Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

can you document any cases of voter suppression?

well, perhaps.....( if I may ask you to point out how run-away voter's fraud elected Obama..........but that may be too much for right wingers,).........Anyway, try as they might, it did NOT work in PA in 2012 although many people were turned away (some could have been republicans, I might add)

More than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania do not have photo identification cards from the state Transportation Department, putting their voting rights at risk in the November election, according to data released Tuesday by state election officials. The figures -- representing 9.2 percent of the state's 8.2 million voters.
If you are going to make me, a 77 year old lifelong resident of the same town, show an ID, then I say make it mandatory that everyone MUST vote. Mandatory voting with an ID. This country is sick sick sick.
can you document any cases of voter suppression?

well, perhaps.....( if I may ask you to point out how run-away voter's fraud elected Obama..........but that may be too much for right wingers,).........Anyway, try as they might, it did NOT work in PA in 2012 although many people were turned away (some could have been republicans, I might add)

More than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania do not have photo identification cards from the state Transportation Department, putting their voting rights at risk in the November election, according to data released Tuesday by state election officials. The figures -- representing 9.2 percent of the state's 8.2 million voters.

And yet they were given provisional ballots and voted anyway.

That's an old lie you're telling, long since debunked.

BUT GLORIOUS PARTY appreciates your complete lack of ethics and integrity! Your lies help the party fly!
If you are going to make me, a 77 year old lifelong resident of the same town, show an ID, then I say make it mandatory that everyone MUST vote. Mandatory voting with an ID. This country is sick sick sick.

What's the logic there, something the majority wants pisses you off so you want to penalize everyone?

When we start making decisions based on pure petulance, then perhaps we'll consider your proposal.
Gee, Nate..... I thought criminal behavior by Democrat election workers was criminal behavior, period.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Here, from an article reprinted in an Indianapolis paper:

In Indiana, where the Republican-dominated legislature passed one of the first new ID laws in 2005 (on a straight party-line vote), there has been no known instances of voter impersonation in the state’s history
Of course, you right wingers have all made up your mind anyway....but just for fun, here's an article from the Harvard press....(and, I know, I know, Harvard is for those sissy liberals and you smart guys would never read such trash)

The burdens placed on prospective voters by these ID requirements are not trivial. Men and women who already possess driver’s licenses or passports, of course, will be unaffected. (So too will those in Texas who have permits to carry concealed weapons—since those permits meet the ID requirement.) But citizens who lack such documents will now be obliged to assemble various other pieces of paper (birth certificates, naturalization forms, proof of residence, etc.) and make their way (presumably without a car) to a government office that can issue an official photo ID. Who are these men and women?
Studies indicate that they are disproportionately young or elderly, poor, black, and Hispanic; demographically, they are more likely than not to vote Democratic. (In states covered by the Voting Rights Act, such as Texas and South Carolina, the photo ID laws are being challenged by the Department of Justice on the grounds that they disproportionately affect minorities.) The number of people potentially affected is considerable: the Texas secretary of state, for example, estimates that at least 600,000 already registered voters do not possess the documents to cast ballots in November. New York University’s respected Brennan Center for Justice has estimated that a total of more than five million people may lack the requisite identification documents in states that have passed new ID laws.
If you are going to make me, a 77 year old lifelong resident of the same town, show an ID, then I say make it mandatory that everyone MUST vote. Mandatory voting with an ID. This country is sick sick sick.

If you're going to make me show ID to buy a gun. I say make it mandatory that everyone buy a gun,,,


You leftists are such fucking morons...
Good move by Indiana. I live there, and they do make sure you're who you say you are when you get an ID. Gives me confidence in the elections, too.

So see, getting people to get an ID works.

We've already pointed out that IDs are readily available (and frequently free). However, having Texas register over a half million people to vote when the state has no idea who they are is a concern, especially with all the illegals in that state.
Wouldn't you agree? Or do you still maintain that it just doesn't matter? Or that illegals might have their "voting rights" taken away?
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I'm going to have some fun with the poll workers before I get my ID out... gonna be fun.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.

Man you are the most backassward thinker I've ever seen. It's the Dems that have turned our electoral system into a third world system. The Republicans want people that are eligible to vote to vote...once. Not illegals or dead people. If that is a civil rights set back I'm the pied piper...lol
More than 758,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania do not have photo identification cards from the state Transportation Department, putting their voting rights at risk in the November election, according to data released Tuesday by state election officials. The figures -- representing 9.2 percent of the state's 8.2 million voters.
:bsflag:Go get a freaking ID or stay the fuck home on election day...if you're too fucking stupid to get yourself a form of ID than I don't want you at the polls anyway. LMAO what a bunch of helpless dweebs liberals must be. Grow up and take responsibility for your fucking miserable lives and get an ID and stop whining. You can come up with an ID to get on the government gravy train so get off of your asses and get one to vote. Or just place me on your ignore lists AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAheeheeheeheehahahahaheehahahahaha
We've already pointed out that IDs are readily available (and frequently free). However, having Texas register over a half million people to vote when the state has no idea who they are is a concern, especially with all the illegals in that state.
Wouldn't you agree? Or do you still maintain that it just doesn't matter?

It may surprise you to know that I would be adamantly opposed to illegal aliens voting either by mistake or corruption.......

My problem with WI is simple and this is the last time I'm going to rephrase.....I am not positive if requiring a photo ID will curb hundreds of thousands from voting......However, since Walker is running for president and WI has not voted for a GOP candidate for more than 30 years......I am positive that Walker is not pushing this law out of concern for voter-integrity.....but more to have an awful lot of folks from cities like Milwaukee to simply say the heck with voting since I don't have a photo ID.....and for that, I will state and label Walker a slime ball.
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You mean people have to prove who they are before they vote? That is totally intolerable. People should be allowed to vote even if they aren't the person they claim to be.
How about providing free IDS at the polling place. Kills two birds with one stone. And yes I may present a hard time before I take out my ID. Why not? The workers know who I am... they are as old as I am. SO therefore why show my ID if they know who I am? That is truly stupid and if you disagree you are anti American anti freedom... jerks.

Your stupidity astounds me. How can you keep the illegals from voting if anyone can vote without an ID? And then you maintain that Democrats are either too lazy or too dumb to find the DMV!

Now I can see why the Democrats love Obama. They're just alike. But isn't a village somewhere missing their idiots?
Its tough to address all of these right wingers.....looks like I may have stumbled [uninvited] into a real tea party (pardon the pun).....
Besides, I've got to go and dig up some corpses, take their photos and register them as staunch liberals.

Your stupidity astounds me. How can you keep the illegals from voting if anyone can vote without an ID? And then you maintain that Democrats are either too lazy or too dumb to find the DMV!

One more fucking time....the argument is NOT over some form of an ID..... it is over a PHOTO ID.

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