Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

it isn't required. You feel obligated like your so holier than thou. That's all. We get it. And then you want to cry about it here? There's no crying on a message board.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
so you can't post against a response to your own post eh. can you say chicken? I thought so.
What you talking about you fucking moron?
I'm talking about you, tool
You're talking out of you ass, as usual.
and it is smarter than anything you post
It is interesting, however, that one side in politics protests a lot more whenever the other side proposes changes that would make cheating harder to do.

that would be true if you could document the blatant cheating...YOU CANNOT.....and you're addressing a problem that does not exist....

Right now you go to the polls and you're asked your name and address and when you vote, no other precinct can allow you to vote....It has worked for decades and decades.....Now WI does not think that such is enough.....Do you even care to wonder why????
Whitey is dying off and the GOP has to grab whatever advantage it can. Cheating to try and win, but it won't work for long.
BTW, where is whitey dying off? name a place.
The U.S. of A. Maybe you've heard of it?
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....

Yes, you're an elitist urban white snob who thinks blacks can't make it on their own so they need special help and you know that because you're enlightened unlike those bigots who think blacks are capable of working under the same rules as everyone else. You like black people, you tip them well

BINGO. Black people should be offended the way Democrats thinks they can't make it WITHOUT them and their help.

as should the women in this country, now they are working Hispanics, Indians, Homosexual, etc
I remember the days when both parties were proud to register voters. Now its only the Dems who want all eligible voters to vote.
When the people vote, the GOP loses.

When legal, living people vote, they do a lot better though. Why is it do you suppose that dead people are so into Democrats?

Surveys have shown that dead people vote Democrat almost 100% of the time.
Really, grow up.
you should follow your own advice.
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....

Yes, you're an elitist urban white snob who thinks blacks can't make it on their own so they need special help and you know that because you're enlightened unlike those bigots who think blacks are capable of working under the same rules as everyone else. You like black people, you tip them well

BINGO. Black people should be offended the way Democrats thinks they can't make it WITHOUT them and their help.
and they boast about it right here in this thread, look for Paint's post it's too special. he's such a bigot it isn't funny,.
What I am showing is what a bunch of un-American assholes you kids are. No respect for civil rights.
so you can't post against a response to your own post eh. can you say chicken? I thought so.
What you talking about you fucking moron?
I'm talking about you, tool
You're talking out of you ass, as usual.
and it is smarter than anything you post
No Sweetcheeks, you're a damn fool full of dogma, if you even know what that is, which I doubt.
I remember the days when both parties were proud to register voters. Now its only the Dems who want all eligible voters to vote.
When the people vote, the GOP loses.

When legal, living people vote, they do a lot better though. Why is it do you suppose that dead people are so into Democrats?

Surveys have shown that dead people vote Democrat almost 100% of the time.
Really, grow up.
you should follow your own advice.
Here I am the grownup. In the real world you little morons aren't potty trained yet.
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

Nat, I know Libs are technologically challenged, but try Google. If yours is broke, maybe Obamacare will cover that, so look into it, OK?
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds - Watchdog.org

By Kenric Ward | Watchdog.org

RICHMOND, Va. — Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by Watchdog.org.

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.

“Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage,” she said.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

“Duplicate registration is an open invitation to voting fraud,” said Clara Belle Wheeler, a member of the Election Board in Albemarle County, Va. “This ability to vote more than once dilutes the legal votes and changes the results of elections.”

The interstate cross-check program matches first and last names and dates of birth to identify multiple registrations.But the data are not routinely used to purge duplicates.

“Increasingly lax standards in our election process produce increasingly unreliable results,” Engelbrecht asserted.

“The few conversations that are had about how to shore up these weaknesses are immediately seized on by certain politicians and special-interest groups as fuel to further divide American voters based on trumped-up race and class-based narratives,” she said.

Engelbrecht said the “vicious cycle” can be fixed “if citizens wake up, stand up and refuse to settle for a broken system.”
now the question ought to be how did these people all figure out how to get their welfare checks and food stamps if they can't figure out how to get an ID.

Careful, there, your red neck is starting to show through.....

Yes, you're an elitist urban white snob who thinks blacks can't make it on their own so they need special help and you know that because you're enlightened unlike those bigots who think blacks are capable of working under the same rules as everyone else. You like black people, you tip them well

BINGO. Black people should be offended the way Democrats thinks they can't make it WITHOUT them and their help.
and they boast about it right here in this thread, look for Paint's post it's too special. he's such a bigot it isn't funny,.

I have them on ignore but I'll check it out.
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

You can't be serious? or you are seriously just a robot/tool spewing DNC talking points
do you get paid?
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

Actually, I'm a libertarian, Buckwheat.

So if no one lies and says they are who they aren't, why do we need drivers licenses at all? Let's just ask people when they are pulled over if they have one. The TSA, cashing checks? Let's gt rid of that needless waste of time

Apparently Nat needs an ID where he can get Obamacare and his meds.
so you can't post against a response to your own post eh. can you say chicken? I thought so.
What you talking about you fucking moron?
I'm talking about you, tool
You're talking out of you ass, as usual.
and it is smarter than anything you post
No Sweetcheeks, you're a damn fool full of dogma, if you even know what that is, which I doubt.

You just cast serious doubt on your own grasp of that. What has jc been posting that is "dogma?" What have you posted that isn't?

Apparently Nat needs an ID where he can get Obamacare and his meds.

I'm thinking "nat" is a reference to size of their brain. They're a walking talking Parrot/robot of DNC talking points and it's on and on and on and on. someone needs to remove it's batteries
In other words, dingbat.....what you're saying is that the 6-7 million additional voters who helped elected Obama in 2012 were ALL fraud, and really dead?

Do you have an IQ above your waist size????

Take your IQ, quintuple it, add 35, and you'll have mine.

What I said is that fraud is a major part of the election strategy for leftists. Absent fraud, your party will have a much more difficult time winning elections.
I'm thinking "nat" is a reference to size of their brain. They're a walking talking Parrot/robot of DNC talking points and it's on and on and on and on. someone needs to remove it's batteries

In other words, another mindless Soros drone. Most of the leftists here are little more than bots, posting leftist memes from the hate sites.

gnat has no ability to think or reason. The recitation of hating points from ThinkProgress or KOS is the extent of his ability.
I'm thinking "nat" is a reference to size of their brain. They're a walking talking Parrot/robot of DNC talking points and it's on and on and on and on. someone needs to remove it's batteries

In other words, another mindless Soros drone. Most of the leftists here are little more than bots, posting leftist memes from the hate sites.

gnat has no ability to think or reason. The recitation of hating points from ThinkProgress or KOS is the extent of his ability.

Yep, they just spew and spew the same old talking points over and over. they are the reason I do believe that party brainwashes their sheep/tool voters. Of course their leftwing hate sites never informs them of the truth on anything either......take that DISHONEST title for proof
This bitching about requiring Voter Identification has been around for years. Originally, the complaint was that it was a poll tax and that is against the Constitution. Nothing was said that it would be inconvenient for minorities to purchase an ID. It was simply unConstitutional.

When that objection was met with "the States will make ID free to all"' that's when the Democrats started complaing it depresses the Vote because it's too hard to get the ID. So nothing is new; cheaters will always complain so they can cheat.

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