With Information Like This


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Check it out, people...

One of the most dishonest reports/pictures from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM in... Well, at least an hour...

AP smears Trail Life boys with misleading ?Nazi? photo | Fox News


Have you seen that pic yet? Pushed by the AP as a bunch of kids giving the National Socialist salute.

Picked up by WaPo and re-printed that way it took DAYS to figure out that the photo was of the kids having their arms Straight Up In The Air and the photographer catching them in the process of lowering their arms and snapped the pic with them half way down.

AP removes misleading Trail Life USA photo from its archives

They just FRAMED kids as National Socialists (Nazis to you stupid fucking dimocrap scumbags) AND THEN DEFENDED DOING IT!!

People, you wonder why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

This wasn't a mistake. This was an attempt to slur a bunch of young kids just minding their own business and doing their 'thing'

The image showed a group of young boys gathered in a circle with their hands raised at an unusual angle. The AP’s original caption on the photo said they were reciting the organization’s “creed” during a meeting in North Richland Hills, Texas.
It took the AP several days to acknowledge their error. But by then, the unfortunate comparison to Nazi Germany had spread on the Internet faster than Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

“New Trail Life scouting group excludes gay kids (Edge: which is why the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM slurred them) & they do a ‘Sieg Heil! Style salute,” tweeted Cathy Lynn Grossman of Religion News Service.

And that’s exactly what it looked like.

“It looks like some kind of German salute that was used during the Nazi period,” Stemberger told me in a telephone interview.

The photograph ran last Sunday in newspapers across the nation and generated hundreds of angry emails and some threatening telephone calls to Trail Life headquarters.

But it turns out that the boys were not saluting Hitler and contrary to the first Associated Press caption, they were not reciting a creed. The boys were singing “Taps,” a longtime Boy Scout tradition that the Texas Trail USA troop had adapted as their own.

The boys had gathered in a circle with their hands raised straight into the air. They gradually lowered their hands as they sang the song. It concludes with their hands flush against their side.

“It really misrepresented what was going on,” Stemberger told me. “There are children involved and that made it more outrageous. They were exploited and misunderstood.”

the left is just plain evil.

They don't deserve to be bargained with, negotiated with, humored, have their ideas entertained... They need to be destroyed.

Utterly destroyed.

Only the sickest of the sick attack children.
National Socialist

You would figure the far left would be proud of that!

Nah, they're too stupid to know what that even was.

I'm serious.

You walk up to 100 dimocrap scum and ask them, "Who was the most famous National Socialist in history" and I guarantee you that 95 of them won't have a clue.

dimocraps are stupid.
Oh they dont accept gays, ah just like the rutgers basketball coach, finding a way to punish them

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