with Love from Michigan


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Michigan, USA
a week ago Obama was plus 10 in my State of Michigan on RCP.

Today it's Romney plus. .07 and for the first time in this Election Michigan is a toss up.

I gotta say I am shocked. Obama dumped a lot of cash into this State Buying votes. With the Auto Bail out and Stimulus. Should be a land slide for him here.
Michigan is my state too. I'm shocked. My vote might actually count this time.
Romney and Ryan need to show up there and talk to people. What I hear is they're sending other people but spending their time elsewhere in other states. Big mistake, you gotta show up and show the folks you care about 'em.
Just dont show up like Kerry and say you like Buckeye football.....democrats are stupid
Interesting that he's up by 10 in Mittens' state - Mass.

Wonder how come that is ...................................
Interesting that he's up by 10 in Mittens' state - Mass.

Wonder how come that is ...................................

Um, Maybe Because MASS is a Massively Democrat State and always has been.

The Fact the Mitt was able to become Governor has little bearing on how they vote for President.
Interesting that he's up by 10 in Mittens' state - Mass.

Wonder how come that is ...................................

Deep blue state doncha know. Not surprising at all the Big O is leading there, I'm wondering how Romney got himself elected governor there in the 1st place.
Places like Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin are moderate enough to rise up every now and then to beat back the socialists.

Until the next election cycle.
a week ago Obama was plus 10 in my State of Michigan on RCP.

Today it's Romney plus. .07 and for the first time in this Election Michigan is a toss up.

I gotta say I am shocked. Obama dumped a lot of cash into this State Buying votes. With the Auto Bail out and Stimulus. Should be a land slide for him here.

I was wondering why I haven't seen any new threads on the latest poll showing obama leading.
I guess those polls no longer exist anymore:badgrin:
Romney should be winning everywhere.

In the last 10 years he has been on both sides of every issue. Who can disagree with that?

He's got it covered. Covered in what, I'd rather not say..
Michigan is Obama's. Live it, love it, know it.

"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers"

The more Obama supporters think toss up states are not toss up states, or more importantly, slight lead states cannot become toss-up states, the better for Romney.

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