Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

of course not Paint but guns are pointed out as a RIGHT in the Bill of Rights but I don't recall voting as being a guaranteed Right . Mention is made in the Constitution but the argument is that voting is a Privilege rather than a RIGHT !!
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[any consequence] or size of voter fraud is small , well small amount of voter fraud is a matter of opinion Hutch and I see one case of voter fraud as being too much and enough to require voter ID !! I guess that Wisconsin and some other states agree with me !!
Paint & Hutch

You need ID to sign up for Obamacare. Thanks for saying it's a failure, if millions of people can't get healthcare, like your'e implying.

And it takes voter registration to get an absentee ballot, so arguing against that is an attempt to disenfranchise voters. You lost that argument before you even started.

I'll take you bringing healthcare into this a sign of surrender. Only those registered can vote. In order to register one must have proper ID. That burden has already been met.
I don't buy that requiring identification is voter suppression. How hard is getting a driver's license or state ID? How the heck can you get by without some kind of ID? I've had a picture ID of some kind since I was 18. I had a SS card for several years before that. Of course, if more states went to vote by mail, a lot of this BS could be avoided.
Voting by mail is where the real fraud exists. Who filled out the ballot? No one knows, but the GOP doesn't talk about that eh? Know why? Because, they tend to be GOP voters...
I am a Democrat. We have vote by mail here in Oregon. Folks are automatically signed up when they get ID at a local DMV, where they have to show all kinds of proof of identity to get a driver's license or ID card. Before this, we showed up at a precinct and showed ID and voter card which was checked against the roll. Vote by mail has increased voter participation. I can't recall any instances of voter fraud due to this change. I also think that most Republicans here in OR would rather go back to the old way, as lower turnout helps them.
of course not Paint but guns are pointed out as aright in the Bill of Rights but I don't recall voting as being a guaranteed Right . Mention is made in the Constitution but the argument is that voting is a Privilege rather than a RIGHT !!
Voting is an ABSOLUTE right ! Moron
[any consequence] or size of voter fraud is small , well small amount of voter fraud is a matter of opinion Hutch and I see one case of voter fraud as being too much and enough to require voter ID !! I guess that Wisconsin and some other states agree with me !!

Moron. Tell us again why voting isn't a guaranteed right.

Heck, no. It's not a sign of surrender! If you claim it doesn't take an ID to get Obama's illegal federal subsidies, I'm just pointing out a massive fraud that he's perpetrated on the American people when the government is paying out all that money with no proof of who's getting it.. If it does take an ID, then Obamacare is a failure if millions can't get insured.

Or you are bullshit ting about all those millions that can' get an ID.

What part of " free" do you not understand? I thought Libs would know about all the free stuff they have other people pay for.

Are you that dense......I'm not talking about "free" for the voter, but you're telling me it won't cost a penny to the state to implement this law?
yea, it will Probably cost the state $30 bucks for the 3 people that Don't have one.

Here I will write them a check, you happy now?
Paint & Hutch

You need ID to sign up for Obamacare. Thanks for saying it's a failure, if millions of people can't get healthcare, like your'e implying.

And it takes voter registration to get an absentee ballot, so arguing against that is an attempt to disenfranchise voters. You lost that argument before you even started.
You don't care that many Americans can't vote for lack of photo ID, and I do. That is what separates a true American from an American in name only.

Heck, no. It's not a sign of surrender! If you claim it doesn't take an ID to get Obama's illegal federal subsidies, I'm just pointing out a massive fraud that he's perpetrated on the American people when the government is paying out all that money with no proof of who's getting it.. If it does take an ID, then Obamacare is a failure if millions can't get ensured.

When one registers for insurance one must show ID much like when one registers to vote. I don't get your point. Please ensure you are clear when making a point.
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Then they need to get one before they get confused with the illegals. If the Supreme Court throws out Obama's illegal amnesty, they could have a problem. Ever watch the movie "Coming to America "?

Then they need to get one before they get confused with the illegals. If the Supreme Court throws out Obama's illegal amnesty, they could have a problem. Ever watch the movie "Coming to America "?
You seem to be interested so I'll tell you what, let's do as other nations do and issue everyone here an ID. That way you get to know who is or isn't supposed to be here right? That's pretty basic eh? So, why no GOP bill demanding that?

The Democrats had Obama's entire first term to pass it and didn't do it. Maybe Obama should get over his tantrums and suggest it to the Republicans. God knows he gives enough other stuff away. He might as well do something I can agree with and help eliminate voter fraud.

The Republicans might even agree with this one and think Obama grew a brain.

The Democrats had Obama's entire first term to pass it and didn't do it. Maybe Obama should get over his tantrums and suggest it to the Republicans. God knows he gives enough other stuff away. He might as well do something I can agree with and help eliminate voter fraud.
There is no real voter fraud in the country, and no rational person thinks there is. These laws are only to help the GOP win, because they know who doesn't have ID, people who almost without exception vote for the Dems. The GOPers even admit it, you just don't want to see it.
Then Obama should have no problem suggesting it.

Good night, everybody.... It' s been fun!
And, Paint, since you said they're primarily Democrats, sounds like the Democrats need to help them get ID'S. If the Democrats don't care about their own base, screw them. Sounds like they need to be voted out of office.
Don't you know Democrats think minorities are too stupid to pick up a free state ID?

Yet another right wing dingbat that can't read what is posted on this thread...Why don't you just stick to posting, "I hate Obama"???

But you hate him too. You are whining about ~$6 million, and that means you of necessity must be very pi$$ed at Obama ordering states to pay for all sorts of stuff for millions of illegals, including ID's. Being consistent for you. :lol:

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