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With all the Confederate flag angst, why aren't blacks especially upset over ethnic cleansing by

the following?
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America.
78% of their clinics are in minority communities.
Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America.
Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?
We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population.
If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant.

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?
BlackGenocide.org Planned Parenthood

Where are the same people so concerned over a flag but not one major MSM outlet wants to share the above history of Planned Parenthood.
For the same reasons no one wants to talk about government corruption, the injustices in our judicial system, subsidies, the Lobbyists' control of Congress, senseless deadly costly wars, the astronomical cost of illegal immigrants, the shameful and astronomical rising national debt, the mistreatment of our Vets, Medicare and Medicaid fraud and corruption, troubled pension funds, out-of-control members of law enforcement, wasteful foreign aid, cities going bankrupt, declining home ownership, increased poverty, homelessness, our prison population, low-wage employment, the failed war on illegal drugs, off-shore job out-sourcing, unfair taxation, campaign finance reform, our rundown infrastructure, government debt being the only catalyst keeping our economy afloat, malls becoming ghost buildings, pollution of our rivers, lakes, streams, air, water, and oceans, the Chinese buying up American real estate, the soon to be Cuban invasion, our open borders, the deteriorating race relations in America, the attack on religions, loss of privacy, eminent domain and its curse, developing alternative energy sources, the cost of higher education, the rising cost of health care, the cost of food, utilities and rent, employers offering less company paid benefits, and our deteriorating relationships with our foreign allies.
Not all black women have abortions. Include the black women who use birth control and the attrition rate is genocidal.

So why is anyone complaining?
Obviously that is a dumb ass comment!
The point went obviously way over your head!
All you idiots getting bent out of SHAPE of flag that for most of the people like me oh hum.... but you guys get so bent out shape
YET you are supporters of the number one killer of blacks directly in this country and Obama being the ignorant idiot said about

Guy, you don't have a point. Obviously, not everyone sees a kidney-bean sized fetus as a person. I know this is hard for you to grasp, but this is just the truth of the matter. Some people just consider abortion a legitimate form of birth control.

I personally don't. But since I don't have a uterus, my opinion and $5 will get you Starbucks.

Meanwhile, PP does a lot of good with sex education, birth control, cancer screenings, health education and a lot of other good programs.
Right "uncle toms".. like Clarence Thomas Ben Carson, Herman Cain,Condolezza Rice, ...

Right, the biggest bunch of Uncle Toms out there. Thanks for proving my point.

successful black people that generally have found FOLLOWING the rules of success that is COLOR BLIND... don''t wear saggy pants... don't LIE to people and be a phony baloney like this ANGRY black man...who has created FFOs like you!

Be ready to sell out your own and tell white people what they want to hear.
the following?
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America.
78% of their clinics are in minority communities.
Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America.
Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?
We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population.
If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant.

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?
BlackGenocide.org Planned Parenthood

Where are the same people so concerned over a flag but not one major MSM outlet wants to share the above history of Planned Parenthood.
Talk to us about PP going to and forcing black women to abort.
the following?
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America.
78% of their clinics are in minority communities.
Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America.
Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?
We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population.
If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant.

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?
BlackGenocide.org Planned Parenthood

Where are the same people so concerned over a flag but not one major MSM outlet wants to share the above history of Planned Parenthood.
Isn't abortion a voluntary procedure?
The liberal elite has always wanted the "poor" classes to no longer exist. They don't want the poor to become rich: just gone.

That doesn't make sense. Most Conservatives say the liberals need poor blacks to stay in power. Are you contradicting you own base?
the following?
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America.
78% of their clinics are in minority communities.
Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America.
Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide?
We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population.
If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant.

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?
BlackGenocide.org Planned Parenthood

Where are the same people so concerned over a flag but not one major MSM outlet wants to share the above history of Planned Parenthood.
Talk to us about PP going to and forcing black women to abort.
Are they trying to stop them?

So were these statements by Margaret Sanger false?

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born."
Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

On religious convictions regarding sex outside of marriage:
"This book aims to answer the needs expressed in thousands on thousands of letters to me in
the solution of marriage problems... Knowledge of sex truths frankly and plainly presented cannot possibly injure healthy, normal, young minds. Concealment, suppression, futile attempts to veil the unveilable - these work injury, as they seldom succeed and only render those who indulge in them ridiculous. For myself, I have full confidence in the cleanliness, the open-mindedness, the promise of the younger generation." Margaret Sanger, Happiness in Marriage (Bretano's, New York, 1927)

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said,
"if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood In Her Own Words

So were these statements by Margaret Sanger false?

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born."
Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

On religious convictions regarding sex outside of marriage:
"This book aims to answer the needs expressed in thousands on thousands of letters to me in
the solution of marriage problems... Knowledge of sex truths frankly and plainly presented cannot possibly injure healthy, normal, young minds. Concealment, suppression, futile attempts to veil the unveilable - these work injury, as they seldom succeed and only render those who indulge in them ridiculous. For myself, I have full confidence in the cleanliness, the open-mindedness, the promise of the younger generation." Margaret Sanger, Happiness in Marriage (Bretano's, New York, 1927)

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said,
"if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

Margaret Sanger Founder of Planned Parenthood In Her Own Words

Every one of those statements is a cherry-picked partial quote taken out of context - the context being a much larger article.

It's impossible to evalute them when they've been stripped and chopped.

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