Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Provide FREE photo ids at every polling place. Then its taken care of. No possible argument against this.
Tell you what Obiwan.......get a job at a polling place next election, and every minority that shows up, ask to see the callouses on their hands to prove that they've done their work on the plantation......Satisfied?i
Its tough to address all of these right wingers.....looks like I may have stumbled [uninvited] into a real tea party (pardon the pun).....
Besides, I've got to go and dig up some corpses, take their photos and register them as staunch liberals.

Yeah I suppose you have more work cut out for yourselves if you want to rig elections.
Its tough to address all of these right wingers.....looks like I may have stumbled [uninvited] into a real tea party (pardon the pun).....
Besides, I've got to go and dig up some corpses, take their photos and register them as staunch liberals.

We know, we know...you're great because you say you are.

Here is the problem you face, you've already revealed that you run when confronted with the truth and forced to face it without deflection kid.

You ain't anybody here's first rodeo, hell they've cut their teeth on children like you.

You'll find that just because you claim to be the smartest kid here nobody will buy it because the fact is that you're just one more run of the mill punk ;)
Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Geeeezzzz...now we're back to rhetoric AGAIN????? Its not about showing some form of ID ...WI now demands a PHOTO ID....that is the crux of the issue.

(and soon you'll respond with "well, let them get a photo id, right???)
Wow. The TSA DEMANDS ID too.

Tell Me, has anyone died yet?

Your stupidity astounds me. How can you keep the illegals from voting if anyone can vote without an ID? And then you maintain that Democrats are either too lazy or too dumb to find the DMV!

One more fucking time....the argument is NOT over some form of an ID..... it is over a PHOTO ID.

So what's the difference? A photo?

Its tough to address all of these right wingers.....looks like I may have stumbled [uninvited] into a real tea party (pardon the pun).....
Besides, I've got to go and dig up some corpses, take their photos and register them as staunch liberals.
Well, don't bother with My grandparents. Life long Republicans, they've voted Democrat three times since they've died.

I can't help but feel sorry for you. I cut my teeth on the old MSNBC boards, and you would last about as long there as a goat at a Muslim orgy.:badgrin:

Your stupidity astounds me. How can you keep the illegals from voting if anyone can vote without an ID? And then you maintain that Democrats are either too lazy or too dumb to find the DMV!

Now I can see why the Democrats love Obama. They're just alike. But isn't a village somewhere missing their idiots?

I think we've hammered this to death.......but just for parity (since you brought up those 2 Dem. idiots from Indiana....and since we're talking about WI) here's a republican "sweet heart" from that state......Yes, a few dolts cheat BUT they're from BOTH sides of the aisle......

Now we learn about the curious case of republican Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old health executive who is accused of voting a dozen times in 2011 and 2012, including seven times in the recalls of Scott Walker and his GOP ally Alberta Darling. Wisconsin officials say it’s the worst case of multiple voting in memory.

The television coverage of the case focused on the suburb of Sherwood where Monroe allegedly filled out an absentee ballot for his son, who voted in person a few towns away, which helped trigger the investigation. .

Investigators say Monroe voted twice for Alberta Darling in her 2011 recall, and five times for Walker in the June 2012 recall. He’s used his own name, his son’s name and his girlfriend’s son’s name. (They can’t be sure exactly whom he voted for in each case, but he gave money to Darling and Walker.) Then in the November presidential election, he voted first in Shorewood, then again in Lebanon, Indiana, where he also owns a home. He claims he had temporary amnesia and doesn’t remember any of the Election Day events.

I can't help but feel sorry for you. I cut my teeth on the old MSNBC boards, and you would last about as long there as a goat at a Muslim orgy.:badgrin:

...and just to make you really happy about yourself, OBGYN or whatever your screen name is........Here's a bit of "irony".....

The irony of the big GOP push for voter ID laws seems to be that when it comes to actual voter fraud, Republicans are often the ones who are most responsible. Consider the following examples of voter fraud that have been committed over the past few years:

Yo, are you in LEFT FIELD? You need I.D, for everything you do fool, the LEFT FOOLS PARTY loves to throw crap against a wall to see if it sticks? But that is getting old like the whole Democrat Party!!!

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by the time most legal americans are 12, they have some form of ID! so they all need to stop crying like a baby when they are in their 20's/30's complaining that they dont have any ID!
Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Geeeezzzz...now we're back to rhetoric AGAIN????? Its not about showing some form of ID ...WI now demands a PHOTO ID....that is the crux of the issue.

(and soon you'll respond with "well, let them get a photo id, right???)

Rhetoric? LOL, that's what you just did, there's none in my post, it was completely direct
Both sides can have crooks. Those were punished, but that does not mean the Democrats can commit voter fraud either. That doesn't mean measures to control voter fraud, like picture IDS, shouldn't be used, either .

And anyone caught committing voter fraud should be prosecuted.

This includes Republicans or Democrats, and anyone voting illegally.
Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Geeeezzzz...now we're back to rhetoric AGAIN????? Its not about showing some form of ID ...WI now demands a PHOTO ID....that is the crux of the issue.

(and soon you'll respond with "well, let them get a photo id, right???)

So does the TSA, numskull. In fact, they demand a government issued photo ID. The only two that qualify are a driver's license or a passport.

Pretty ridiculous, don't you think? Why would anyone lie about who they are? You feel me, don't you nat?
Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Geeeezzzz...now we're back to rhetoric AGAIN????? Its not about showing some form of ID ...WI now demands a PHOTO ID....that is the crux of the issue.

(and soon you'll respond with "well, let them get a photo id, right???)
Wow. The TSA DEMANDS ID too.

Tell Me, has anyone died yet?

The TSA is obviously racist
But that still doesn't invalidate the argument for photo IDS. It only reinforces it.
Both sides can have crooks. Those were punished, but that does not mean the Democrats can commit voter fraud either. That doesn't mean measures to control voter fraud, like picture IDS, shouldn't be used, either .

And anyone caught committing voter fraud should be prosecuted.

This includes Republicans or Democrats, and anyone voting illegally.

The democrats are just driven by reason. Terrorists won't walk across open borders, blacks will vote but they won't get free IDs to do it, no one would lie about who they are to vote. I mean duh
Pretty ridiculous, don't you think? Why would anyone lie about who they are? You feel me, don't you nat?

"feel you"......???? Not even if I were subjected to Gitmo-style of enhanced interrogation.
I have principles, I'll have you know.
But that still doesn't invalidate the argument for photo IDS. It only reinforces it.

I tend to agree....................perhaps not having photo IDs will invalidate a bunch of WI elderly, udder-squeezing, farmers from voting

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