Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Paint MyHouse

I don't know what home schooling has to do with a birth certificate, since all you have to do is show the kid to prove he exists to get a birth certificate. Or put in for one..... my Mom was born before they were routine, and she got one.
Read the link. Many births at like home are never officially recorded, like that kid, and many decades before her. We didn't require it, and it didn't happen, hence the problem of Americans without papers.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.


It's the idiocy that says that 'Rights don't NEED to be sustained by responsibility!'.

The only problem with it, is that there is not even the POTENTIAL for a right which does not have intrinsic to it, correlated, sustaining responsibility... and there is no potential for freedom, absent rights.

Simple stuff...

If the person who runs the polling precinct is honest, thus honorable... and KNOWS who you are, because they've lived in your town for most of your life, you don't need to prove who you are.

But in todays world, the odds are you will have never met your precinct officials and they'll have never met you... and because of that, it is you RESPONSIBILITY to see to it that when YOU VOTE, they KNOW who you are and that your vote is registered IN YOUR NAME.

The Ideological Left exists upon election fraud... NO Fraud, no Left.

Gee, I just told you someone can still get a birth certificate. My Mom did. Are you trying to say Democrats are too lazy or stupid to do it?

Gee, I just told you someone can still get a birth certificate. My Mom did. Are you trying to say Democrats are too lazy or stupid to do it?
I'm trying to say that your subjective experience, mom got one, isn't true for all Americans, most old but some young, born at home and without papers.
The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities.

Just curious, why do you think brown people are stupid and inept?
If all their folks had to do was produce a kid, sounds like one hell of a case of irresponsibility. And they must have hid it pretty good for 18 years if nobody knew about it. Otherwise they should be able to prove the kid exists and get a birth certificate. If they can't, they have turned hiding out into an art form.
If all their folks had to do was produce a kid, sounds like one hell of a case of irresponsibility. And they must have hid it pretty good for 18 years if nobody knew about it. Otherwise they should be able to prove the kid exists and get a birth certificate. If they can't, they have turned hiding out into an art form.
The link was provided for you. Learn something, don't assume that you know, which you don't.
If someone can't prove they exist, then sorry, but I can't help you. Tell them to go get a birth certificate.
I always hear the left claim voter I,D, laws will disinfranchise blacks and Hispanics from voting yet I seen no evidence of that in any state that has voter I.D. laws. In fact it's more likely shitty candidates will do far more to disinfranchise people from voting than having to show a photo I.D. ever will.
If someone can't prove they exist, then sorry, but I can't help you. Tell them to go get a birth certificate.
That is often not possible. Are you going to stay ignorant or start dealing with reality? Your call...

Proving you exist isn't possible? Sounds like a Democrat voter!
They call the GOP racist yet THEY are the ones claiming blacks can't go get ID's...why do they lump all blacks into one? Funny my parents are both on SSI for legit reasons yet they have ID's and DL's..

White privilege?


What part of " free" do you not understand? I thought Libs would know about all the free stuff they have other people pay for.

Yeah, they're having trouble grasping the "free" part this time around.
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Proving you exist isn't possible?
No one can prove they exist but that is for the Philosophy Section. As for the paperwork needed to get an ID, many Americans don't have it and many can't get it. It wasn't required, and neither was photo ID to vote, for 230 years.
The purpose is to uphold the integrity of the electoral process.

For the life of me I cannot fathom why Democrats believe American minorities are less capable of getting identification as compared to those in third world countries like South Africa and Honduras.

How stupid and incompetent do Dems really believe these people are?

It's freaking insulting as hell

after you get over your "insult" keep in mind that nation-wide, there has been 23 incidents of voters' fraud during the last 12 years.....Ergo, hacks like Walkers are looking to put out fires that DO NOT exist.....so the question that you should be asking (if you're truly unbiased) is WHY THE HELL would he do that?
Are you that dense......I'm not talking about "free" for the voter, but you're telling me it won't cost a penny to the state to implement this law?

So that is your concern? Wow! You must really be pi$$ed at Obama and his ordering states to give free stuff to illegals, including ID's.
Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....
Free ID's aren't expensive
Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....
Free ID's aren't expensive
That depends. And the paperwork to get one, if you even have it, can be costly.

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