Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

Unless a lot of women are in relationships where they are sharing the same man that statistically doesn’t make sense.
It’s what pew says and they are one of the best.

Anyway oh yes some women knowingly or unknowingly are sharing men….look at dating sites they are massively skewed meaning it’s much harder for guys to get matches.
It’s what pew says and they are one of the best.

Anyway oh yes some women knowingly or unknowingly are sharing men….look at dating sites they are massively skewed meaning it’s much harder for guys to get matches.
The math just doesn’t make sense. If twice as many women are in relationships as men that means half of all women who are in relationships are knowingly or unknowingly sharing their mate with at least one other woman and many would have to be sharing with 2 or more. There might be some percentage of women who are ok with that but it’s not 50.
or with other women
Sure but that would have to mean that lesbianism is far more prevalent than homosexuality. While that might be the case it’s not that much more prevalent.

All LGBT is only 7% of the population.
The math just doesn’t make sense. If twice as many women are in relationships as men that means half of all women who are in relationships are knowingly or unknowingly sharing their mate with at least one other woman and many would have to be sharing with 2 or more. There might be some percentage of women who are ok with that but it’s not 50.
I mean it’s pew I’m not sure what more could be said

Keep in mind this is not the old days we have Internet dating

Huge numbers of women share men…. Either they know or they don’t know. It’s important to look at the numbers regarding dating sites…men have a much much harder time getting matches compared to ladies that explains some of the discrepancy. Some reports say The top 1 percent of men have as many as 15 female partners on dating sites..
That too

Bottom line the percentage of young single men today are much higher than ever before.

We do not even know what the term "single" means when you make this claim.

Does it mean not married?

Does it mean "don't have a serous girlfriend"

Does it mean seeing nobody at all?
I think the biggest obstacle to sound, serious marriages is the "soul mate" foolishness. People - mainly women - are looking for their soul mate...the "one" that makes their heart go pitty-pat every time they come into contact, and if that "magic" is lacking, then it's just another person in a long line, but not The One. So they Hook Up, maybe even move in together, but there it stops because both of them are still on the lookout for their soul mate. They don't admit it to one another; their relationship has its conveniences, but that's what is holding off the marriage thing. They just haven't found The One, and they don't want to tie themselves down in case that character shows up later on. They spout phone "isms" like, "we don't need a piece of paper to hold us together," and such, but it's all baloney.

The fact is that if two people are reasonably compatible and have reasonably tolerable flaws, AND THEY WANT TO MAKE IT WORK, then they can make a marriage work. Arranged marriages have been going on for eons. The parents get together and make a match, and the two involved individuals are mature enough to make it work, so it works.

I have known at least half a dozen women with whom I could have made a good marriage (and them with me), and the couple that I loved with all my heart, so to speak, would have driven me to distraction.

What we have, as a society, is a lack of maturity, and our entertainment media (music, films, novels, TV programs) is promoting a sophomoric viewpoint of love and marriage, while mocking the story lines of previous generations as unreal.

And we can all see how it's going now.
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.

What is rom com?
Sure but that would have to mean that lesbianism is far more prevalent than homosexuality. While that might be the case it’s not that much more prevalent.

All LGBT is only 7% of the population.

Or it could be that women that have been dating a guy for a month might not mark themselves as single while a guy that has been dating a woman for 6 months might.
Pure hogwash. How do you promise making divorce more difficult? This is hilarious.

And here ^^^ is why we see some knuckleheads on this very thread suggesting that living together (even with a child) is exactly the same as being married.
I mean it’s pew I’m not sure what more could be said

Keep in mind this is not the old days we have Internet dating

Huge numbers of women share men…. Either they know or they don’t know. It’s important to look at the numbers regarding dating sites…men have a much much harder time getting matches compared to ladies that explains some of the discrepancy. Some reports say The top 1 percent of men have as many as 15 female partners on dating sites..
I don’t care who it is the math doesn’t make sense. Again there is likely some percentage of women who are ok with sharing a mate but it’s not a large percentage. That math would require 50% of women to be in a relationship with a man who’s dating at least one other woman. Doesn’t that really sound logical?
I know, what sort of a fucking caveman thinks a woman should stay in an abusive marriage for the sake of the family.

One can only assume he is an abusive husband.,

"The magic people in the movie never argue!" So, at the first disagreement of any sort it's a race to the door. Kids? What kids? "Me Me Me!"
"The magic people in the movie never argue!" So, at the first disagreement of any sort it's a race to the door. Kids? What kids? "Me Me Me!"

Everyone argues, having an argument is not the same as an abusive relationship.

Normal people understand this.

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