Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Both sides can have crooks. Those were punished, but that does not mean the Democrats can commit voter fraud either. That doesn't mean measures to control voter fraud, like picture IDS, shouldn't be used, either .And anyone caught committing voter fraud should be prosecuted. This includes Republicans or Democrats, and anyone voting illegally.

Since you are from Indiana......I'm a bit curious as to why you failed to mention about the incident of GOP Secretary of State, Charlie White who was found guilty of 6 counts of voter fraud????

Just an oversight on your part?

Did it involve an ID (or lack thereof) ? I can admit Republicans can screw up too, but remember, the Republicans are the ones wanting picture IDS to insure against voter fraud, while the Democrats oppose it, and that is the topic of this thread. I was pointing out instances where there was dishonesty by people that could affect that issue you brought up, and if you use Google, you will find places where the Democrats have had problems with this ( like Chicago).

So why don't you just come clean and admit that voter ID (along with purging the rolls of dead voters, etc) will help prevent fraud?

If the Democrats would get on board with that where we could have a clean election and they win, it would remove any doubt about the legitimacy of the results, but as long as they continue to fight for elections where the possibilities and ideal conditions for voter fraud exist because positive ID of voters isn't possible, any Democrat win can be called into question.

But the Democrats know that and don't care, right? That leaves only one possible conclusion - that without the ability to pull the shenanigans that the lack of voter ID provides, they would become irrelevant.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.
give me a break. give me a break. anyone can get an ID. You tell me why someone can't get one? Please I'm all eyes.
Texas teen fighting legal ID hurdles because of parents homeschooling Christian ways
Undocumented Citizens The Crisis of U.S. Birth Certificates 1940-1945 cliotropic

Now, open your eyes.
hahahahahaha, that's crap and you know it.
No, it isn't. It's American history, and for 230 years we managed to let people vote here without photo ID.
It's called progress.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.
give me a break. give me a break. anyone can get an ID. You tell me why someone can't get one? Please I'm all eyes.
Texas teen fighting legal ID hurdles because of parents homeschooling Christian ways
Undocumented Citizens The Crisis of U.S. Birth Certificates 1940-1945 cliotropic

Now, open your eyes.
hahahahahaha, that's crap and you know it.
No, it isn't. It's American history, and for 230 years we managed to let people vote here without photo ID.
It's called progress.
To have actual progress means you need to do something correctly, like issue every citizen photo ID and then ask to see it.
Pick my Cotton

The reason voting without an ID worked before was because we didn't have the Democrats allowing serial voters, dead folks, and illegals to vote, and allowing voting without an ID only allows that trend to continue. That's why states are starting to require IDS. Seems the only way to keep the Democrats from cheating is to just make it impossible.

And they can get an ID. Hell, most states will give them one for free.

So the Democrats can just consider that new law to be a self-inflicted wound.
Pick my Cotton

The reason voting without an ID worked before was because we didn't have the Democrats allowing serial voters, dead folks, and illegals to vote, and allowing voting without an ID only allows that trend to continue. That's why states are starting to require IDS. Seems the only way to keep the Democrats from cheating is to just make it impossible.

And they can get an ID. Hell, most states will give them one for free.

So the Democrats can just consider that new law to be a self-inflicted wound.
Your dogma, which is dead wrong, bores me. Don't bother responding unless you need the little right-wing reach-around crew here to stoke you.

When presented with facts you ignore them. I have no patience for that.

We all know you're just dense. Why don't you pick up another hobby, like telling blacks how they're too stupid to get an ID, you old racist?

We all know you're just dense. Why don't you pick up another hobby, like telling blacks how they're too stupid to get an ID, you old racist?
Why don't you grow up and deal with reality, even though you won't like it...
Hey, I'm not the racist. But I am curious about how blacks can support a party that obviously holds them in open contempt. Want to try answering that?
Hey, I'm not the racist. But I am curious about how blacks can support a party that obviously holds them in open contempt. Want to try answering that?
Because it doesn't, and why would they vote for the party of Whitey, that calls them lazy violent drug-addicted criminal welfare *******?
Hey, I'm not the racist. But I am curious about how blacks can support a party that obviously holds them in open contempt. Want to try answering that?
Because it doesn't, and why would they vote for the party of Whitey, that calls them lazy violent drug-addicted criminal welfare *******?
Wow.... Maybe we should spam the board with your racist posts like you spam it with the same dumb question after everybody already gave you the answer...

Or just punch the "ignore" button....
Hey, I'm not the racist. But I am curious about how blacks can support a party that obviously holds them in open contempt. Want to try answering that?
Because it doesn't, and why would they vote for the party of Whitey, that calls them lazy violent drug-addicted criminal welfare *******?
Wow.... Maybe we should spam the board with your racist posts like you spam it with the same dumb question after everybody already gave you the answer...

Or just punch the "ignore" button....
The ignore button is for pussies. Knock yourself out kid.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.
"Could disenfranchise"....
First off, use of buzz terms gets you no traction in this debate..
Second, ANYONE can obtain a state ID free of charge. All they have to do is go get one.
If they can make it to the polls to vote, they can certainly make the effort to obtain a FREE official ID..
Oh, this is really funny.
Last week, Obama suggested that a law be passed that mandates everyone cast a ballot..
Ok, fine. Let's go with that...So all those allegedly disenfranchised people who the whiny left cannot obtain an ID now have to REGISTER TO VOTE...
Breaking New Alert: "Obama visits White House medical staff to have foot surgically removed from his mouth".....
Could disenfranchise"....
First off, use of buzz terms gets you no traction in this debate..
Second, ANYONE can obtain a state ID free of charge. All they have to do is go get one.
If they can make it to the polls to vote, they can certainly make the effort to obtain a FREE official ID..
Oh, this is really funny.
Last week, Obama suggested that a law be passed that mandates everyone cast a ballot..
Ok, fine. Let's go with that...So all those allegedly disenfranchised people who the whiny left cannot obtain an ID now have to REGISTER TO VOTE...
Breaking New Alert: "Obama visits White House medical staff to have foot surgically removed from his mouth".....

Yet ANOTHER right wing and comprehension-challenged dingbat chimes in (and gets cheered on by fellow tea sippers).......

First we are NOT talking about any ID....But for the tenth time a PHOTO ID issued by the state.....Again PHOTO.....PHOTO, PHOTO, PHOTO....

Second, if one doesn't get a photo ID, one cannot vote (obviously) absentee.....

Third, even a dense dingbat would (or should) admit that in WI there is an EXTRA step (a trip to some state office) before being allowed to vote.

At the very least......the very least, lets debate facts not the moronic, "screw these folks, let them show an ID."
Third, even a dense dingbat would (or should) admit that in WI there is an EXTRA step (a trip to some state office) before being allowed to vote.

So you actually aren't trying to help Democrats commit fraud, you just think Democrats are too butt lazy to vote even for their free government cheese?

You could be right about that, Democrats are lazy....
Cool, where are these principles?

Since you really don't have any........you wouldn't recognize them.

My primary principle is I want to make my own choices over my own life, and I respect your right to do the same.

Unfortunately your "principles" prevent you from doing that. You don't grasp principles until you respect the rights of others. You should go back to Kindergarten and start over because you didn't learn not to grab when you were supposed to
Actually, Wisconsin will give anyone who needs it an ID for free. Go online and check it out for yourself. So if someone is too lazy to go get it, they're probably too lazy to go to the polls anyway. And by requiring an ID, Wisconsin can keep people from registering non-existant people who might follow all the dead folks to the polls to vote for Hillary!

Do you have a link providing proof of dead people voting in our past elections? (eye roll)
Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.

Yep, yep, I remember that.


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