Wisconsin police fatally shoot BLACK teen, fifty years after Selma


No no...see didnt you get the memo Holder sent from his scam of an investigation into Ferguson police? Yeah...see...turns out the cops are all a bunch of racist meanies...so even if they werent 100% correct on Mike Brown...they were still right. See?

Gee, isn't THAT what Dan Rather said when his story was proven to be a lie???
"The story was a false, but the facts were correct"! LMFAO
Rather`s documents were forgeries but the story was rock solid. Nobody, including Bush has ever denied that he received preferential treatment to stay out of Vietnam and then disappeared altogether when it was time for drug testing. President flight suit was a phony besides being a mass murderer.

So, Slick Willy wasn't a draft dodger?
What about all the Christians he killed in Bosnia?
what about all the blacks he let be slaughtered in Africa?d
He turned tail and ran like the coward he is when the bodies of our servicemen were dragged through the streets in Somalia.
All sane people dodged the draft once it became apparent that there was no intention of fighting the war to win it.

By '66 returning troops were telling the truth and leading the resistance.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we ALL know how liberals were spiting on returning American troops and calling our troops "baby-killers".
All sane people dodged the draft once it became apparent that there was no intention of fighting the war to win it.

By '66 returning troops were telling the truth and leading the resistance.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we ALL know how liberals were spiting on returning American troops and calling our troops "baby-killers".
These protests are being all PLANNED folks

by Obama and his henchmen Sharpton, Holder, etc

We need to just START IGNORING them
All sane people dodged the draft once it became apparent that there was no intention of fighting the war to win it.

By '66 returning troops were telling the truth and leading the resistance.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we ALL know how liberals were spiting on returning American troops and calling our troops "baby-killers".
Nope. never happened. Liberals were getting drafted and sent to Vietnam. They were spitting on each other? That`s just stupid.
Amazon.com The Spitting Image Myth Memory and the Legacy of Vietnam 9780814751473 Jerry Lembcke Books
Is this shit going to happen every time some dumbass gets capped by the cops?

Yes. Well...if they arent white.

The radical minorities and white anarchists want no law or order or accountability upon them. They THINK they want that....til they find out a society like that would eat them alive.
This media bias is backfiring. If you attack a cop, the cop will shoot you and everybody understands and agrees with that. Cop doesn't know if you're armed or not.
This media bias is backfiring. If you attack a cop, the cop will shoot you and everybody understands and agrees with that. Cop doesn't know if you're armed or not.

And their calculation is that people arent gonna sympathize with cops, so everyone will agree.

They're wrong. Because many who are supporting the cops arent doing so because they just support cops..they're doing it because they just understand self defense....and understand that cops truly are just a necessary evil. I was one. We arent there for fun ans pleasantries and hugs. We were and are there because some people refuse to go along with the rules of behavior the rest of society has established.

So even a person who doesnt necessarily like cops...can understand their necessity and their self defense.

Thats why the media and left are making such a huge miscalculation on this topic. Even the most steadfast small government right winger knows...you do have to enforce your laws...even if there are fewer of them..as there should be. And the men who do it...can defend themselves.
Holder just said in one of his ongoing farewell addresses that "it's easy to understand the DEMONSTRATIONS in Ferguson. Like "islamic terrorism", he and Obozo can't bring themselves to call the apes in Ferguson LOOTERS and ARSONISTS. Patting himself on the chest he explained how hard his DOJ tried to pin a murder rap on officer Wilson but couldn't. So now he wants the Ferguson police dept. dissolved. Never once have he or Barry the Fairy mentioned the fact that Brown had committed a strongarm robbery or attacked officer Wilson. That is of no consequence to these racist punks.
Id love for the Feds to take over Ferguson. Then have Chief Obama tell us his plan to maintain order in a ghetto like that. Probably with hugs and smiley face stickers!
Id love for the Feds to take over Ferguson. Then have Chief Obama tell us his plan to maintain order in a ghetto like that. Probably with hugs and smiley face stickers!

Obama would have to give them two or three hundred thousand a year for their dope and their liquor.
Obama would have to give them a house to live in.
Obama would have to give them free maintenance of their homes, free food stamps.
Obama would have to pay all their babies-mommas a grand a week, or so.
Do you think THAT would stop the criminal thugs from "running wild"????
Or is being a criminal-thug, just a hobby???
Id love for the Feds to take over Ferguson. Then have Chief Obama tell us his plan to maintain order in a ghetto like that. Probably with hugs and smiley face stickers!

Obama would have to give them two or three hundred thousand a year for their dope and their liquor.
Obama would have to give them a house to live in.
Obama would have to give them free maintenance of their homes, free food stamps.
Obama would have to pay all their babies-mommas a grand a week, or so.
Do you think THAT would stop the criminal thugs from "running wild"????
Or is being a criminal-thug, just a hobby???

Id love to hear their ideas on how to police Ferguson. How they'd react to drug and gang problems. How they'd PREVENT murders.

Im sure they'd know SOOOOO much more than the men doing the job for 30 years.
And they will kill again and again! Time to understand that the only way to "destroy" police brutality - is to reform ALL police system! Mental-health testing at least twice per year, weekly training, etc
And they will kill again and again! Time to understand that the only way to "destroy" police brutality - is to reform ALL police system! Mental-health testing at least twice per year, weekly training, etc
OR the media could publish a public service announcement to make up for the liberal parenting shortcomings and tell folks not to tussle with the cops. That's much quicker and cheaper, and those that still don't get it are going to be a drain on society anyway.

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