Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

The Wisconsin voter ID law requires every voter to have a PHOTO ID not just your birth certificate, not just your water bill, not just your library card.....Ergo, that is why (and I'm repeating for the idiots among right wingers) it will cost millions to implement.......

So, if you don't drive because you're an invalid, you now need to crawl to a state office to have your picture taken.......as an example.
Actually, Wisconsin will give anyone who needs it an ID for free. Go online and check it out for yourself. So if someone is too lazy to go get it, they're probably too lazy to go to the polls anyway. And by requiring an ID, Wisconsin can keep people from registering non-existant people who might follow all the dead folks to the polls to vote for Hillary!
Don't you know Democrats think minorities are too stupid to pick up a free state ID?
we'll be going back to war in the middle east , sooner or later anyway NAT but I thought that the subject was voter fraud .

Yes it is the subject and I was responding to someone who obfuscated by bringing in the cost of the ACA and Medicare/Medicaid to this thread.....
Actually, Wisconsin will give anyone who needs it an ID for free. Go online and check it out for yourself. So if someone is too lazy to go get it, they're probably too lazy to go to the polls anyway. And by requiring an ID, Wisconsin can keep people from registering non-existant people who might follow all the dead folks to the polls to vote for Hillary!
Don't you know Democrats think minorities are too stupid to pick up a free state ID?
No, we think they are poor, or without papers, like the courts have found. You side is the one calling them stupid ******* and trying to keep them from voting for the Dems.
Spend the millions , end liberal dem voter fraud NAT , its the honest thing to do !!

Millions? I'm curious. How did you manage to hide them all for 18 years or more?
Don't you know Democrats think minorities are too stupid to pick up a free state ID?

Yet another right wing dingbat that can't read what is posted on this thread...Why don't you just stick to posting, "I hate Obama"???
Oh my, so the state of Wisconsin is joining the ranks of every country that requires identification to participate in free elections?
As I understand it a photo ID card can be issued by a state for about $20.00 or less. Look at all those shovel ready jobs it will create. I guess one must have a social security card and proper identification to collect government subsistence?
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

Obamacare already made it law that everyone required a photo ID so what's the big deal?

I do too, as long as they're not somebody's imaginary friends. If someone wants them to vote, can I recommend a good mental health facility?

Can you name a dozen cases in WI where "imaginary" voters have voted?
If not, you should admit that this stunt is either a waste of money or.....voter's suppression....
When you can't verify identities , you can't catch cheaters. God, liberals are dumb.
Bottom line is this....Since there have been less than 2 dozen instances of voter fraud NATION-WIDE in more than 12 years........Why are right wing governors then, asking for such ID laws to be passed?

Where's the freaking fire that needs to be put out?

I've already told you the solution, so come clean. Million? As in lots of illegal immigrants? Getting a birth certificate for them may be a problem.
Bottom line is this....Since there have been less than 2 dozen instances of voter fraud NATION-WIDE in more than 12 years........Why are right wing governors then, asking for such ID laws to be passed?

Where's the freaking fire that needs to be put out?
Fire? GOP voters dying off and darkies voting for Dems, obviously.

I've already told you the solution, so come clean. Million? As in lots of illegal immigrants? Getting a birth certificate for them may be a problem.
There is none so blind as those who refuse to see. I gave you the links, and you ignore them. The choice to live in ignorance is on you...
White, right wing evangelicals will soon be in the minority, then the tables will have turned
Fire? GOP voters dying off and darkies voting for Dems, obviously.

Very true......In a few decades, white evangelical right wingers will be in the minority.....should be interesting.

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