Wisconsin police fatally shoot BLACK teen, fifty years after Selma

Madison police say a 19-year-old man has died after being shot by an officer.
Police Chief Mike Koval says the man was shot Friday after an altercation with the officer. Koval did not know if the man was armed.
Madison Police 19-Year-Old Dies After Being Shot by Officer - ABC News

Just right on the 50th anniversary day of U.S.A. Civil Rights March. The Irony of Fate.
No matter what happened, but it can cause a lot of "no justice, no peace" noise.
And once again, a police officer is acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Right behavior or not?
Cop justified. Another Michael Brown syndrome thug gets what's coming.
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:
Madison police say a 19-year-old man has died after being shot by an officer.
Police Chief Mike Koval says the man was shot Friday after an altercation with the officer. Koval did not know if the man was armed.
Madison Police 19-Year-Old Dies After Being Shot by Officer - ABC News

Just right on the 50th anniversary day of U.S.A. Civil Rights March. The Irony of Fate.
No matter what happened, but it can cause a lot of "no justice, no peace" noise.
And once again, a police officer is acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Right behavior or not?

So now without all the facts, you are judging and finding the police at fault. Interesting spin.
Typical libtardism.
As one guy said....this mans last words were probably "Loom mom Im gonna be like Mike Br..."
Madison police say a 19-year-old man has died after being shot by an officer.
Police Chief Mike Koval says the man was shot Friday after an altercation with the officer. Koval did not know if the man was armed.
Madison Police 19-Year-Old Dies After Being Shot by Officer - ABC News

Just right on the 50th anniversary day of U.S.A. Civil Rights March. The Irony of Fate.
No matter what happened, but it can cause a lot of "no justice, no peace" noise.
And once again, a police officer is acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Right behavior or not?
Just another case of suicide by cop

Nothing to see here.

Move on.
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:

You're wrong. He WAS loving and caring and he was gonna go off to college and do wonderful things......riiiiiiiiiggggghhhht after he gets this one last assault spree over with and attacks him one cop before his teen years end.

Attacking a cop before your teen years end is like the black Barmitzvah now all black males should be entitled to before adulthood.
"Yes Sir." and "No Sir." could avoid negative interactions with police. Quit being mouthy asserting rights you think you have and if you're innocent you'll be on your merry way in moments.


Who says I have to grovel before someone just because they wear a government issued uniform?
IF you wanna commit sucide-by-cop, be my guest!
You're mistaken about the business degree. The negro simian gang-banger had an extensive criminal record for minor offenses. Which will be proven should the officer be charged.............which won't happen b/c the cop car had a video camera running.
A whole new meaning to the song....

"Like Mike. If I could be like Mike! I wanna be I wanna be I wanna be like Mike! Like Mike...BE LIKE MIKE!"
Like Mike!
If I could be like Mike
I wanna be
I wanna be
I wanna be...Like Mike!
Be like Mike!

Remember that song haha
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:

You're wrong. He WAS loving and caring and he was gonna go off to college and do wonderful things......riiiiiiiiiggggghhhht after he gets this one last assault spree over with and attacks him one cop before his teen years end.

Attacking a cop before your teen years end is like the black Barmitzvah now all black males should be entitled to before adulthood.

We should get to see the transcripts and college applications of these fine young men when they are murdered.

Then maybe the Grand Juries could get it right.

No no...see didnt you get the memo Holder sent from his scam of an investigation into Ferguson police? Yeah...see...turns out the cops are all a bunch of racist meanies...so even if they werent 100% correct on Mike Brown...they were still right. See?

Gee, isn't THAT what Dan Rather said when his story was proven to be a lie???
"The story was a false, but the facts were correct"! LMFAO
Rather`s documents were forgeries but the story was rock solid. Nobody, including Bush has ever denied that he received preferential treatment to stay out of Vietnam and then disappeared altogether when it was time for drug testing. President flight suit was a phony besides being a mass murderer.
Your hero mr lewinsky(Clinton) dodged the draft like a little sissy he is.
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:

You're wrong. He WAS loving and caring and he was gonna go off to college and do wonderful things......riiiiiiiiiggggghhhht after he gets this one last assault spree over with and attacks him one cop before his teen years end.

Attacking a cop before your teen years end is like the black Barmitzvah now all black males should be entitled to before adulthood.

ALL the thug criminals are going to commit suicide-by-cop before they turn 20????
Why wait so long??????
Can we use them to take our targets down-range for us??
They can carry the targets on their backs as they are walking down-range. heh, heh, ............................ :)
All sane people dodged the draft once it became apparent that there was no intention of fighting the war to win it.

By '66 returning troops were telling the truth and leading the resistance.
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:

You're wrong. He WAS loving and caring and he was gonna go off to college and do wonderful things......riiiiiiiiiggggghhhht after he gets this one last assault spree over with and attacks him one cop before his teen years end.

Attacking a cop before your teen years end is like the black Barmitzvah now all black males should be entitled to before adulthood.

We should get to see the transcripts and college applications of these fine young men when they are murdered.

Then maybe the Grand Juries could get it right.


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...you've seen the evidence of the attacker hitting the cop and going for his gun and the danger the cop faced.

But...please take into consideration. ..this young man had dreams of college and he was a loving person.

So while physical evidence may say the cop had no choice....remember just how much of a snotty meanie pants he is. And its only faaaaaaaair to ruin his life too."
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:

You're wrong. He WAS loving and caring and he was gonna go off to college and do wonderful things......riiiiiiiiiggggghhhht after he gets this one last assault spree over with and attacks him one cop before his teen years end.

Attacking a cop before your teen years end is like the black Barmitzvah now all black males should be entitled to before adulthood.

ALL the thug criminals are going to commit suicide-by-cop before they turn 20????
Why wait so long??????
Can we use them to take our targets down-range for us??
They can carry the targets on their backs as they are walking down-range. heh, heh, ............................ :)
When the shooting starts, the Guy Fawkes masks will be the most appealing targets.
The fact that they are teaching so much hate and disrespect towards cops...only guarantees more of this.

Until their offspring realizes that you cannot attack cops...this will continue.

No no...see didnt you get the memo Holder sent from his scam of an investigation into Ferguson police? Yeah...see...turns out the cops are all a bunch of racist meanies...so even if they werent 100% correct on Mike Brown...they were still right. See?

Gee, isn't THAT what Dan Rather said when his story was proven to be a lie???
"The story was a false, but the facts were correct"! LMFAO
Rather`s documents were forgeries but the story was rock solid. Nobody, including Bush has ever denied that he received preferential treatment to stay out of Vietnam and then disappeared altogether when it was time for drug testing. President flight suit was a phony besides being a mass murderer.

President GW Bush served his country honorably and has his honorable discharge to prove it.
Do YOU have any proof to the contrary?
"Family spokesman Michael Johnson said on Facebook that Johnson was a "loving and caring young man" who was about to attend the Milwaukee Area Technical College to pursue a business degree."

Uhuh, suuure he was. When he wasnt randomly attacking people on the streets, you couldn't keep him away from those school books. :laugh:

You're wrong. He WAS loving and caring and he was gonna go off to college and do wonderful things......riiiiiiiiiggggghhhht after he gets this one last assault spree over with and attacks him one cop before his teen years end.

Attacking a cop before your teen years end is like the black Barmitzvah now all black males should be entitled to before adulthood.

ALL the thug criminals are going to commit suicide-by-cop before they turn 20????
Why wait so long??????
Can we use them to take our targets down-range for us??
They can carry the targets on their backs as they are walking down-range. heh, heh, ............................ :)
When the shooting starts, the Guy Fawkes masks will be the most appealing targets.

These radical blacks and white anarchists WANT a war with the cops. They're gonna get one. But...their miscalculation is that cops show no restraint right now. They are BADLY mkstaken. Cops show a HUGE HUGE amount of restraint. If these punks really go after cops and the cops take the leash off the SWAT and riot units...these anarchists and radicals are in for a huge wake up call. I pray that this NEVER happens.
Black Teen Tony Robinson Shot Dead by Cop in Madison Wisconsin - NBC News

A summary.

Cops get called for black man walking in middle.of road and hitting people. Cop shows up. Black man attacks cop. Cops shoots him.

Protests in this liberal mecca erupt.

"BlackLiveMatter" erupts. Blah blah blah. Mans graduation photo is posted. Says he was dreaming of college.

And for a fair and balanced report...the news interviewd his GRANNDMA. Breaking news....she says he was a loving and caring young boy.

Its going to be a very...VERY...long summer folks.
When the blizzards end, the heat will be on.

All those left behind by Hope and Change are going to blow.

I just wish they'd get on with it....i'm getting tired of waiting for "social justice"

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