Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Illegals don't vote, dummy.
That is correct. They don't vote, along with 50% of the rest of the population that should in this case.
I don't think people SHOULD vote under these circumstances:

1. They literally don't care who wins.
2. They can't be bothered to get an acceptable ID to prove they are eligible to vote.
3. They can't be bothered to put down the XBOX controller, get out of Mom and Dad's basement and go vote.
4. They have no clue what issues are facing the country and what the candidates are likely to do about them.

Before anyone can register to vote they should be required to recite the Bill of Rights from memory.
Yeah, not gonna happen in a nation where people don't know what that is, and neither probably do you.

Oh, we're discussing what's politically feasible? Well, then, just watch the country swirl down the drain, because saving it from total collapse isn't political feasible.
At this point, could we not say that a federal election resembles nothing so much as an NFL game, with two teams of players that everyone "knows" are taking steroids and hormones because they have more and stronger muscles in one arm than the average human has in his whole body, but that no one can/will definitively prove because the ways to get around the detection of cheating are well known and under mutual protection from both teams?

It is interesting, however, that one side in politics protests a lot more whenever the other side proposes changes that would make cheating harder to do.
Those changes are the cheating, trying to keep people who vote for the Dems from voting.

Providing an ID is something even democrats can figure out how to do. I don't hold them in such contempt as to think they can't.
So, provide one to every person in America. Problem solved, and then you know who or who isn't supposed to be here. That's what other nations do.
Or each state can do it. The feds don't need to be involved.
Why not, my passport doesn't say the United States of Florida now does it?
BTW, yes it does you fool. hey, why didn't you answer my questions on women and black voters? are you afraid of what you'd have to say? hahhahahahhahahaha what a tool.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

How is ensuring accurate voting, which is in both party's best interest anti-democracy? How is making sure a person is who they say they are anti-Democracy.

Why do Dimocrats think blacks are so stupid that they can't obtain identification. It's actually not that difficult. It's much more difficult to survive in society without documentation. That is a much bigger issue to the person than losing the right to vote (which is not lost, rather it available once they get identification)!
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.
Funny how it is seldom, if ever, someone who lacked id bitchin' about it.

It is always a left winger that have to keep care of those too stupid or too lazy to do it for themselves, at least that is what the left wing must think.

I don't know why they want voter id but so what? Why the left opposes it is not logic it is just the left having to win.

The SCOTUS voted to make OBAMACARE law even rewriting for Obama and the left, if they don't get their way EVERY TIME they scream foul.
there is to be zero opposition to them. Don't you understand, it is their way or you die.

Actually I think they like the opposition, all the more satisfying to force someone to bend to their will.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

How is ensuring accurate voting, which is in both party's best interest anti-democracy?
The state has a compelling interest in protecting the rights of voters by making sure that people are who they say they are when they show up at the poll; the least restrictive means to this end is a state-issued photo ID.
Democrats/liberals disagree, on both counts.
No, it isn't. It's American history, and for 230 years we managed to let people vote here without photo ID.

In those days everyone knew who lived in the precinct and who were strangers. People seldom travelled more than 20 miles from the place they were born.
Tell us, should you need photo ID to buy a gun? Let's say that, for whatever reason, that 1 in 1,000 Americans can't buy a gun because they lack some piece of paper they can't get even though it's entirely legal for them to buy a gun. Do we have a problem? Are you okay with that?

You have constitutional protection to own a gun. Not so much to vote.

You have the natural responsibility to defend yourself... and your right to do so through the ownership and effective use of a firearm is protected by the US Constitution.

You have the natural responsibility to vote, and you sustain that right through the bearing of the responsibility to credibly identify yourself. This in order to be certain, to the extent possible, that another does not illicitly vote in your name.
Why don't the Democrats help those poor people get ID'S? Incompetence or just not giving a damn about their base? Heck, Obama should make up a law doing that!
Funny how it is seldom, if ever, someone who lacked id bitchin' about it.

It is always a left winger that have to keep care of those too stupid or too lazy to do it for themselves, at least that is what the left wing must think.

I don't know why they want voter id but so what? Why the left opposes it is not logic it is just the left having to win.

The SCOTUS voted to make OBAMACARE law even rewriting for Obama and the left, if they don't get their way EVERY TIME they scream foul.
there is to be zero opposition to them. Don't you understand, it is their way or you die.

Actually I think they like the opposition, all the more satisfying to force someone to bend to their will.
nice perspective.
..Religion is a guaranteed Right and the rule is in the Bill of Rights . I don't think that Voting is mentioned in that Bill of Rights document Paint .
I forgot to point out that we don't live in a democracy, but a republic, you need to know the difference.

Yes, That is correct and you right wingers should be very, very glad.....Why?

(well, first check out the Federalist papers No10.)

In a democracy, EVERYONE has a direct say (impractical when the population is too large).....while in a republic (or representative government) a small number of elected officials "represent" a delegation to a centralized government.

In other words, were we a TRUE democracy, you right wingers would be outnumbered (except within this forum) and congress would not be so damn regressive.
give me a break. give me a break. anyone can get an ID. You tell me why someone can't get one? Please I'm all eyes.

One MORE freaking time....What WI is asking for is a PHOTO ID issued by that same state.
In those days everyone knew who lived in the precinct and who were strangers. People seldom travelled more than 20 miles from the place they were born.
Tell us, should you need photo ID to buy a gun? Let's say that, for whatever reason, that 1 in 1,000 Americans can't buy a gun because they lack some piece of paper they can't get even though it's entirely legal for them to buy a gun. Do we have a problem? Are you okay with that?
You have constitutional protection to own a gun. Not so much to vote.
The courts disagree, and you didn't answer the question, so do.
It's kind of a moot point, isn't it, because guns have to be registered as belonging to you when you buy them.
That depends on where you live -- most states do not require registration.

If you support needing a state-issues photo ID to buy a gun, then there's no way you can honestly argue against needing a state-issued photo ID to vote.
I don't support Photo ID to buy a gun or vote. That is not part of the deal.
This pic says it all. If you don't have valid ID, you have more problems then your inability

Yes, but you have to be who you say you are. Proxy voting by illegals for dead or moved registered voters is completely screwed by this, meaning the democrats will be in serious trouble. Fraud is a MAJOR part of democratic election strategy. Without fraud, the dims may have trouble winning most elections.

In other words, dingbat.....what you're saying is that the 6-7 million additional voters who helped elected Obama in 2012 were ALL fraud, and really dead?

Do you have an IQ above your waist size????

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