With 400 Child deaths in 2023 so far, Every Gun Buyer (and Owner), must undergo a Serious Mental Health Eval before being allowed to purchase a Gun

Every patriot should arm himself with the most effective weapons available, which in my humble opinion is the AR15 (but I don't want to start an argument with AK47 enthusiasts). But a shotfun for home defense and a serious handgun are also desirable. Plus half a dozen magazines and at least 2000 rounds of ammunition for the AR.

Then he should organize with like-minded people, like the former Oathkeepers in Arizona have done ( https://YCPT.org ). If it's financially feasible, he should scour garage sales and gun shows for cheap weapons, because in a real SHTF situation, he'll want to be able to arm Johnny-come-lately neighbors and relatives, and something is better than nothing. Even a single-shot bolt-action .22 is infinitely better than nothing.

If the Left in a particular state succeeds in passing a draconian gun law -- say, one banning "assault weapons" -- then his assault weapons should be lost in a boating accident, or transferred to relatives in another state, remembering that there are things which are done, and not said; and things which are said, and not done.
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Agent Doug, you do realize that we remember Oathkeepers from Arizona, right? There are a thousand in jail today and promises from DOJ of another thousand who fell for your coworkers and fellow FBI agents running Oathkeepers, particularly in Arizona.

From my post #5:
My solution is that in order to buy/own a gun you would first need to obtain a gun carry permit that requires the police to sign-off on you as a responsible gun owner.
The other half of this restriction is that a gun carry permit is good anywhere in the USA. A win-win for guns and no guns.

You want stricter access to guns, that's the price.
You're the very worst kind of gun controller, one who pretends to be one of us, one who wears our colors, such as Molon Labe. Reminiscent of Ray Epps and his MAGA hat.

Do you really believe that a compromise that gives the left more control over guns will end compromise and they (and you) won't be calling for the next compromise the very next day?

There's nothing that you anti-gunners bring to the table that can be used to negotiate against the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. You come to the table knowing we have it all and you have nothing so you start your compromise with "give us something or we'll take everything." That's all you have to offer, is to take less versus taking it all.
You're the very worst kind of gun controller, one who pretends to be one of us, one who wears our colors, such as Molon Labe. Reminiscent of Ray Epps and his MAGA hat.

Do you really believe that a compromise that gives the left more control over guns will end compromise and they (and you) won't be calling for the next compromise the very next day?

There's nothing that you anti-gunners bring to the table that can be used to negotiate against the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. You come to the table knowing we have it all and you have nothing so you start your compromise with "give us something or we'll take everything." That's all you have to offer, is to take less versus taking it all.
Like Israel has conned itself into Land for Peace deals we are being conned by talking heads like Geraldo Rivera into AWB2
Agent Doug, you do realize that we remember Oathkeepers from Arizona, right? There are a thousand in jail today and promises from DOJ of another thousand who fell for your coworkers and fellow FBI agents running Oathkeepers, particularly in Arizona.
No, you don't know what you're talking about. You really ought to do a bit of background reading before you embarrass yourself with ignorant posts. You might check to see what I've posted on this subject, numerous times.

The Arizona Oathkeepers I'm talking about know all about FBI and other provocateurs and how they try to entrap people into doing something stupid (like the 6 January fiasco). You -- well, not you, but any intelligent person reading this -- can check them out here, at https://YCPT.org . It's run by former Oathkeepers, who wisely do not choose to call themselves a 'militia', and who make sure that the crazies and infiltrators are shown the door.

The dubious Ray Epps, was actually head of the Arizona Oathkeepers briefly, about ten years ago, but faded into obscurity for some reason.

And as for your nasty slander, I've posted over and over and over, here and elsewhere, about the dangers of infiltrators who will try to get people to do stupid things, quoting FBI tactics used against Muslims, against the Klan, and in infiltrating the far Left back in the 1960s. The militia movement in particular attracts blowhards who will huff and puff about 'shooting liberals' and similar insanity, which the infiltrators will pick up on, and develop.

A few minute's checking on my posts would have revealed that.
No, you don't know what you're talking about. You really ought to do a bit of background reading before you embarrass yourself with ignorant posts. You might check to see what I've posted on this subject, numerous times.

The Arizona Oathkeepers I'm talking about know all about FBI and other provocateurs and how they try to entrap people into doing something stupid (like the 6 January fiasco). You -- well, not you, but any intelligent person reading this -- can check them out here, at https://YCPT.org . It's run by former Oathkeepers, who wisely do not choose to call themselves a 'militia', and who make sure that the crazies and infiltrators are shown the door.

The dubious Ray Epps, was actually head of the Arizona Oathkeepers briefly, about ten years ago, but faded into obscurity for some reason.

And as for your nasty slander, I've posted over and over and over, here and elsewhere, about the dangers of infiltrators who will try to get people to do stupid things, quoting FBI tactics used against Muslims, against the Klan, and in infiltrating the far Left back in the 1960s. The militia movement in particular attracts blowhards who will huff and puff about 'shooting liberals' and similar insanity, which the infiltrators will pick up on, and develop.

A few minute's checking on my posts would have revealed that.
21st Century Militia attracts people of the Region or County / State same as a Jury does .
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

You should have to pass that same test before exercising your fist Amendment right to spew your anti-American opinions.
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

Do more good if we just stopped letting you scum out of prison.
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

Well 4414 minors have died in car accidents so far in 2023 so what is your determination criteria for who gets a drivers license??
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

Moron, the ones doing over 95% of the shooting in this country are people who can't legally buy, own or carry guns......they have been arrested over and over again, and then released by democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians.....

number of mass public shootings in 2022


Total murdered

74 between all 12

Meanwhile, in democrat party controlled cities the tally is just over 19,000.....as a direct result of the democrat party destroying local police and their ability to arrest criminals, and the democrat party prosecutors, judges and politicians releasing violent gun offenders on a revolving door policy.....

So, your post is off the mark....you are focusing on the wrong thing....you should vote out democrats to save more lives.
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

Remove guns from child gang bangers and shooting deaths will practically disappear

But libs would rather let the kids die as their excuse to disarm regular adults
We have a doddering old fool in the W,H, who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button and can't remember what day it is and lefties want legitimate gun owners to undergo a "serious mental health evaluation"? I guess it beats enforcing the freaking law.
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

I don't need to be lectured on child deaths by hypocrite leftist morons who support abortions.
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

first libs whine about over population and then they whine about de population.....stay on one side of the fence idiots
We have a doddering old fool in the W,H, who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button and can't remember what day it is and lefties want legitimate gun owners to undergo a "serious mental health evaluation"? I guess it beats enforcing the freaking law.
all those people getting shot in the hood are democrats....thats why they are mad
We know at least one of those Child Murders was committed by an Illegal

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