With Hillary sinking in the polls & under the scrutiny of the FBI who will democrats turn to?

Hillary Clinton. Perhaps the most corrupt person ever to be in US politics. Bernie Sanders. An avowed Socialist. These people are the choices the DNC are offering to the American voter? Mind blowing un fucking real!
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?
I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?
I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.
What it will cause is an already exhausted by the the Hillary-hate public to ignore the right-wingers even more than they do currently.

It's the election from hell, and it's still 11 fucking months away. Anyone with common sense would rather watch anything but this embarrassment of American politics.
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?
I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.
What it will cause is an already exhausted by the the Hillary-hate public to ignore the right-wingers even more than they do currently.

It's the election from hell, and it's still 11 fucking months away. Anyone with common sense would rather watch anything but this embarrassment of American politics.
Paint its going to be hard to ignore. People are going to be mad and thats going to be across the board. Just as the anger with Bush over Iraq and WMD's, Hillary and the administration are going to have to deal with this and rightfully so. The Bush Adminstration fucked up and Hillary/Obama Admin fucked up, no amount of political posturing can change that. They need to own it...
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?
I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.

It's amazing that so many saw this coming, yet they were oblivious. What does that even say about the Democrats?

I'm not sure if the Benghazi film being released in Europa, although maybe it is, they released the Michael Moore films here.
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?
I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.
What it will cause is an already exhausted by the the Hillary-hate public to ignore the right-wingers even more than they do currently.

It's the election from hell, and it's still 11 fucking months away. Anyone with common sense would rather watch anything but this embarrassment of American politics.
Paint its going to be hard to ignore. People are going to be mad and thats going to be across the board. Just as the anger with Bush over Iraq and WMD's, Hillary and the administration are going to have to deal with this and rightfully so. The Bush Adminstration fucked up and Hillary/Obama Admin fucked up, no amount of political posturing can change that. They need to own it...
The people who will be mad are the same people still pissed off that that ****** was elected seven years ago. This film changes nothing at all.

And yes, it was a fuck up, that Stevens himself was part of. Shit happens.
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?
I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.

I have to say that it is quit amazing watching a woman cause so much upheaval with all the men politicians..they are coming at her full throttle, all guns loaded...


I don't think there is a Plan B. Hillary is it.....

The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.
What it will cause is an already exhausted by the the Hillary-hate public to ignore the right-wingers even more than they do currently.

It's the election from hell, and it's still 11 fucking months away. Anyone with common sense would rather watch anything but this embarrassment of American politics.
Paint its going to be hard to ignore. People are going to be mad and thats going to be across the board. Just as the anger with Bush over Iraq and WMD's, Hillary and the administration are going to have to deal with this and rightfully so. The Bush Adminstration fucked up and Hillary/Obama Admin fucked up, no amount of political posturing can change that. They need to own it...
The people who will be mad are the same people still pissed off that that ****** was elected seven years ago. This film changes nothing at all.

And yes, it was a fuck up, that Stevens himself was part of. Shit happens.
Paint, American audiences aren't going to come out of this film with a political opinion when they see what really went down in Benghazi. That goes out the door when they see the images of Stevens and the Americans in that embassy losing their lives as they wait for help. Not too mention what those CIA guys had to endure before finally saying "Fuck it, lets go"

The images of all those Americans dying and what went down will not sit well with a majority of American's. It's not going to matter what party they stand with, Americans will be pissed. This is not about politics, this is about incompetence. Who gives a flying fuck what the letter is after their names, I don't. Just as I held the Bush admin responsible for Iraq I do the same for Benghazi. I give ZERO fucks who is in the White House when Americans lose their lives when it didn't need to happen.
The Democrats have lost the plot here, that this is the best they can choose.
Yeah its too late now to bring in anyone else. Biden and the Dems should have seen the writing on the wall. I did. I commented that the longer this went on the worse it would get for her. Not to mention this Benghazi film (13 Hours) is opening tonite and its going to cause her some more issues.
What it will cause is an already exhausted by the the Hillary-hate public to ignore the right-wingers even more than they do currently.

It's the election from hell, and it's still 11 fucking months away. Anyone with common sense would rather watch anything but this embarrassment of American politics.
Paint its going to be hard to ignore. People are going to be mad and thats going to be across the board. Just as the anger with Bush over Iraq and WMD's, Hillary and the administration are going to have to deal with this and rightfully so. The Bush Adminstration fucked up and Hillary/Obama Admin fucked up, no amount of political posturing can change that. They need to own it...
The people who will be mad are the same people still pissed off that that ****** was elected seven years ago. This film changes nothing at all.

And yes, it was a fuck up, that Stevens himself was part of. Shit happens.
Paint, American audiences aren't going to come out of this film with a political opinion when they see what really went down in Benghazi. That goes out the door when they see the images of Stevens and the Americans in that embassy losing their lives as they wait for help. Not too mention what those CIA guys had to endure before finally saying "Fuck it, lets go"

The images of all those Americans dying and what went down will not sit well with a majority of American's. It's not going to matter what party they stand with, Americans will be pissed. This is not about politics, this is about incompetence. Who gives a flying fuck what the letter is after their names, I don't. Just as I held the Bush admin responsible for Iraq I do the same for Benghazi. I give ZERO fucks who is in the White House when Americans lose their lives when it didn't need to happen.
This story has already been beat to death. The movie will not change that. The GOP and all Hillary-haters have cried wolf far too many times on this for anyone but themselves to care. Like Fast and Furious, the IRS nonsense, it's a dead issue, literally.

"Asked and Answered: Allegations of “Stand Down” Order Have Been Widely Debunked

In their continued quest to politically damage Hillary Clinton, Republicans have falsely claimed that Clinton told former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and U.S military personnel to ‘stand down’ in the wake of the Benghazi attacks. This unfounded allegation has been widely debunked:
  • Multiple bipartisan investigations have concluded that no ‘stand down’ order was ever issued to U.S. military personnel in Tripoli.
  • Even Republicans from the House Armed Services Committee have refuted this claim.
  • The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence found no evidence of obstruction in mobilizing CIA security teams to respond to the attacks.
  • Secretary Panetta and General Dempsey have both confirmed Clinton did not in fact communicate with them on the night of the attacks. General Dempsey also stated that no limitations were placed on the military’s reaction to the attack.
  • AFRICOM Commander General Carter Ham has said no one under his command received a “stand down” order for Clinton.
  • The Commander of Special Operations in Tripoli at the time, Rear Admiral Brian Losey, publicly stated “there was never an order to stand down.”
In fact, contrary to the GOP’s erroneous allegations, military assets were allocated and mobilized to address the crisis. The military’s response was limited—not because of Clinton’s doing— but due to the status of U.S. forces that night and the speed of the attacks that unfolded:
  • The AFRICOM Command Center was given access to “every capability that was available and as quickly it could move.”
  • General Dempsey stated he was instructed “to use all available assets to respond to the attacks.”
  • Rep. Buck McKeon, Republican Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said the “military did what it reasonably could during a chaotic night”
  • Admiral Mike Mullen, who was the only military member of the Accountability Review Board (ARB) concluded that the “U.S. did everything it could on the night of the attack.”
  • Even former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, claimed in an interview, “had I been in the job at the time of the Benghazi attacks…. I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were.”
The fact is, all of the numerous official sources analyzing the military response –from the countless interviews with military officials, to congressional reports, to the Independent Accountability Review Board—have concluded that the military did everything it could, given the circumstances, in their response to the attacks. Even Republicans have openly acknowledged DOD’s inability to “respond immediately to every conceivable global contingency.”
Asked and Answered: Allegations of “Stand Down” Order Have Been Widely Debunked
Democrats will abandon the sinking Hillary Clinton and board an ill-fated Bernie Sanders.

They're sunk.
Nope. She's the only one, on either side, who can win.

But, if you mean the Dems will vote for Ficus Tree as long as this (D) is in front of his name, you are correct.
Nope. She's the only one, on either side, who can win.
The fact that she may well lose the Democrat nomination makes that statement patently absurd and illogical.
Stop listening to the chatter. It's her time, they aren't going to run the little socialist (he'd lose) but he's good at getting the kids to want to vote so he's been given plenty of rope to run out, for now.
Nope. She's the only one, on either side, who can win.
The fact that she may well lose the Democrat nomination makes that statement patently absurd and illogical.
Stop listening to the chatter. It's her time, they aren't going to run the little socialist (he'd lose) but he's good at getting the kids to want to vote so he's been given plenty of rope to run out, for now.
Her time was 7 years ago. She's a has-been who can't hold her own against a geriatric socialist.
Nope. She's the only one, on either side, who can win.
The fact that she may well lose the Democrat nomination makes that statement patently absurd and illogical.
Stop listening to the chatter. It's her time, they aren't going to run the little socialist (he'd lose) but he's good at getting the kids to want to vote so he's been given plenty of rope to run out, for now.
Her time was 7 years ago. She's a has-been who can't hold her own against a geriatric socialist.
Nah. Had to be a ****** male first, then a whitey woman. The males are always one step ahead here, at least they pee standing up.
Sorry Paint, I have to believe the men that were actually there and fought. This whole thing wreaks of people covering their own asses. I have to believe Kris “Tanto” Paronto, Mark “Oz” Geist, and John “Tig” Tiegen....they were there and have zero motive to lie
They have a huge motive to lie. They were there while Americans were dying and did, for whatever reason, jack-shit? Even an honest man would probably lie about that because living with the truth would be far worse.

As you can see, it's very hard for people to just say Yep, we fucked up good this time, and people died. As usual they want to have a reason, someone, anyone, to blame when in this case there is plenty of blame to go around and it starts, like it or not, with the dead guys...
Sorry Paint, I have to believe the men that were actually there and fought. This whole thing wreaks of people covering their own asses. I have to believe Kris “Tanto” Paronto, Mark “Oz” Geist, and John “Tig” Tiegen....they were there and have zero motive to lie
They have a huge motive to lie. They were there while Americans were dying and did, for whatever reason, jack-shit? Even an honest man would probably lie about that because living with the truth would be far worse.

As you can see, it's very hard for people to just say Yep, we fucked up good this time, and people died. As usual they want to have a reason, someone, anyone, to blame when in this case there is plenty of blame to go around and it starts, like it or not, with the dead guys...
You've never met honorable men have you? You've never sat down with genuine warfighters have you? For if you had, these irresponsible words you just typed out would have never made it on the page.

I don't want to rehash this whole thing beyond what we've done already. When we make excuses for incompetence everyone suffers..

We'll agree to disagree
Sorry Paint, I have to believe the men that were actually there and fought. This whole thing wreaks of people covering their own asses. I have to believe Kris “Tanto” Paronto, Mark “Oz” Geist, and John “Tig” Tiegen....they were there and have zero motive to lie
They have a huge motive to lie. They were there while Americans were dying and did, for whatever reason, jack-shit? Even an honest man would probably lie about that because living with the truth would be far worse.

As you can see, it's very hard for people to just say Yep, we fucked up good this time, and people died. As usual they want to have a reason, someone, anyone, to blame when in this case there is plenty of blame to go around and it starts, like it or not, with the dead guys...
You've never met honorable men have you? You've never sat down with genuine warfighters have you? For if you had, these irresponsible words you just typed out would have never made it on the page.

I don't want to rehash this whole thing beyond what we've done already. When we make excuses for incompetence everyone suffers..

We'll agree to disagree
There is not a single thing that is irresponsible in my words. We are talking motive here, not whether they are or are not lying. It was chaos, and people don't remember things as they happened they, especially over time, recreate what happened. Human minds are not video recorders.

No investigation has yet to find any "stand down" order being given, to anyone, and believe me the GOP would hold a fuckin' parade down 5th Ave. if they could find one. It didn't happen as far as anyone can tell and Stevens and his team were dead long before anyone could have saved them. They knew it was dangerous, they were 600 miles away from the well-protected embassy on 9/11, but went anyway. It was a bad call and people died. Shit happens.

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