Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Why don't the Democrats help those poor people get ID'S? Incompetence or just not giving a damn about their base? Heck, Obama should make up a law doing that!
We do but it shouldn't be required and there are people who do not have what it takes and can't get it. If 1 in 100 people can't buy a gun because they can't get a piece of paper, is that just tough luck for them?
it isn't required. You feel obligated like your so holier than thou. That's all. We get it. And then you want to cry about it here? There's no crying on a message board.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
yeah right , correct , I don't have much use for gov granted civil rights favors Paint so thankyou !!
anything to keep a populas down.[/QUOTE]


I need my moron to English dictionary.
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds - Watchdog.org

By Kenric Ward | Watchdog.org

RICHMOND, Va. — Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by Watchdog.org.

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.

“Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage,” she said.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

“Duplicate registration is an open invitation to voting fraud,” said Clara Belle Wheeler, a member of the Election Board in Albemarle County, Va. “This ability to vote more than once dilutes the legal votes and changes the results of elections.”

The interstate cross-check program matches first and last names and dates of birth to identify multiple registrations.But the data are not routinely used to purge duplicates.

“Increasingly lax standards in our election process produce increasingly unreliable results,” Engelbrecht asserted.

“The few conversations that are had about how to shore up these weaknesses are immediately seized on by certain politicians and special-interest groups as fuel to further divide American voters based on trumped-up race and class-based narratives,” she said.

Engelbrecht said the “vicious cycle” can be fixed “if citizens wake up, stand up and refuse to settle for a broken system.”

So, tell me HOW requiring a PHOTO ID will fix that mess????
Nat, you might have a point there. If they vote Democrat, we might need to add " check for pulse" to the list!
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds - Watchdog.org

By Kenric Ward | Watchdog.org

RICHMOND, Va. — Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by Watchdog.org.

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.

“Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage,” she said.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

“Duplicate registration is an open invitation to voting fraud,” said Clara Belle Wheeler, a member of the Election Board in Albemarle County, Va. “This ability to vote more than once dilutes the legal votes and changes the results of elections.”

The interstate cross-check program matches first and last names and dates of birth to identify multiple registrations.But the data are not routinely used to purge duplicates.

“Increasingly lax standards in our election process produce increasingly unreliable results,” Engelbrecht asserted.

“The few conversations that are had about how to shore up these weaknesses are immediately seized on by certain politicians and special-interest groups as fuel to further divide American voters based on trumped-up race and class-based narratives,” she said.

Engelbrecht said the “vicious cycle” can be fixed “if citizens wake up, stand up and refuse to settle for a broken system.”

So, tell me HOW requiring a PHOTO ID will fix that mess????
oh gawd, really?
Tell us, should you need photo ID to buy a gun? Let's say that, for whatever reason, that 1 in 1,000 Americans can't buy a gun because they lack some piece of paper they can't get even though it's entirely legal for them to buy a gun. Do we have a problem? Are you okay with that?
You have constitutional protection to own a gun. Not so much to vote.
The courts disagree, and you didn't answer the question, so do.
It's kind of a moot point, isn't it, because guns have to be registered as belonging to you when you buy them.
That depends on where you live -- most states do not require registration.

If you support needing a state-issues photo ID to buy a gun, then there's no way you can honestly argue against needing a state-issued photo ID to vote.
I don't support Photo ID to buy a gun or vote. That is not part of the deal.

You are out right lying on no photo ID to buy a gun!

Your not even shy about stealing one's post as your own! Wow

Sorry about that. Did the post on my cell phone, and the box won't roll all the way up sometimes when the screen gets dirty from use. Tried to quote, then tried to delete when box wouldn't advance, but couldn't get to the bottom.
What I said is that fraud is a major part of the election strategy for leftists. Absent fraud, your party will have a much more difficult time winning elections.

Delusional......but, guess what since you've concluded that "fraud" is our strategy, we'll take the next one in 2016....and there's obviously squat for you to prevent it.......feel better?
It is interesting, however, that one side in politics protests a lot more whenever the other side proposes changes that would make cheating harder to do.

that would be true if you could document the blatant cheating...YOU CANNOT.....and you're addressing a problem that does not exist....

Right now you go to the polls and you're asked your name and address and when you vote, no other precinct can allow you to vote....It has worked for decades and decades.....Now WI does not think that such is enough.....Do you even care to wonder why????
One side is very adamant that there be minimal or no effort expended to ensure that only those eligible to vote actually do so. Why that is represents the more important question.
It is interesting, however, that one side in politics protests a lot more whenever the other side proposes changes that would make cheating harder to do.

that would be true if you could document the blatant cheating...YOU CANNOT.....and you're addressing a problem that does not exist....

Right now you go to the polls and you're asked your name and address and when you vote, no other precinct can allow you to vote....It has worked for decades and decades.....Now WI does not think that such is enough.....Do you even care to wonder why????
Whitey is dying off and the GOP has to grab whatever advantage it can. Cheating to try and win, but it won't work for long.
Because, as "we all know", making sure that only those eligible to vote are allowed to vote always benefits Republicans. Ever wonder why that is?
Delusional......but, guess what since you've concluded that "fraud" is our strategy, we'll take the next one in 2016....and there's obviously squat for you to prevent it.......feel better?

Fraud has been a major part of DNC election strategy since at least 1960. when more people voted for Kennedy in Chicago than were registered in either party. You now have been smacked down, and a major type of fraud is denied to you.
my gawd, this op just joined THIS MONTH and they already have 500 something post. Half of them in this thread with BS we've all heard A MILLION times already

please give us break
This forum is very much like stumbling on a whole bunch of right wingers with tea bags hanging......well, you know where.

I mean, make up your minds.....what does it say about your "intelligence" to have us........STEAL elections over and over, through fraud, dead people, etc.????

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