Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Hell this thread is fun! Never thought I'd see the day when a Lib would bitch about free shit!

I do too, as long as they're not somebody's imaginary friends. If someone wants them to vote, can I recommend a good mental health facility?

Can you name a dozen cases in WI where "imaginary" voters have voted?
If not, you should admit that this stunt is either a waste of money or.....voter's suppression....
checkout MELLOWEISE Richardson to see a serial illegal voter , think she was in OHIO doing her thing but I'm sure that similar are in Wisconsin . Lots of corruption in Wisconsin voting . OFF TOPIC but I think that Wisconsin is were the Black Panthers showed up with night sticks and pretend police uniforms Nat !! Voter ID is a good thing every where in the USA especially in big cities where fraud is most likely to happen .
Exactly what part of the constitution do you allege the court ignored?

Voting Rights Act of 1965....Section 2, prohibits any state or local governments from imposing any voting law that results in discrimination against racial or language minorities
The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities.

Just curious, why do you think brown people are stupid and inept?

That is the natural state of those on the left. Look how fast (even black pols are doing it to them) they are undercutting black Americans with this massive horde of legal and illegal immigrants. Blacks are being sent to the back of the bus again, and by the same party.
Or how much it might cost taxpayers

Dingbats, I already posted that it will cost the state $6million to implement the law....The ID may be free for the recipient, buy it'll cost taxpayers of that state such an amount.........and Walker bitched that the state was broke.
Or how much it might cost taxpayers

Dingbats, I already posted that it will cost the state $6million to implement the law....The ID may be free for the recipient, buy it'll cost taxpayers of that state such an amount.........and Walker bitched that the state was broke.
Are you equally concerned about how much ACA costs taxpayers or food stamps or Medicaid?

If someone put themselves in that position ( or their parents did) it' s unfortunate, but do the Democrats really expect us to accept voter fraud over very isolated incidents? Besides, they really need to get that straightened out. You need an ID for a lot of things, and if they have a brush with the law, they can also be run in until their identity can be established.

Unless they're one of them imaginary folks. A cop might have trouble explaining that one.
Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....

How can you have or prove voter fraud if you have no proof nor idea who is voting?

Or how much it might cost taxpayers

Dingbats, I already posted that it will cost the state $6million to implement the law....The ID may be free for the recipient, buy it'll cost taxpayers of that state such an amount.........and Walker bitched that the state was broke.

So you're really pi$$ed at Obama ordering states to give free stuff to illegals, including ID's.
Are you equally concerned about how much ACA costs taxpayers or food stamps or Medicaid?

well yeah, but not as much as the freakin' wars you dingbats supported.
.......and also add to that 4000 body bags and 100,000 PTSDs
war is sometime needed Nat , now is a good time to fight war in the middle east . Voter ID is also needed no matter the dollar cost of implementation .

If someone put themselves in that position ( or their parents did) it' s unfortunate, but do the Democrats really expect us to accept voter fraud over very isolated incidents? Besides, they really need to get that straightened out. You need an ID for a lot of things, and if they have a brush with the law, they can also be run in until their identity can be established.

Unless they're one of them imaginary folks. A cop might have trouble explaining that one.
We don't have any voter fraud problem worthy of keeping millions of people from voting. And notice that Absentee Ballots are never discussed? Why, because they trend GOP.

Have you never heard of John or Jane Doe? People without ID. Happens all the time. Just because you think it's not possible, or should be resolved, doesn't mean it is isn't real. The courts know it to be true and now, so do you.
we'll be going back to war in the middle east , sooner or later anyway but I thought that the subject was voter fraud and dems , liberals are good at voter fraud NAT !!.
sure we do 'paint' every illegal vote diminishes the vote power of a legal American voter !!

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