Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Hey Nat
What's this phobia of photos? Did your parents post embarrassing photos of you on the internet or something?
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Minorities bitch (or the far left bitches for them) that they can't register, then how did they get their EBT cards?
Actually, Wisconsin will give anyone who needs it an ID for free. Go online and check it out for yourself. So if someone is too lazy to go get it, they're probably too lazy to go to the polls anyway. And by requiring an ID, Wisconsin can keep people from registering non-existant people who might follow all the dead folks to the polls to vote for Hillary!

Do you have a link providing proof of dead people voting in our past elections? (eye roll)

Hey Carla, three questions:

1) How's the Sexting?

2) They have proven without ID you can claim to be someone else and vote for them. A guy off the street was offered Eric Holder's ballot in DC when he said that was his name. He didn't take it. He was making the point. It worked. Can you give me other examples of security measures that are blocked until it's proven how often it has happened rather than being shown what the hole in the security is?

3) Why exactly do you think blacks will vote but they won't go to an extra step like every five years to do it? Do you think they are lazy?
Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.

Yep, yep, I remember that.

Exactly why we need voter ID. You make only allowing living, legal people to vote once sound like a bad thing. It's all about winning elections anyway you can, huh?
Well, I must congratulate my fellow democrats for managing to get 6 million corpses to vote for Obama in 2012 to give him that extra number of votes over Romney.......We are now in the long process of putting those corpses back in the ground with our eternal gratitude for their efforts..
Well, I must congratulate my fellow democrats for managing to get 6 million corpses to vote for Obama in 2012 to give him that extra number of votes over Romney.......We are now in the long process of putting those corpses back in the ground with our eternal gratitude for their efforts..

I heard that isn't all you and your Democrat friends did with the dead bodies ... But it doesn't surprise me, because y'all are some sick puppies.

Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.

Yep, yep, I remember that.

I still don't get it, then what are you all so concerned about? If it isn't going to matter, then what's it to you?
I think I see your problem. You've been doing it wrong. 2014 was your first time in charge, wasn't it?

Ahhhhh your cleverness is just too much for us.....you've discovered our little secret as to how we win elections...we thought that no one would notice us bringing all those corpses to the polls.....but, alas, your superior intellect saw right through that ploy.
I think you need to give control back to the guys who actually made it work.
Well, I must congratulate my fellow democrats for managing to get 6 million corpses to vote for Obama in 2012 to give him that extra number of votes over Romney.......We are now in the long process of putting those corpses back in the ground with our eternal gratitude for their efforts..
we agree, and why the voter ID law. Nice you concede that point.
Once again, the Supreme Court has shown that it NO longer is an arbiter of the Constitutionality of state inspired laws, but yet another biased and partisan segment of our government.

The decision is a setback for civil rights groups that contend the law could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of residents who lack proper ID — particularly racial minorities, seniors, students and people with disabilities. Governor Walker has not been able to show virtually any voters' fraud and.....I am sure....under his pimps, the Koch brothers direction, has pushed this ridiculous and anti-democratic ban on voters. This to ensure his backers that WI will go for him in 2016.

What republicans cannot win at the polling boots, they'll try to win through the biased SC.
So "hundreds of thousands " WI residents have no IDs?

would one of the resident libs please explain why you object to proving who you are before voting?

you have to prove your identity in order to pick up your welfare checks and food stamps. Why not to vote?
would one of the resident libs please explain why you object to proving who you are before voting?

you have to prove your identity in order to pick up your welfare checks and food stamps. Why not to vote?
They even need an ID to buy beer. Or do they adhere to the the Lib philosophy that they're entitled to have someone else pay for it?
would one of the resident libs please explain why you object to proving who you are before voting?

you have to prove your identity in order to pick up your welfare checks and food stamps. Why not to vote?
They even need an ID to buy beer. Or do they adhere to the the Lib philosophy that they're entitled to have someone else pay for it?
they what? ID to purchase beer? Holy Crap, how do they get their spirits since they can't get an ID?
Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.

Yep, yep, I remember that.

Just the GOP trying to cheat to gain power, as usual.

Yes, we know, voter ID disenfranchises the dead, the dead are people too

Nope, the people it does effect are alive and well. Why don't you try dealing with reality for a change? The information on who doesn't have ID, and why, is out there. If the numbers didn't work the GOP wouldn't be cheating.
Last presidential election, some right wing hack from PA openly admitted that passing a voters ID law would give that state to Romney....well, that pissed off a lot of voters in that state and Obama won by 300,000 votes.

Yep, yep, I remember that.

Just the GOP trying to cheat to gain power, as usual.

Yes, we know, voter ID disenfranchises the dead, the dead are people too

Nope, the people it does effect are alive and well. Why don't you try dealing with reality for a change? The information on who doesn't have ID, and why, is out there. If the numbers didn't work the GOP wouldn't be cheating.

Do you know what the fallacy referred to as "begging the question" means or do you just know how to do it?

Why exactly do you think blacks are too lazy to get a free id like every five years to vote? Are you assuming they are as lazy as you are?

I just find it entertaining that Nat claims there are hundreds of thousands of Democrats that are to dumb or lazy to find the DMV in WI alone. Must be one really stupid bunch.

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