Wisconsin Republicans block PFAS cleanup until polluters are granted immunity - for real

I can agree with your points but there is zero reason to block funding to clean up drinking water. Where's the logic in not fixing a major health crisis?
Down here in Florida the water is pretty hard and nasty tasting. If you want clean drinking water i recommend this.

The money has been allocated to fix it. The GOP are preventing the use of that money.. Its pretty straightforward.
Yeah, pretty straight forward, just like the money going to Ukraine without an exit strategy of ending the war? That straight forward? Demofascists always lie and steal and cheat.
People are going to be hearing alot about pfas. It's a massive problem and when people learn they're drinking it there's going to be alot of press.

I dont think so. Most of the underground aquifers in the US are now fluoridated and no one oinks a peep.

Time after time these people out do thenselves in shitness,. You might think that water should be clean.
What a state. Are there no adults in Wisconsin ?
Why do I think if I researched this it’s so the money actually goes to fixing the problem instead of funding law suits and shit.
I am wondering if Washington could declare a national emergency and take over the supervision of water ? It would save people in certain areas. This isnt acceptable anywhere but not in the leader of the free world. Water is a human right in Slovenia.
It should be everywhere.

The US needs to change its attitude somewhere. The country is falling apart to narratives all over the place, and politicians who just don't care.
Yeah, pretty straight forward, just like the money going to Ukraine without an exit strategy of ending the war? That straight forward? Demofascists always lie and steal and cheat.
The exit strategy is to make russia exit the country.
The exit strategy is to make russia exit the country.


Right now all billions of dollars in money and equipment has gotten us to a Stalemate with Russian forces in control of most of the the land they want to keep.

Right now all billions of dollars in money and equipment has gotten us to a Stalemate with Russian forces in control of most of the the land they want to keep.
If the commie loving maga had funded the war of Ukrainian defense as needed, the pootin would only be on his territory now.
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If the commie loving maga had funded the war or Ukrainian defense as needed, the pooting would only be on his territory now.

We've thrown tons of money at it already. Throwing money into a war doesn't win a war.

All we have bought is a slower loss.
We've thrown tons of money at it already. Throwing money into a war doesn't win a war.

All we have bought is a slower loss.
Yeah, if we had thrown less money at defeating the Axis powers in 1941 we would have saved a lot of money.

You just lika the pootin.
Yeah, if we had thrown less money at defeating the Axis powers in 1941 we would have saved a lot of money.

You just lika the pootin.

That wasn't throwing money. That was a massive mobilization of multiple countries and a full out war.

Are you saying we need to declare war on Russia and force them out of Ukraine ourselves?
That wasn't throwing money. That was a massive mobilization of multiple countries and a full out war.

Are you saying we need to declare war on Russia and force them out of Ukraine ourselves?
marty WTF are you posting about.

I did not know that you were Bi.

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