Wisconsin voters express buyer’s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Wisconsin voters express buyer’s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker - Yahoo! News

Two months into his first term, a new poll shows Wisconsin voters are unhappy with GOP Gov. Scott Walker--and would send him packing if they were given a do-over of the 2010 election that sent him to the statehouse in Madison.
Amid the firestorm Walker touched off in going after the state's public-sector unions, voters indicated to Public Policy Polling (PDF) that Walker would lose a rematch with his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, if the election were held today. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that today they would vote for Barrett and 45 percent said they would vote for Walker. Walker's job approval/disapproval was also 46 to 52 percent in the poll. PPP is considered to be a Democratic-allied firm
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LOL, ya gotta love it. It still dosen't stop them from posting the CRAP.

Wisconsin voters express buyer’s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker - Yahoo! News

Two months into his first term, a new poll shows Wisconsin voters are unhappy with GOP Gov. Scott Walker--and would send him packing if they were given a do-over of the 2010 election that sent him to the statehouse in Madison.
Amid the firestorm Walker touched off in going after the state's public-sector unions, voters indicated to Public Policy Polling (PDF) that Walker would lose a rematch with his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, if the election were held today. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that today they would vote for Barrett and 45 percent said they would vote for Walker. Walker's job approval/disapproval was also 46 to 52 percent in the poll. PPP is considered to be a Democratic-allied firm
Walker is up for reelection in 2014. While there will still assuredly be people who are bitter at him over this union business, most voters will likely judge him according to how the state is performing at that time. If he has been successful in getting the budget under control without increasing the burden on the residents and the state economy has improved, he will likely be reelected.
LOL, ya gotta love it. It still dosen't stop them from posting the CRAP.

Wisconsin voters express buyer&#8217;s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker - Yahoo! News

Two months into his first term, a new poll shows Wisconsin voters are unhappy with GOP Gov. Scott Walker--and would send him packing if they were given a do-over of the 2010 election that sent him to the statehouse in Madison.
Amid the firestorm Walker touched off in going after the state's public-sector unions, voters indicated to Public Policy Polling (PDF) that Walker would lose a rematch with his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, if the election were held today. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that today they would vote for Barrett and 45 percent said they would vote for Walker. Walker's job approval/disapproval was also 46 to 52 percent in the poll. PPP is considered to be a Democratic-allied firm

In my experience, PPP is just as reliable as any of the other major polling firms. There is no reason to not believe the results.
This man is clearly a great American because he's wearing a USA flag lapel pin.

LOL, ya gotta love it. It still dosen't stop them from posting the CRAP.

You are not afraid of truth are you? LOL!!

Wisconsin voters express buyer’s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker - Yahoo! News

Two months into his first term, a new poll shows Wisconsin voters are unhappy with GOP Gov. Scott Walker--and would send him packing if they were given a do-over of the 2010 election that sent him to the statehouse in Madison.
Amid the firestorm Walker touched off in going after the state's public-sector unions, voters indicated to Public Policy Polling (PDF) that Walker would lose a rematch with his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, if the election were held today. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that today they would vote for Barrett and 45 percent said they would vote for Walker. Walker's job approval/disapproval was also 46 to 52 percent in the poll. PPP is considered to be a Democratic-allied firm

LOL, ya gotta love it. It still dosen't stop them from posting the CRAP.

Wisconsin voters express buyer’s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker - Yahoo! News

Two months into his first term, a new poll shows Wisconsin voters are unhappy with GOP Gov. Scott Walker--and would send him packing if they were given a do-over of the 2010 election that sent him to the statehouse in Madison.
Amid the firestorm Walker touched off in going after the state's public-sector unions, voters indicated to Public Policy Polling (PDF) that Walker would lose a rematch with his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, if the election were held today. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that today they would vote for Barrett and 45 percent said they would vote for Walker. Walker's job approval/disapproval was also 46 to 52 percent in the poll. PPP is considered to be a Democratic-allied firm

In my experience, PPP is just as reliable as any of the other major polling firms. There is no reason to not believe the results.

Now that isn't saying much.

Most of the other major polling firms aren't reliable.
Seems the only people that are really pissed at the Governor are all of the carpet-baggers they shipped in to scum up the statehouse.

An Assembly woman that was threatened by a Democrat said she needs a bottle of disinfectant to touch anything in the place because of all of the slim-balls that have been camping out in there for the last two weeks.
Walker is not doing well in the polls, but 2014 is a long, long way to go. If the economy is doing well, and if the legislature does not go Dem next year, he should be fine for re-election. He did screw any chance of a VP candiate nod next year.
LOL, ya gotta love it. It still dosen't stop them from posting the CRAP.

Wisconsin voters express buyer’s remorse over Gov. Scott Walker - Yahoo! News

Two months into his first term, a new poll shows Wisconsin voters are unhappy with GOP Gov. Scott Walker--and would send him packing if they were given a do-over of the 2010 election that sent him to the statehouse in Madison.
Amid the firestorm Walker touched off in going after the state's public-sector unions, voters indicated to Public Policy Polling (PDF) that Walker would lose a rematch with his Democratic opponent, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, if the election were held today. Fifty-two percent of respondents said that today they would vote for Barrett and 45 percent said they would vote for Walker. Walker's job approval/disapproval was also 46 to 52 percent in the poll. PPP is considered to be a Democratic-allied firm

In my experience, PPP is just as reliable as any of the other major polling firms. There is no reason to not believe the results.

And why do I think the lefties will inherently take this one as accurate while still bashing Rasmussen without thinking twice...

Look... small sample polls are basically news entertainment... and there are differing approaches to each.. and we all know that differing people sampled and differing choices of answers and differing wording of questions will give differing results, none of which are inherently inaccurate when taken for what they truly are
Helps if you poll people other than those protesting.
Poll: 62% against stripping public employees' bargaining rights
msnbc.com - Veronica Lee - *1 hour ago*
Mark Murray writes:Strong majorities of Americans say they are comfortable with states requiring their employees to pay more for their retirement and health care to balance state budget deficits, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal ...
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You can get a poll to say anything you want it to say according to how you ask the questions. I don't believe it. I think the Governor is on the right track and I applaud him for sticking to his guns. I think the Democrats who fled the state are acting very shamefully and if possible should be removed immediately from office. They would not have left the state if they had the majority in the Senate. So, instead of manning up, they are acting like spoiled children and crying foul and leaving the State. I would be ashamed to say I was one of those Democratic Senators from Wisconsin. I hope their political careers are all done with because of this.
he could come out a leader - he's getting everything he wants except limiting collective bargaining. were he a real leader he'd take that and push for the limits after the refinancing of bonds was sorted out.

as it is he's just another asshole trying to look good and be spoken well of by the likes of sean hannity and rush limbaugh at the expense of the people of his state.

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