With Hillary sinking in the polls & under the scrutiny of the FBI who will democrats turn to?

Biden would be the logical choice. Sanders is simply a "plug" and represents the "anyone-but-Hillary" vote.

I think Al Gore, should he choose to step down from heaven, would have the best chances of winning if Hillary is tossed.
Biden would be the logical choice. Sanders is simply a "plug" and represents the "anyone-but-Hillary" vote.

I think Al Gore, should he choose to step down from heaven, would have the best chances of winning if Hillary is tossed.

Al Gore is too busy at the moment:


Yup. Joe's been getting in front of the cameras lately.

I'd be surprised if there isn't a quiet little machine purring away already somewhere in case they can't shoo the FBI away from that crazy skank hillary.

The dems have to have a plan b. There's always a plan b and it isn't some socialist from vermont.....

Isn't Biden too old, I think he's nearly 75, but he looks much older.

Google says he's 73, which isn't young, that's for sure. Hillary is 68, so she's no spring chicken either.

I can't see myself voting for either but I don't think Biden is carrying the luggage Hillary is. I doubt it would take the Dem faithful long to switch their bumper stickers if hillary ends up on the wrong end of a summons...

To be honest, I think both Biden and Hillary look ill.

Yup. Joe's been getting in front of the cameras lately.

I'd be surprised if there isn't a quiet little machine purring away already somewhere in case they can't shoo the FBI away from that crazy skank hillary.

The dems have to have a plan b. There's always a plan b and it isn't some socialist from vermont.....

Isn't Biden too old, I think he's nearly 75, but he looks much older.

Google says he's 73, which isn't young, that's for sure. Hillary is 68, so she's no spring chicken either.

I can't see myself voting for either but I don't think Biden is carrying the luggage Hillary is. I doubt it would take the Dem faithful long to switch their bumper stickers if hillary ends up on the wrong end of a summons...

To be honest, I think both Biden and Hillary look ill.

Well they've both been subjected to Obama first hand for years. I'm surprised either one of them survived it. ;-)
Plan B:

John Edwards


I believe Sanders will win the Nomination for the Democratic Party and Rubio will win the GOP nomination...
Bush runs 3rd party and takes Hillary's voters.

In truth the DNC is just about stuck. IF they wait until Iowa they have waited TOO LONG.

Some people are desperate for another Bush/Clinton....so maybe Jeb and Hillary will team up for Bush/Clinton ticket vs....


Imagine if Clinton and Bush both broke away and ran a 3rd party campaign as a joint ticket!
Bernie? Is there a plan B or did they put all their eggs into one old white rich person?

Trump is not an extreme rightie like some of those crazies, who are dropping out....I can see many on the left voting for him.
There are lefts who want the wall built, as well as a better vetting process. Not having a crooked backer helps him too.

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