Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

I don't know Hutch but just the example of Melloweese Richardson of Ohio shows that votefraud happens . I'll try to get some info but Obiwan put up a good link on this page a few posts up in the thread . Even one vote that is fraud is enough though as it weakens a legal vote !!
Leave it to the Libs to act like voter fraud doesn't matter. Guess they have to agree with illegal activity being OK to accept Obama's unconstitutional actions. Eat enough shit and you get used to the taste
if they don't have papers let them get papers if they want to vote Paint !!
I don't know Hutch but just the example of Melloweese Richardson of Ohio shows that votefraud happens . I'll try to get some info but Obiwan put up a good link on this page a few posts up in the thread . Even one vote that is fraud is enough though as it weakens a legal vote !!

Romney lost by nearly 6 million votes and this is what you post?
if they don't have papers let them get papers if they want to vote Paint !!
If only it were that easy, and it isn't. Think of it this way, should you have to have photo ID to remain silent, to have freedom of speech, or religion?

If you shouldn't need it for those three, why for voting?
stop illegal fraudulent voting Hutch , one fraud vote is enough reason to stop voter fraud as we head toward 2016 and the future !!
Leave it to the Libs to act like voter fraud doesn't matter. Guess they have to agree with illegal activity being OK to accept Obama's unconstitutional actions. Eat enough shit and you get used to the taste

The only illegal activity I see is an attempt to surpress voting without cause.
Please show what percentage Romney actually lost by minus your fraud.
Nearly six million votes dude. I would think you could pull a few hundred K of fraud from your ass by now.
I don't buy that requiring identification is voter suppression. How hard is getting a driver's license or state ID? How the heck can you get by without some kind of ID? I've had a picture ID of some kind since I was 18. I had a SS card for several years before that. Of course, if more states went to vote by mail, a lot of this BS could be avoided.
I don't buy that requiring identification is voter suppression. How hard is getting a driver's license or state ID? How the heck can you get by without some kind of ID? I've had a picture ID of some kind since I was 18. I had a SS card for several years before that. Of course, if more states went to vote by mail, a lot of this BS could be avoided.
Voting by mail is where the real fraud exists. Who filled out the ballot? No one knows, but the GOP doesn't talk about that eh? Know why? Because, they tend to be GOP voters...
I don't buy that requiring identification is voter suppression. How hard is getting a driver's license or state ID? How the heck can you get by without some kind of ID? I've had a picture ID of some kind since I was 18. I had a SS card for several years before that. Of course, if more states went to vote by mail, a lot of this BS could be avoided.

What do you belive it is when no fraud of any consequence is shown? There is no justification for an additional layer of security and therefore an additional hoop for voters to naviigate when no additional risk is shown.
Paint & Hutch

You need ID to sign up for Obamacare. Thanks for saying it's a failure, if millions of people can't get healthcare, like your'e implying.

And it takes voter registration to get an absentee ballot, so arguing against that is an attempt to disenfranchise voters. You lost that argument before you even started.

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