CDZ With 9.3 million job openings in the United States, why are there still people panhandling on the corner of Intersections?

LMAO!! Daniel, what do you think "The will of both people have to align simultaneously..." means? It means mutual agreement.
Anyone but right-wingers understand that employment is by mutual agreement. At-will employment means you can quit with no legal or moral prejudice for any other public policy enacted by the legislature.

And, right-wingers came up with the misleading term, right to work, in alleged right to work States. Who is worse?
Being called a right-winger is an ad hominem? You tried to claim I was a sociopath in another thread. Who is worse, hypocrite?

And I backed up my claim.

No matter what the name or term used, it can be an ad hominem. The way you use the term it is certainly an attack.
And I backed up my claim.

No matter what the name or term used, it can be an ad hominem. The way you use the term it is certainly an attack.
All you had was ignorance. People who resort to lies and hypocrisy are worse. All most right-wingers have is ad hominems and fallacy. If it were not for fallacy, most right-wingers would have no arguments at all.
Anyone but right-wingers understand that employment is by mutual agreement. At-will employment means you can quit with no legal or moral prejudice for any other public policy enacted by the legislature.

And, right-wingers came up with the misleading term, right to work, in alleged right to work States. Who is worse?

"At-will employment means you can quit with no legal or moral prejudice for any other public policy enacted by the legislature."

Do you have a link for that? At will employment means you cannot be prosecuted for quitting or not allowed to quit. It does not cover all other public policies where financial assistance is provided.
"At-will employment means you can quit with no legal or moral prejudice for any other public policy enacted by the legislature."

Do you have a link for that? At will employment means you cannot be prosecuted for quitting or not allowed to quit. It does not cover all other public policies where financial assistance is provided.
Did you forget so soon?

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Yes, under Capitalism.

You really hate the idea of working, don't you? Funny that you don't mind taking money earned by people who work.

And FYI, when I worked I was selling my skills and my time for a set price. Saying someone can be bought implies ownership. Having a job does not mean you are owned.
Did you forget so soon?

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

And the unemployment compensation does not violate that. With UC completely in place, you can still quit, strike or otherwise stop working. And no one can stop you. Just like employers can terminate you for any reason or no reason, with some exceptions.
And the unemployment compensation does not violate that. With UC completely in place, you can still quit, strike or otherwise stop working. And no one can stop you. Just like employers can terminate you for any reason or no reason, with some exceptions.
There is no basis for, for-cause criteria in any at-will employment because it is an abridgment of privileges and immunities for public policy purposes.
There is no basis for, for-cause criteria in any at-will employment because it is an abridgment of privileges and immunities for public policy purposes.

Unemployment Compensation is a specific program to provide temporary assistance to those who lost their job through no fault of their own. It is designed to help people while they are looking for, and getting back to work. You quit your job and you have no intention of going back to work. At-will employment means you have that right. But it does not mean you can demand the same benefits that someone who was laid off and is looking for work gets.
Not for lucre. It sometimes makes a difference for perception purposes under any form of Capitalism.

No, it doesn't. But, in reality it doesn't mean you are bought, just like a worker is not bought by trading their skills & time for the employer's money & benefits.

But I am curious, if you do get some sort of small cash payment (welfare or whatever), what will you do for healthcare? You are very young, obviously, but in time having healthcare will be a necessity.
End the lockdowns
This is a dramatic reversal of fortunes for a country once deemed the role model in handling the pandemic. Just a year ago, Malaysia celebrated as local transmissions reached zero for a few days, garnering praise from foreign experts, academics, and organisations such as the World Health Organization. The Malaysian government’s swift actions to implement a full-scale lockdown, invest in testing and medical facilities, and deploy proactive communication with the public resulted in fewer cases than in the rest of Southeast Asia.

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