Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Why don't the Democrats help those poor people get ID'S? Incompetence or just not giving a damn about their base? Heck, Obama should make up a law doing that!
We do but it shouldn't be required and there are people who do not have what it takes and can't get it. If 1 in 100 people can't buy a gun because they can't get a piece of paper, is that just tough luck for them?
it isn't required. You feel obligated like your so holier than thou. That's all. We get it. And then you want to cry about it here? There's no crying on a message board.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
BTW, speaking of unamerican, I supposed you didn't want women or blacks voting eh? It was traditional. Right, come on smart guy, let's get your response. Mr. unamerican.
It's a liberal nation founded by elites. If I had my way only they would vote. Not you or any other ditch digger.
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....
Why don't the Democrats help those poor people get ID'S? Incompetence or just not giving a damn about their base? Heck, Obama should make up a law doing that!
We do but it shouldn't be required and there are people who do not have what it takes and can't get it. If 1 in 100 people can't buy a gun because they can't get a piece of paper, is that just tough luck for them?
it isn't required. You feel obligated like your so holier than thou. That's all. We get it. And then you want to cry about it here? There's no crying on a message board.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
so you can't post against a response to your own post eh. can you say chicken? I thought so.
What you talking about you fucking moron?
I'm talking about you, tool
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is
Can you believe they are still whining and making up lies about all this. all over a damn ID. You need to show ID for almost EVERYTHING you do in life but you have to show one TO VOTE it's called:

Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law

you can't get off your butt to go get a state ID you don't DESERVE to vote

You don't like their laws DON'T MOVE there or move out. SIMPLE
Why don't the Democrats help those poor people get ID'S? Incompetence or just not giving a damn about their base? Heck, Obama should make up a law doing that!
We do but it shouldn't be required and there are people who do not have what it takes and can't get it. If 1 in 100 people can't buy a gun because they can't get a piece of paper, is that just tough luck for them?
it isn't required. You feel obligated like your so holier than thou. That's all. We get it. And then you want to cry about it here? There's no crying on a message board.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
BTW, speaking of unamerican, I supposed you didn't want women or blacks voting eh? It was traditional. Right, come on smart guy, let's get your response. Mr. unamerican.
It's a liberal nation founded by elites. If I had my way only they would vote. Not you or any other ditch digger.
there you go, now the gloves come off and we really see how ignorant you are.
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....
I think that the mere point that you think people don't have the ability to get a photo ID shows more red necking then anything I'd ever say.
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If we were a "true democracy" would we have Obamacare? Would we have Social Security? Income tax? Medicare? Welfare? I think the answer is "no" in all cases.

No, you're correct,, most of us would then be Canadian citizens.
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....

Yes, you're an elitist urban white snob who thinks blacks can't make it on their own so they need special help and you know that because you're enlightened unlike those bigots who think blacks are capable of working under the same rules as everyone else. You like black people, you tip them well
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....
Sounds like an honest question.
no, no, no, you're not allowed to question them, ask them. Ooops how can you do that if you're not allowed to ask? Doh!!!!
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....

Yes, you're an elitist urban white snob who thinks blacks can't make it on their own so they need special help and you know that because you're enlightened unless those bigots who think blacks are capable of working under the same rules as everyone else. You like black people, you tip them well
anything to keep a populas down.
We do but it shouldn't be required and there are people who do not have what it takes and can't get it. If 1 in 100 people can't buy a gun because they can't get a piece of paper, is that just tough luck for them?
it isn't required. You feel obligated like your so holier than thou. That's all. We get it. And then you want to cry about it here? There's no crying on a message board.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
so you can't post against a response to your own post eh. can you say chicken? I thought so.
What you talking about you fucking moron?
I'm talking about you, tool
You're talking out of you ass, as usual.
It is interesting, however, that one side in politics protests a lot more whenever the other side proposes changes that would make cheating harder to do.

that would be true if you could document the blatant cheating...YOU CANNOT.....and you're addressing a problem that does not exist....

Right now you go to the polls and you're asked your name and address and when you vote, no other precinct can allow you to vote....It has worked for decades and decades.....Now WI does not think that such is enough.....Do you even care to wonder why????
Whitey is dying off and the GOP has to grab whatever advantage it can. Cheating to try and win, but it won't work for long.
BTW, where is whitey dying off? name a place.
I remember the days when both parties were proud to register voters. Now its only the Dems who want all eligible voters to vote.
When the people vote, the GOP loses.

When legal, living people vote, they do a lot better though. Why is it do you suppose that dead people are so into Democrats?

Surveys have shown that dead people vote Democrat almost 100% of the time.
Really, grow up.
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

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