Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

What I said is that fraud is a major part of the election strategy for leftists. Absent fraud, your party will have a much more difficult time winning elections.

Delusional......but, guess what since you've concluded that "fraud" is our strategy, we'll take the next one in 2016....and there's obviously squat for you to prevent it.......feel better?
then what is it on here for you to worry about then? I'm confused, you on here bitching about a decision you don't feel impacts your side, seems weird, but never let a left loser's confusion ever get in the way of a good discussion right?
my gawd, this op just joined THIS MONTH and they already have 500 something post. Half of them in this thread with BS we've all heard A MILLION times already

please give us break

Certainly.....this o/p will......but right after we STEAL another election in 2016.......frustrated???? live with it.......:eusa_whistle:
This forum is very much like stumbling on a whole bunch of right wingers with tea bags hanging......well, you know where.

I mean, make up your minds.....what does it say about your "intelligence" to have us........STEAL elections over and over, through fraud, dead people, etc.????
If it's that easy, you should have no problem with requiring ID to vote. Yet you almost pathologically do. Why is that?
Poor gnat, trying so hard to appear a wit, yet only achieving half the goal...

Yet another great response...you right wingers are just so darn clever and charming........

Btw, if we're so good at stealing elections, what the hell happened last year? Just asking.....lol
Poor gnat, trying so hard to appear a wit, yet only achieving half the goal...

Yet another great response...you right wingers are just so darn clever and charming........

Btw, if we're so good at stealing elections, what the hell happened last year? Just asking.....lol
underwater volcano.jpg

blow'd up sir!!!
Poor gnat, trying so hard to appear a wit, yet only achieving half the goal...

Yet another great response...you right wingers are just so darn clever and charming........

Btw, if we're so good at stealing elections, what the hell happened last year? Just asking.....lol
Obviously, even your best efforts weren't good enough. That could explain the panic and terror when the subject of requiring ID to vote comes up.
If it's that easy, you should have no problem with requiring ID to vote. Yet you almost pathologically do. Why is that?

Did you just pick up a new word (pathologically) and decided that you MUST use it in a sentence to show off.....Re-read your post and see if it makes any sense.......
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.
At least they'll make it easier to tell if someone that's been dead for 10 years or is one of your imaginary friends is trying to vote.

In other words, ALL those folks monitoring the polling venues are just there to eat some crackers and drink ensures......I mean, they're letting dead people vote.....what a waste of money and manpower, right?
If it's that easy, you should have no problem with requiring ID to vote. Yet you almost pathologically do. Why is that?

Did you just pick up a new word (pathologically) and decided that you MUST use it in a sentence to show off.....Re-read your post and see if it makes any sense.......
So why DO you think you have such a difficult time dealing with the concept?
Obviously, even your best efforts weren't good enough. That could explain the panic and terror when the subject of requiring ID to vote comes up.

You're right, we best go dig up more corpses to bring to the polling stations next time.....Thanks for the advice...we'll get right on it..
Obviously, even your best efforts weren't good enough. That could explain the panic and terror when the subject of requiring ID to vote comes up.

You're right, we best go dig up more corpses to bring to the polling stations next time.....Thanks for the advice...we'll get right on it..
I think I see your problem. You've been doing it wrong. 2014 was your first time in charge, wasn't it?
I think I see your problem. You've been doing it wrong. 2014 was your first time in charge, wasn't it?

Ahhhhh your cleverness is just too much for us.....you've discovered our little secret as to how we win elections...we thought that no one would notice us bringing all those corpses to the polls.....but, alas, your superior intellect saw right through that ploy.
Check the names of the perps mentioned. You'll find that they were rewarded with the Lib's wet dream .......The government paid all of their expenses for quite a while...
Check the names of the perps mentioned. You'll find that they were rewarded with the Lib's wet dream .......The government paid all of their expenses for quite a while...

I would have thought you'd be just a bit smarter than that....but, alas....

First off the 2 idiots in Indiana (a red state anyway) were committing fraud in trying to place Obama and Clinton on the PRIMARY roster.....NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING about voters' fraud......no corpses showed up, nothing about voting twice, AND NOTHING that these 2 jerks did could have been prevented by voters' PHOTO ID laws.
At least they'll make it easier to tell if someone that's been dead for 10 years or is one of your imaginary friends is trying to vote.

In other words, ALL those folks monitoring the polling venues are just there to eat some crackers and drink ensures......I mean, they're letting dead people vote.....what a waste of money and manpower, right?

Dead people vote, through live people claiming the ID of the dead person.

It's not real complex...

Of course the problem is that those votes are cast in the back room by felons acting as poll workers.

ID laws mean that the Poll Worker is liable, when a dead guy votes... meaning that prosecution of poll workers will help us figure out who was working in the back room.

See how that works?

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