Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Another "bottom line".........Right wingers want LESS people to vote, while democrats want MORE voters......why???? because right wingers are a dying breed.
Maybe Nat's afraid if he gets his picture taken, somebody will post it on the Internet with the caption "IDIOT ":badgrin:
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

Don't you know that Democrats are too poor and too stupid to get proper identification like Republicans do?
Another "bottom line".........Right wingers want LESS people to vote, while democrats want MORE voters......why???? because right wingers are a dying breed.

People who literally don't care who gets elected shouldn't vote.
People who have no clue who they're voting for or against shouldn't vote.
People who can't be bothered to put down the XBOX controller long enough to voter shouldn't vote.

Why is any of that controversial?
What's the problem,Nat? Are you uglier than Hillary and afraid you'll break the camera?

Actually I am an extremely handsome older white male.......No problem for me........but for some crippled or infirm voter........well, yes, that is Walker's plan to keep only SOME out of the voting booth.
And therein lies the rub. It's always, "Well, it won't impact ME at all, but I'm SURE there are just mobs of people out there who just can't handle it".

More like the Democrats are racist and think blacks are too stupid to go the DMV.....

The Democrats had Obama's entire first term to pass it and didn't do it. Maybe Obama should get over his tantrums and suggest it to the Republicans. God knows he gives enough other stuff away. He might as well do something I can agree with and help eliminate voter fraud.
There is no real voter fraud in the country, and no rational person thinks there is. These laws are only to help the GOP win, because they know who doesn't have ID, people who almost without exception vote for the Dems. The GOPers even admit it, you just don't want to see it.
Well, the suspicion from us is that democrats don't want voter ID because it lets them vote many times. How is it that more votes are counted in Democrat areas than are registered? That has been documented. Democrats cheat so voter ID is the only way to safeguard it from happening.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

I don't have a problem with requiring official ID to vote. Seems like common sense or in voting places near either of the borders what's to stop foreigners from voting? Maybe it's not an actual problem (as seems the case,) but we have lots of laws designed to prevent so things don't become problems. Why should this be any different?

More like the Democrats are racist and think blacks are too stupid to go the DMV.....
There is a distinct stench of condescension towards minorities in their attitude. Heck, I'd like to actually hear from actual minorities who have actual difficulties in voting due to ID requirements. Not wealthy white people who think they're championing some cause or other.
I ordered takeout food yesterday and I usually pay cash.
This time I used a credit card.
I was asked to show the credit card and a photo ID when the food was delivered.....

A picture ID for Chinese food...

Why are Democrats so up in arms about a photo ID being needed to vote?

Oh yeah....
Gives them another chance to play the race card.
The decision is a setback for civil rights

Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

"a setback for civil rights" ????? :lmao:

wow ! i like that "anti-democracy", just in case you did not know this, America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC, we have no fucking place in this country for a communistic type democracy, besides, what is so fucking hard about getting a recognizable and proper ID ?
I ordered takeout food yesterday and I usually pay cash.
This time I used a credit card.
I was asked to show the credit card and a photo ID when the food was delivered.....

A picture ID for Chinese food...

Why are Democrats so up in arms about a photo ID being needed to vote?

Oh yeah....
Gives them another chance to play the race card.

Had a haircut place ask for my SSN for a $10 haircut. In no uncertain terms told them what to go do with themselves then walked out.
It wasn't required, and neither was photo ID to vote, for 230 years.

for 230 years there was no muslime mulatto to fuck up the system where HONEST voters and voting was the norm.

it is you liberscum who have totally fucked over the voting system for over 60 years that i personally know of, e.g., JFK !! :up:
Another "bottom line".........Right wingers want LESS people to vote, while democrats want MORE voters......why???? because right wingers are a dying breed.
I thought it was because Republicans only want real people to vote, instead of all your imaginary friends and the walking dead.....
What's the problem,Nat? Are you uglier than Hillary and afraid you'll break the camera?

Actually I am an extremely handsome older white male.......No problem for me........but for some crippled or infirm voter........well, yes, that is Walker's plan to keep only SOME out of the voting booth.
so he's a dirty 'OLD' hippie , He11 , that's the worst kind as he votes and teaches younsters to vote for mrobama . Picture ID is difficult because with a picture of the voter there is less chance for dem. liberal voter fraud and that makes NAT unhappy !!
so , what do you think NAT , doesn't look like you are changing any minds or hearts !! :biggrin:
The decision is a setback for civil rights

Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

"a setback for civil rights" ????? :lmao:

wow ! i like that "anti-democracy", just in case you did not know this, America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC, we have no fucking place in this country for a communistic type democracy, besides, what is so fucking hard about getting a recognizable and proper ID ?
and yeah WILDMAN , thanks for getting the info out that the USA is a Republic rather than a mob rule 'democracy' .

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