Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

The US News "article" by OBiwan is a FRAUD....it is an OPINION piece by the manager of the Heritage Foundation (and ultra right wing outfit) and offers "proof" of voter's fraud by pointing out what happened in some hillbilly towns where folks are mostly inbred morons.
You also try to pass men as women and women as males too. Anyone legally born in this country and lived here has papers.

Dingbat......WI law now requires not just papers but a PHOTO ID issued solely by the state.
of course not Paint but guns are pointed out as a RIGHT in the Bill of Rights but I don't recall voting as being a guaranteed Right . Mention is made in the Constitution but the argument is that voting is a Privilege rather than a RIGHT !!

BS.......we have a Voting Rights Act (from 1965)

Wisconsin also says you need an ID. Why is it that Democrats can't follow the law, from the Idiot in Chief on down?
Bottom line.......GOPers are afraid of minorities turning up at the polls...they may be genuine citizens but since they turn out to be progressive thinkers, right wingers consider them to be a "plague" and they'll do whatever it takes to keep them out of the polling booths.
Good God, Nat, just get an ID. Or are you on the run and hiding out here?

And BTW, we know about the Voting Rights Act. The Republicans passed it, to keep the Democrats from disenfranchising voters. Remember?
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Wisconsin also says you need an ID. Why is it that Democrats can't follow the law, from the Idiot in Chief on down?

A PHOTO ID is now required, not just any ID....Many elderly and infirm citizens to not have such.......but I agree that it'll take the democratic party to come up with time, effort AND money to get such photo IDs to as many eligible current voters as possible.
Are you suggesting that your picture cannot be taken ... Do you think you are a vampire or something?

Infantile response.......but expected......

Just wondering why you think it makes a difference it has to be a photo ID ... If you don't have an answers, then that would be expected.
You may notice this is not an issue in some states because those states require everyone to carry a photo ID ... It is a shame you think it is too difficult to accomplish.

Just wondering why you think it makes a difference it has to be a photo ID ... If you don't have an answers, then that would be expected.

A photo ID may not be a problem for me or you, but it is a problem for folks who will see this requirement (finding the time, going to some state office, standing in long lines, etc.) and may forgo voting......

Of course for right wingers such will not eliminate most minority voters ....but all they want is for SOME to be kept out of the voting polls.
A photo ID may not be a problem for me or you, but it is a problem for folks who will see this requirement (finding the time, going to some state office, standing in long lines, etc.) and may forgo voting......

Of course for right wingers such will not eliminate most minority voters ....but all they want is for SOME to be kept out of the voting polls.

If they can figure out a way to show up at the voting booth ... Then they can figure out way to show up and get a free ID ... Simple as that.

What's the problem,Nat? Are you uglier than Hillary and afraid you'll break the camera?

Actually I am an extremely handsome older white male.......No problem for me........but for some crippled or infirm voter........well, yes, that is Walker's plan to keep only SOME out of the voting booth.
If they can figure out a way to show up at the voting booth ... Then they can figure out way to show up and get a free ID ... Simple as that.

The equivalent of DOUBLING the effort.......which is exactly what right wingers want.

You're a lost cause. If they won't take the time to get an ID, what makes you think they'll stand in a long line to vote?

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