With government funded for three weeks, time to turn to more serious problems

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
Congress must address bad officiating calls in the NFL! :yapyapyapf:

These Congressional assholes just can't pull their heads out of their asses long enough to get a clue.

"I hope it doesn't seem out of place with the shutdown," Cassidy said Friday on the Senate floor. "But I can tell you, to the folks back home, it is something which continues to disturb them."

Indignation hits the Senate floor: The Saints got robbed
Don't give them any ideas! They are already grand masters at obfuscation, procrastination and creating false problems to avoid dealing with real ones.
The whole shebang deserve to be fired, the entire Legislative and Executive branches, for dereliction of duty, malfeasance and virtual treason.
Doesn't Congress have more important things to do than meddle with professional sports?
Vote with your wallet. Don't watch, don't go, don't buy merchandise. The last thing the NFL needs is government regulation. They are their own worst enemy.

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