Wisconsin's anti-democracy voter I.D. law to stand

Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....

Why do you liberals keep claiming that the cost of ID's will disenfranchise poor voters? There are provisions in all these State voter ID laws that provide free ID's for those that can't afford them.

Do you not know that...or are you willing to lie about the topic to try and sway minds?
When are Black people going to stand up to the democrat party's blatant racist plantation mentality? How can left wingers still claim that the "poor racial minorities" are unable to obtain something as basic as a freaking photo I.D. in the 21st century when there are Black people who have become lawyers and brain surgeons?
It's remarkable that you can't get into a Democratic Party rally without an ID but Democrats want people to be able to vote without one! Seriously...think about the absurdity of that!
Since virtually NO incidents of voters' fraud has been reported, and given that procuring a state ID will be expensive (and unnecessary), and given that not all legitimate citizens of WI are computer savvy, mobile or English proficient, then this law only serves ONE purpose....Voters' suppression to prevent mostly non-republicans from showing up at the polls.....

Why do you liberals keep claiming that the cost of ID's will disenfranchise poor voters? There are provisions in all these State voter ID laws that provide free ID's for those that can't afford them.

Do you not know that...or are you willing to lie about the topic to try and sway minds?

Of course they know it... . What you're looking at there, is Deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

I was merely pointing out the reason to keep the election honest, namely the Dimwit's readiness to commit election fraud. Are you trying to tell me now that the Democrats have different classes of fraud, and claiming some are OK? Kind of makes us wonder what other frauds are "innocent" in the Democrats' eyes, doesn't it?
Dead people vote, through live people claiming the ID of the dead person.

It's not real complex...

Of course the problem is that those votes are cast in the back room by felons acting as poll workers.

ID laws mean that the Poll Worker is liable, when a dead guy votes... meaning that prosecution of poll workers will help us figure out who was working in the back room.

See how that works?

Ahhh, thanks for clarifying things for us.......NOW, the problem is the poll workers and a whole bunch of felons working as poll workers......

I'm telling you, the plot thickens .......we've gone from photo ID laws to felons working the back rooms, camouflaged as poll workers.....

We could develop and interesting novel around this nefarious plot....What do you think?
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds - Watchdog.org

By Kenric Ward | Watchdog.org

RICHMOND, Va. — Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by Watchdog.org.

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.

“Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage,” she said.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

“Duplicate registration is an open invitation to voting fraud,” said Clara Belle Wheeler, a member of the Election Board in Albemarle County, Va. “This ability to vote more than once dilutes the legal votes and changes the results of elections.”

The interstate cross-check program matches first and last names and dates of birth to identify multiple registrations.But the data are not routinely used to purge duplicates.

“Increasingly lax standards in our election process produce increasingly unreliable results,” Engelbrecht asserted.

“The few conversations that are had about how to shore up these weaknesses are immediately seized on by certain politicians and special-interest groups as fuel to further divide American voters based on trumped-up race and class-based narratives,” she said.

Engelbrecht said the “vicious cycle” can be fixed “if citizens wake up, stand up and refuse to settle for a broken system.”

So, tell me HOW requiring a PHOTO ID will fix that mess????

Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?
I was merely pointing out the reason to keep the election honest, namely the Dimwit's readiness to commit election fraud. Are you trying to tell me now that the Democrats have different classes of fraud, and claiming some are OK? Kind of makes us wonder what other frauds are "innocent" in the Democrats' eyes, doesn't it?

One rule of debating......You do NOT come up with your own rhetorical question (assuming what the other person would say) and then address that question as being faulty....... In other words you cannot "put words in other people's mouths" and then claim that what they stated was wrong.

Above you asked a silly question and then concluded that it was a silly question......

Now, that stated......would you like me to come up with some instances where republicans tried to get someone's name on a ballot???

Again, we are NOT talking about voters' fraud (the topic that has got you right wingers in a lather) but we have changed the topic to fraudulently getting a name on a ballot......you DO realize that you changed topic, don't you?
Yes, disenfranchising illegal aliens, dead people and restricting people to only one vote. It's just anti American it is

Moronic, inane and right wing nonsense ....Can you prove that aliens, dead people and more than one vote per person has occurred? No you cannot because that problem ONLY exists within the world of Rush and FOX....

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states report finds - Watchdog.org

By Kenric Ward | Watchdog.org

RICHMOND, Va. — Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by Watchdog.org.

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote.

“Sensible approaches to roll maintenance are fought tooth and nail by radical special interests who can use the duplicity in the system to their advantage,” she said.

The latest interstate voter cross check tallied 6,951,484 overlapping voter registrations, and they’re just the tip of the iceberg.

The cross-check program involves only 28 states and does not include the three largest: California, Texas and Florida.

“Duplicate registration is an open invitation to voting fraud,” said Clara Belle Wheeler, a member of the Election Board in Albemarle County, Va. “This ability to vote more than once dilutes the legal votes and changes the results of elections.”

The interstate cross-check program matches first and last names and dates of birth to identify multiple registrations.But the data are not routinely used to purge duplicates.

“Increasingly lax standards in our election process produce increasingly unreliable results,” Engelbrecht asserted.

“The few conversations that are had about how to shore up these weaknesses are immediately seized on by certain politicians and special-interest groups as fuel to further divide American voters based on trumped-up race and class-based narratives,” she said.

Engelbrecht said the “vicious cycle” can be fixed “if citizens wake up, stand up and refuse to settle for a broken system.”

So, tell me HOW requiring a PHOTO ID will fix that mess????

Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Liberal agendas are so stupid and illogical that it would be hilarious to watch the contortions they go thorough to support them if it wasn't so scary.

I'll never get over the liberal morons who claim that marriage has nothing to do with reproduction.

I wouldn't recommend a criminal career for you. If you were to tell the cops "but I didn't break into that house, I only stole their car, so it's OK", they would still end up catching you when they stopped laughing at your stupidity. :badgrin:
Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Geeeezzzz...now we're back to rhetoric AGAIN????? Its not about showing some form of ID ...WI now demands a PHOTO ID....that is the crux of the issue.

(and soon you'll respond with "well, let them get a photo id, right???)
Um...by making sure that someone is who they say they are? Why do the TSA, banks or liquor stores check ID? Didn't you ever wonder?

Geeeezzzz...now we're back to rhetoric AGAIN????? Its not about showing some form of ID ...WI now demands a PHOTO ID....that is the crux of the issue.

(and soon you'll respond with "well, let them get a photo id, right???)

So does the TSA, numskull. In fact, they demand a government issued photo ID. The only two that qualify are a driver's license or a passport.
I wouldn't recommend a criminal career for you. If you were to tell the cops "but I didn't break into that house, I only stole their car, so it's OK", they would still end up catching you when they stopped laughing at your stupidity

Is it soooooo hard for you to DIFFERENTIATE between 2 idiots in Indiana trying to put a name on the ballot...AND........someone voting twice or a dead person voting?????

If you cannot differentiate between the first (which had NOTHING to do with a photo ID requirement)....and the second, then just forget it......you can say you won and you can tell your friends how clever you are. Deal?
No, if they don't want an ID, it's OK. If they are too lazy to get a free one, they are too lazy to vote anyway, and they can always go to your house and drink your beer.

I do too, as long as they're not somebody's imaginary friends. If someone wants them to vote, can I recommend a good mental health facility?

Can you name a dozen cases in WI where "imaginary" voters have voted?
If not, you should admit that this stunt is either a waste of money or.....voter's suppression....
can you document any cases of voter suppression?
I'll never get over the liberal morons who claim that marriage has nothing to do with reproduction.

Yeah, that's a real knee-slapper.....and all those couples who can't have kids should just stop having sex because.....well, because it IS all about reproduction (and should probably get divorced.)

Want to hear another one?.....Yeah, about the guy who said that Eve really was born from a rib........yep, that's a real funny one.
Gee, Nate..... I thought criminal behavior by Democrat election workers was criminal behavior, period.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Moron if the decision went 5-4 your way you'd be cheering.


Usual right wing eloquence..........The SC has REFUSED to even hear the case....most of justices are too busy going hunting with Cheney.

You are quite obtuse aren't you?

ANY SC decision that went 5-4 your way you'd cheer.

You are a liar if you say any different.
I'll never get over the liberal morons who claim that marriage has nothing to do with reproduction.

Yeah, that's a real knee-slapper.....and all those couples who can't have kids should just stop having sex because.....well, because it IS all about reproduction (and should probably get divorced.)

I see you're proud to identify yourself as one of the forum morons.

Nobody knows they can't have kids until they spend a few years trying. You aren't required to have an accident if you buy auto insurance. Marriage is an insurance policy for women and their children. That's what it has always been.

Want to hear another one?.....Yeah, about the guy who said that Eve really was born from a rib........yep, that's a real funny one.

I'm an atheist, so I don't know why you're telling me this.

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