With 400 Child deaths in 2023 so far, Every Gun Buyer (and Owner), must undergo a Serious Mental Health Eval before being allowed to purchase a Gun

400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

So basically you are saying because I own guns I should be examined by a modern day Witch doctor.

I remember a psychologist was treating my son in law for PTSD and I asked her if he was an alcoholic. She said he wasn’t.She was wrong. Eventually his alcoholism killed him.

There is also an argument that many who commit mass murder on taking prescription drugs for mental issues. Of course this argument has been censored because it would effect the profits for Big Pharma.

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So what about this guy ?

View attachment 770329


Unfortunate sweatshirt on Audrey.
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.


In 2020, from the CDC Wisqars data...

Accidental gun deaths of children...


You are listing gang members getting shot by other gang members...not normal children...you stupid ass...
400 child deaths so far in 2023. Shocking. All because Gun Owners are too selfish to give an inch on gun safety.

Every Gun buyer and owner should be forced to undergo a very serious and strict mental health evaluation before being allowed to buy a gun. ll loop holes must be closed, like Online sale, provate sales, and gun show sales.

Healthy safe and legal gun buyers and owners have nothing to fear at all. Nobody can say this law would unfairly restrict responsible gun owners at all.

Innocent people and kids are dying at a rapid clip. This will go along way in establishing real gun safety laws.

Hey....shithead......you fell for the anti-gun lie too....from your link....

Deaths by suicide made up the vast majority of gun violence deaths this year – 57.9%, the nonprofit gun violence tracker reports.

Do you think teenagers in gangs are the same as other children? You idiot.
My solution is that in order to buy/own a gun you would first need to obtain a gun carry permit that requires the police to sign-off on you as a responsible gun owner.
The other half of this restriction is that a gun carry permit is good anywhere in the USA. A win-win for guns and no guns.

Yeah, no, really stupid idea as the democrat party controlled cities show where they refuse to give anyone but rich democrats permits......
My solution is that in order to buy/own a gun you would first need to obtain a gun carry permit that requires the police to sign-off on you as a responsible gun owner.
The other half of this restriction is that a gun carry permit is good anywhere in the USA. A win-win for guns and no guns.
That didn't work out too well Blue Cities where only Democrat Politicians were allowed to get permits to own firearms.
Just more power grab for the slimy politicians. Enforce the laws and regulations we have.

Might find that the laws and regulations would work better if you did.
seeing how the laws do nothing to keep people safe, and most people can just buy a gun through one of the loop holes obviously yu have no clue what you are talking about.

enforcing the laws would do nothing, because the laws are weak and ineffective.
seeing how the laws do nothing to keep people safe, and most people can just buy a gun through one of the loop holes obviously yu have no clue what you are talking about.

enforcing the laws would do nothing, because the laws are weak and ineffective.
No cash bail puts violent people back on the streets the day they are arrested. That is to cause more death and put the blame on law abiding citizens for being victims, especially when they defend themselves with a legally owned gun..
seeing how the laws do nothing to keep people safe, and most people can just buy a gun through one of the loop holes obviously yu have no clue what you are talking about.

enforcing the laws would do nothing, because the laws are weak and ineffective.
the laws are weak and ineffective because they are not ENFORCED!
So how many gun crimes are committed by legal gun owners/purchasers vs guns obtained illegally?

Putting more & more restrictions on legal guns is never going to stop gun crimes. How many times do we have to keep repeating this fact before you get the point??????

Stopping or at the very least slowing down gun crimes would happen alot faster if the criminals were severely punished.
Yeah, no, really stupid idea as the democrat party controlled cities show where they refuse to give anyone but rich democrats permits......
So what? At least I could carry in blue states/cities.
So how many gun crimes are committed by legal gun owners/purchasers vs guns obtained illegally?

Putting more & more restrictions on legal guns is never going to stop gun crimes. How many times do we have to keep repeating this fact before you get the point??????

Stopping or at the very least slowing down gun crimes would happen alot faster if the criminals were severely punished.
all these school shootings and mass shootings are all comitted by people purchasing their guns legally.


clearly the laws are ineffective and don't work. Clearly we need much stronger and tougher laws.

Guns ownership is not remotely restricted at all, because any wacko can go out and buy a gun easily, and then go and shoot a bunch of people.

Obviously we need to put more restrictions on who can buy guns, because wackos keep legally buying guns.

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