secure in the future, but rather that the voting process BEFORE they are dropped in was not, or can NOT be made secure. Quit using a red herring!
Why not?

Do you imagine people are opening the ballots, seeing the votes, and resealing the ones they like? What? How?

By what mechanism would you perpetrate fraud, if you were inclined to do so?

Be specific.
Why not?

Do you imagine people are opening the ballots, seeing the votes, and resealing the ones they like? What? How?

By what mechanism would you perpetrate fraud, if you were inclined to do so?

Be specific.

Because without voter ID, anyone can get a ballot. If you are on the rolls, you get a ballot even if you no longer live at said address. That means ballots are floating around that should NOT be in circulation. They can be garnered, voted with, and deposited.

In more than a few instances it has been shown, that MORE people than were registered to vote, voted. In way more instances it was shown, that fully 90% of people voted. That is ridiculous, lol. What it really shows is...................that if we take the over and believe that 20% more people decided to vote, it still leaves a very large disparity between votes cast, and votes received.

In which direction do YOU think those over votes went?

Oh, think they went for the GOP or were close to being split equally between Trump and Biden do ya?

Well then, in that case, you must be with me to wring the crookedness from BOTH political entities out of the system, and I thank you for your support!
The government said they can vote by dropping it in the box. Are you going to punish them for doing so?
The government did something illegal. I see no choice in the matter. There is a lot going on . More comes out every day.
However, as Navarro and others have argued, many of the election integrity cases brought before courts were dismissed because they lacked standing. Out of 90 cases related to the 2020 presidential election, only 25 were decided on the merits, and 18 of those were won by Trump and/or the GOP party in the lawsuit.

In the 14 months since the election, abundant evidence of irregularities has emerged through audits, investigations, and court decisions — much of it surfacing within the past month.

In Pennsylvania this past week, for instance, a panel of judges ruled that Democratic state Attorney General Josh Shapiro must comply with a subpoena seeking personal information of about 9 million voters from the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee investigating the 2020 general election and 2021 primary.


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