With Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin stunts....could the left wing make a Victim APP?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Hey...left wingers...could one of you come up with a victim APP....you know, where we could plug in the race, sex, and comment or activity of an individual, and then it would show where on the victim scale the individual ranks.......there are a couple of threads on these people, including snoop dog.....and a question was raised as to why snoop dog can make a video about killing President Trump and be ignored, while kathy griffin holds up a fake decaptitated head, and gets in a lot of trouble. It was pointed out that snoop is black, a rapper and former criminal, so he is higher on the victim scale than kathy griffin, who is just white, and female.....putting her lower on the victim scale.

Could you left wing twits come up with that APP...it would make it easier for us normal people to know which of your left wing morons is more of a victim........

Hey this will give Hannity another show, he loves to talk about liberals.
Snoop dogg is black. Nothing better is expected of him. He's like the neighbor's dog who pees on your carpet. You clean it up. If it was the neighbor you would tell them off and throw them out.
Hey...left wingers...could one of you come up with a victim APP....you know, where we could plug in the race, sex, and comment or activity of an individual, and then it would show where on the victim scale the individual ranks.......there are a couple of threads on these people, including snoop dog.....and a question was raised as to why snoop dog can make a video about killing President Trump and be ignored, while kathy griffin holds up a fake decaptitated head, and gets in a lot of trouble. It was pointed out that snoop is black, a rapper and former criminal, so he is higher on the victim scale than kathy griffin, who is just white, and female.....putting her lower on the victim scale.

Could you left wing twits come up with that APP...it would make it easier for us normal people to know which of your left wing morons is more of a victim........


Satanists disavow Kathy Griffin after grotesque Trump 'behead' - The American Mirror
I see the Maher and Griffin situations as totally different. One is a liberal, while one is a radical leftist and one simply indulged in the sort of non p.c. joking that would not have been an issue a couple of decades ago, while one indulged in some repulsive symbolism that has NEVER been o.k.

Besides, one is being assailed by radical leftists for not being p.c., while the same leftists support the other.
Just when you thought Kathy Griffin couldn't sink any lower she does. Blaming Trump for poor taste and claiming to be bullied by his family? Seriously? Trump has the right to denounce her crappy comedy as is his first amendment right. FTR if my 11 year old saw a picture of me in that context I'd go all mama bear on her ass too. The Secret Service has the right to investigate any possible claim of violence against the President, she's not being bullied, they would do that to anybody who made that picture.

Awww she's getting death threats. While not the right thing for people to do what did she think that picture of her holding Trumps severed head was? It was a visual death threat. Well now the idiot knows how it feels. Of course she thinks she should have a free pass because she's a comedian and it's her job on the line? Well her threats were aimed at Trump and his Job as Commander in Chief, how is he any different than her? I guess Griffin thinks she's above the law and more important than everybody else. Had she just kept apologizing she might have saved her career but by blaming the victim, Trump, for her stupidity she just flushed her career.

BTW Liberals take note because how Kathy Griffin looks now is how stupid and butt hurt you've looked since Trump won the election. Even Hillary looks like a major loser with her resistance movement. Trump won,Clinton lost, grow the fuck up.
I frankly couldn't give a shit about what Kathy Griffin did, but I could only imagine the reaction from the left had someone like Ann Coulter done that stunt with Obama.
I frankly couldn't give a shit about what Kathy Griffin did, but I could only imagine the reaction from the left had someone like Ann Coulter done that stunt with Obama.
Yeah I'm not much offended by the picture either, it's the hypocrisy of the left that offends me. Of course you're right. Had a man done this to Hillary or Obama there would have been screams of racism or sexism, major backlash and as seems to be the liberal tradition rioting in the streets. But because this was an unpopular white male the left seems to think this is OK and yet the have the nerve to lecture the right on social acceptance. :rolleyes: Yeah leftards, you look that dumb.
enough, the most we talk about it the more import we give her.

she is wrong and not worth the energy to go though all the same posts

She is not the only thing happening at the moment
I frankly couldn't give a shit about what Kathy Griffin did, but I could only imagine the reaction from the left had someone like Ann Coulter done that stunt with Obama.

We don't have to imagine...there was a rodeo clown who would wear a President Mask when he was goofing around in the ring.....he wore all the other President masks when they were in office....then he did the same thing with obama...and he was fired....

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