Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

And here ^^^ is why we see some knuckleheads on this very thread suggesting that living together (even with a child) is exactly the same as being married.
I agree. That's why waiting until ater in life to get married is the trend. That's the way to less divorce. It's a very good trend.
Get rid of no fault divorce. Problem solved

Yeah, lets to back to the 50s where women were more property than people. Maybe at the same time you can take away their right to get a credit card without their husband's approval.
outside of the taxes, it is.
Here ^^^ we see the results of the far left's decades-long efforts. Sad. I hope that dopes like this don't dare open their Stupid-Speakers when all manner of social and cultural decay are visited upon us. Dopes like this are why it happens.
Get a good job. Work for 15 years and get financially ahead and stable. Only then begin to think about marriage. Win win win.
Here ^^^ we see the results of the far left's decades-long efforts. Sad. I hope that dopes like this don't dare open their Stupid-Speakers when all manner of social and cultural decay are visited upon us. Dopes like this are why it happens.

If the only reason your marriage has lasted is because of a piece of paper from the Govt, well that would explain why you are such a miserable person
If not, why would you be so afraid of one?

Not afraid at all. We got one as we had to so she could get dependent benefits while I was in the Marines.

But it is just a piece of paper, it has nothing to do with why we have been together for 32 years, all it does is make things more convenient.
Not afraid at all. We got one as we had to so she could get dependent benefits while I was in the Marines.

But it is just a piece of paper, it has nothing to do with why we have been together for 32 years, all it does is make things more convenient.

Did you take an oath of enlistment when you joined the Marines?
Yeah, lets to back to the 50s where women were more property than people. Maybe at the same time you can take away their right to get a credit card without their husband's approval.

What does any of that have to do with no fault divorce?
We do not even know what the term "single" means when you make this claim.

Does it mean not married?

Does it mean "don't have a serous girlfriend"

Does it mean seeing nobody at all?
I don’t make the claim it’s from pew and many other respectable sources. Many links have been posted in different responses. Take a look at the links.

They also say that 1 in 3 young men are not having sex in the past year.

9 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Don't Have Sex for a While​

1) You get more stressed out.

A great night of lovemaking can make literally everything else in the world feel better. Even if your boss won't stop breathing down your neck, or if you're under a bunch of deadlines, you’re consistently getting laid, so all of that stuff seems super manageable.

Apparently, there's a scientific reason for that. Neuroscientist Dr. Debra W. Soh said in an interview with Men’s Health that during orgasm, "endorphins are released that can help to improve your mood,” she says. “So, if you tend to use sex as a way of coping with stress, a dry spell can be doubly frustrating.”

2) You don’t sleep as well.

We know from numerous studies that sleep is directly related to stress. When you’re stressed, you don’t tend to get quality sleep. (This creates a vicious cycle because when you don’t sleep, you end up getting more stressed.)

3) Your blood pressure can spike.

Without sex, you may notice an increase in blood pressure.

No wonder we have mass school shootings, Record levels of marijuana use, depression among young men, A lot of feminized young men, record numbers of sex dolls being bought by men , a record level of young men searching for AI girlfriends and many more issues.

It’s result of the record levels of single young men in the USA due to a changing dynamic in America irt the popularizing of the BLM and the radical feminist attitude by Hollywood and the media.
Well, there’s true commitment. :rolleyes:
My wife and I are in our 40's and we've been best friends and partners since we were 18 years old. I'm not at all religious, I'm an agnostic. She believes but she absolutely hated ceremony and to both of us a marriage contract from the government doesn't really mean a damn thing to us. We only got married because her parents are deeply religious (which is always a delight cause one is a devout Christian and the other a Rasta). I didn't need a contract though to know she's my person. I've known that since I met her.
People are trying to derail the thread by pointing out that Rom-Coms are make believe, as if I didn't know that.

The problem is that women are affected by the make believe to the point that they are no longer satisfied with real men who can't be "perfect." you think it's possible that men like you are effected by the phenomenon you describe--watching these supposed rom-coms and thinking no matter what I do, she'll be okay with it? And when it doesn't happen, you complain about women who don't like being treated like garbage?
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We have to simply stop dating them. Men put up with bad behavior and put these women on a pedestal. If no man would put up with it, the market would self correct. The problem isn't women, the problem is simping.
It was a dumber idea the second time you posted it.

More women are graduating college than men in this age. They are into their careers, making their own money, running their own show. Looking at this board, the behavior of many men is simply abhorrent. I think its more for effect than anything they practice in their real life encounters. But every masquerade contains a nugget of fact.

Romantic Comedies (do they even still make them???) have zero effect on society. For one thing--as I mentioned--they are not all that prevalent any longer on TV. Furthermore, TV isn't that large a component on our lives any more. I cut the chord a few years back; I stream what I want to see. I can't remember the last time I watched a show like Friends. So the OP is a falsehood. The problem does not lie with your set...the problem is you; guys. Women have upped their game. So...up yours.

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