With only around 500 billionaires in the country

It means many different things. In this case it means the waltons pay so little that employees collect welfare. That increases government dependence while the waltons make billions not working. This increases the size of government.

Your belief that the Waltons don't work shows what a profound numskull you are.

Ok what position does any of them hold with the company?

Still waiting. Also you spelled numbskull wrong. You should just apologize for the name calling.

It's spelled both ways, numskull.

Sure and the Waltons work.

numskull | a thick or muddled head


noun num·skull \ˈnəm-ˌskəl\
Definition of NUMSKULL

1: a thick or muddled head
2: a dull or stupid person : dunce

See numskull defined for kids

Variants of NUMSKULL
num·skull or numb·skull \ˈnəm-ˌskəl\

Example: "You wouldn't have argued with me if you weren't such a numskull"​
Your belief that the Waltons don't work shows what a profound numskull you are.

Ok what position does any of them hold with the company?

Still waiting. Also you spelled numbskull wrong. You should just apologize for the name calling.

It's spelled both ways, numskull.

Sure and the Waltons work.

numskull | a thick or muddled head


noun num·skull \ˈnəm-ˌskəl\
Definition of NUMSKULL

1: a thick or muddled head
2: a dull or stupid person : dunce

See numskull defined for kids

Variants of NUMSKULL
num·skull or numb·skull \ˈnəm-ˌskəl\

Example: "You wouldn't have argued with me if you weren't such a numskull"​

And what about the Waltons working? What positions do they hold with the company?
You know, if you on the left were just as obsessed about getting rich as you are of those who are already rich, you just might have a happier life.

I guess that's the difference of mentality between conservatives and liberals. We conservatives see a successful person, we want to emulate them. We look up to them and their success. We wish we were more like them.

Guy, I was more right wing than you were up until 2008 or so. then one of your beloved rich people decided to fuck me over because I had the bad luck to hae medical issues. Fuck the rich and their greed.

The left? When the left sees a successful person, they loath them. They want them brought down, they want them punished, they look at our wealthy as the problem instead of the solution.

The wealthy ARE the problem. Were you not paying attention in 2008 when they wrecked the economy with their greed? Did you not notice all the closed factories because of their greed. It was totally on the news, not sure how you missed it.

What a terrible way to go through life; letting the fortunes of others ruin yours. As for myself, I'm not worried what other people are doing, I'm more concerned about what I'm doing or going to do. Why should I focus on them? It won't do me any good. I'll certainly never get ahead that way. I would sooner study them; their success; their climb to the top; their decision making......

I have studied their success, it's mostly built on fucking over other people to make themselves richer.

We had our greatest prosperity when the rich paid confiscatory tax rates and the workforce was heavily unionized.

Well that's what caused them to leave and take our jobs with them. It took a number of years, but it happened and is still happening to a lesser degree.

I lost my healthcare coverage thanks to Obama and Commie Care. Now I have to pay for my healthcare with after-tax money whereas before, it was a benefit out of the hands of government. Now it's a major expense I have to endure and it's much harder to make ends meet.

I've seen many businesses close down. We've lost a lot of customers that way. They don't leave out of greed, they leave because they cannot compete for customers with enormous expenses like unions, taxations and regulations. I've talked to the managers and even business owners of these places. They dreaded the thought of leaving the state or country. But it was either that, or join their employees in the unemployment line. Their foreign competition was killing them.

The housing bubble and crisis did not start on Wall Street, it started with government. Government was so hell bent on putting minorities into their own homes that they lowered bank standards and even pressured some to give out bad loans. It was government that put their stamp of approval on those bad securities that caused the collapse. What choice did they have? You have to do something with all these bad loans, and nobody would buy those loans if they knew they were bad.

Had government stayed out of the home loan industry, it would have remained solid. It's true that a lot of people would have been left out of the loop, particularly minorities, but trying to appease people to buy votes almost caused a worldwide financial collapse. You can't sell bad loans if you don't have those bad loans in the first place.

I get to work two jobs, thanks to the underemployment economy Obamacare gave us. Thank you, leftists.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
very simple dear; Because, they own around, ninety percent of the wealth.

Which in no way makes them responsible for you and your shit life.
Actually, it does under any form of progressive taxation scheme, simply because they can afford it. Like I said, socialism merely requires social morals for free.

No, hon, NOTHING makes other people responsible for you. All you make them is sacrificed to your cause. And calling that "moral" is obscene (Yes, I realize you'll probably have to look that word up, since you clearly have no experience with the concept.)
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
very simple dear; Because, they own around, ninety percent of the wealth.

Which in no way makes them responsible for you and your shit life.
Actually, it does under any form of progressive taxation scheme, simply because they can afford it. Like I said, socialism merely requires social morals for free.

No, hon, NOTHING makes other people responsible for you. All you make them is sacrificed to your cause. And calling that "moral" is obscene (Yes, I realize you'll probably have to look that word up, since you clearly have no experience with the concept.)
Of course it does dear, simply having the protection of Government requires ceding some natural rights to vest it with the power to tax.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Merely because they own ninety percent of the wealth.

So what does that have to do with anything?
Any fiscal policy is affected more by the one percent that own ninety percent of the wealth. I thought it was self-evident under Any form of capitalism.

No, it's not.

We do not live in a bubble. That's a liberal fallacy. There is no finite amount of money in the US where if one has too much, it's responsible for others not having enough.

In a great country such as ours, money is endless, it's just that you have to go out and get yours. The people that have the most are those who were obsessed with money their entire lives. But that obsession and accomplishment does not or should not make them responsible for those of us that never had that compulsion.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Merely because they own ninety percent of the wealth.

Apparently not since you think you're entitled to a share of it.
Dear, what do believe the social Power to Tax is for; but to find ways and means to appropriate the People's share, and not just the share of the truest Capitalists.

Taxation is theft.

There's no two ways about it.

No one is entitled to a share of what I earn. That includes the government.
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
Merely because they own ninety percent of the wealth.

So what does that have to do with anything?
Any fiscal policy is affected more by the one percent that own ninety percent of the wealth. I thought it was self-evident under Any form of capitalism.

No, it's not.

We do not live in a bubble. That's a liberal fallacy. There is no finite amount of money in the US where if one has too much, it's responsible for others not having enough.

In a great country such as ours, money is endless, it's just that you have to go out and get yours. The people that have the most are those who were obsessed with money their entire lives. But that obsession and accomplishment does not or should not make them responsible for those of us that never had that compulsion.
Still missing the point or are you just a lousy capitalist who doesn't understand the concept of leverage.

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