CDZ With 9.3 million job openings in the United States, why are there still people panhandling on the corner of Intersections?

Because they are bad people. All of them! We must heap scorn upon them!!

All those 9 million people all live just a block or two from where the jobs are, too. We know this because Free Repulsive says so and there is a link and stuff. They sniveled about the $300 a week unemployment making it hard on the sweatshop operators, never mind they couldn't compete with the equivalent of around $7.50 an hour, while inflation adjustments for real inflation would put mininum wage at around $19 an hour. These gimps just think labor should be free, so they can make more money for themselves and their stockholders, most of whom don't have real jobs themselves, they're just parasites raking in dividends and speculating on stocks, where over 90% of all income goes. These clown shills actually are surprised they're losing elections to people like Biden and Harris, they're that stupid and clueless.
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All those 9 million people all live just a block or two from where the jobs are, too. We know this because Free Repulsive says so and there is a link and stuff. They sniveled about the $300 a week unemployment making it hard on the sweatshop operators, never mind they couldn't compete with the equivalent of around $7.50 an hour, while inflation adjustments for real inflation would put mininum wage at around $19 an hour. These gimps just think labor should be free, so they can make more money for themselves and their stockholders, most of whom don't have real jobs themselves, they're just parasites raking in dividends and speculating on stocks, where over 90% of all income goes. These clown shills actually are surprised they're losing elections to people like Biden and Harris, they're that stupid and clueless.
When you raise minimum wage------inflation always also goes up so those same people making minimum wage living in poverty are still going to live in poverty once minimum wages goes up. They don't move up---

What raising minimum wage does is raise the cost of living on those living on a fix income like the elderly making them poorer while the rich always get richer off it.

Stop the stupidity, stop calling for raising minimum wage---want more money and better living get job skills and work your way up from minimum wage.
Communism and slavery were so much better----everyone had a job even if they didn't want it.
Cuba solved the problem of inequality, by making everyone poor and miserable. No fucking thank you. I didnt work 40 years just to have some worthless fuck get the same as i earned....
The South fought a (Civil) war to keep slavery. Good thing the Union won.
When you raise minimum wage------inflation always also goes up so those same people making minimum wage living in poverty are still going to live in poverty once minimum wages goes up. They don't move up---

What raising minimum wage does is raise the cost of living on those living on a fix income like the elderly making them poorer while the rich always get richer off it.

Stop the stupidity, stop calling for raising minimum wage---want more money and better living get job skills and work your way up from minimum wage.
Stop the stupidity of claiming a minimum wage floor is bad, and maybe your economic policies might get listened to. No wonder the Democrats can run lunatics and deviants and the GOP morons can't beat them by any kind of significant margins. You want people to work for nothing then lead by example.
Supply side economics is supposed to increase supply to deal with inflation.
They like to pretend it's wages that cause big inflation, which of course is absurd. That hasn't been the case in our entire history. For instance, wholesale meat prices were falling on average in the years before Reagan opened the borders to aliens to come in and bust them. Prices began climbing after the strike was busted and wage and bennies were cut by half and more. They blamed the auto industy's inability to compete with the Japanese in the same era, never mind that the average labor cost differences were only about $600 per car higher, not enough to dissuade buyers of big ticket goods like cars, while the advertising costs per car were around $600 per car for the Japs while they were around $2,400 per car for General Motors and Ford. I asked this question once before somewhere an never got an answer:

Anybody ever see a home builder offer big discounts on their houses for using illegal alien labor? Nope me neither; they sell them for the same market prices honest builders do; same with every other business who gets labor at 30% or less than what their honest competitors pay for theirs. Forcing people to work for far less only makes them even more dependent on government, not less.
Panhandling: How Much Money Do Panhandlers Make? Can It Even Make Money?

US job openings surge to record 9.3 million in April

There are quite a few panhandlers that i see day to day. I have decided to make a new sign for when i pass them.

For the independent panhandler, panhandling is a a way to make money without set hours or any kind of supervision in the traditional sense. It generally requires standing and a dismissal of one's dignity which may have been lost pre-panhandling. So it is a niche "profession". In some areas the panhandlers are becoming a bit of a problem which could be better solved by educating the public on better ways to address unemployment and perhaps more accurately, the unemployable.
He should love the idle rich. Paris Hilton can pump more money into the economy on a weekend shopping trip than I can all year.
They are just jealous of Paris because her daddy worked his ass off to provide for his family, thus creating great wealth, through goods and services that lots of people wanted. Paris not so much. But still it is their money , not the worthless poor who do nothing for the economy or pay their fair share of the taxes...
You aren't a conservative, and don't have a clue what 'Progressives' are, just babbling crap you read over on Free Republic or Town Hall, so quit pretending you do; you just shill for the big companies while faking the rest.
Dude i am a libertarian first and conservative second. I believe that everyone should be responsible for their actions, you fuck up, you get the "i fucked up reward" and then you brush off your bootstraps and get to fucking work, to make your life better. That is the libertarian part of me, as for conservative, stop the feckless spending of trillions of dollars to keep stupid prog slaves at home whining and bitching how fucked their lives are, then see the libertarian side again...Rinse and repeat....dumbass
You aren't a conservative, and don't have a clue what 'Progressives' are, just babbling crap you read over on Free Republic or Town Hall, so quit pretending you do; you just shill for the big companies while faking the rest.

Big companies?

You mean like the Wall Street companies the Worthless Negro bailed out or the failing automobile companies he bailed out? How about the Environmental Wackos companies like Solyndra that he gave hundreds of millions in grants to?

You know that Obama, Clinton and Joe Dufus received tremendous support from large corporations and Wall Street, don't you?

Maybe you don't because they didn't tell you on CNN.

Take your fucking mindless hate and cram it up your Libtard ass.
They like to pretend it's wages that cause big inflation, which of course is absurd. That hasn't been the case in our entire history. For instance, wholesale meat prices were falling on average in the years before Reagan opened the borders to aliens to come in and bust them. Prices began climbing after the strike was busted and wage and bennies were cut by half and more. They blamed the auto industy's inability to compete with the Japanese in the same era, never mind that the average labor cost differences were only about $600 per car higher, not enough to dissuade buyers of big ticket goods like cars, while the advertising costs per car were around $600 per car for the Japs while they were around $2,400 per car for General Motors and Ford. I asked this question once before somewhere an never got an answer:

Anybody ever see a home builder offer big discounts on their houses for using illegal alien labor? Nope me neither; they sell them for the same market prices honest builders do; same with every other business who gets labor at 30% or less than what their honest competitors pay for theirs. Forcing people to work for far less only makes them even more dependent on government, not less.
Dude my father was a GM man most of his life, he started with a chevy, then a pontiac, then an olds, then finally a caddy when he retired(keep the money in America). But, before he died he was driving a Lexus, and that made him very happy, because instead of a shitty union product like GM, he got a very well built car....

And why would anyone buy such a product like GM or Chrysler who went bankrupt in 2009, had to get bailed out, didnt pay any of the stock holders, didnt cover previous warranties so now they can do it again, and get bailed out again....No fucking thank you....

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