With only around 500 billionaires in the country

Yes and the jobs are in such great demand that pay is falling... You don't make any sense. It's not like anyone can just fill out an application and jump on the road either.

Well soooorrrrry. Yes, you have to put a little effort to start a career. Is that too much to ask of an American today? No wonder we have so many people no longer working.

Jobs, training and experience won't come knocking at your door, you have to take the initiative to get those jobs yourself. I did and so did many others. That's why we're working today and the complainers are still complaining. It's why we never have to worry about working in the future; because we are always in demand.

You have two choices to get into this line of work: you can either sign up with a company that will train you and get you licensed, but you have to sign a contract (usually for one year) with them. Or you can pay a school to train you for a few thousand dollars and then you can work for who you want.

Admittedly, not all jobs pay great, but great paying jobs are still out there.

So your answer is everyone move to jobs with declining pay and questionable safety. Oh and they need to get a lot of training.

Just because SOME jobs don't pay what they used to does not mean they are low paying jobs. It doesn't mean they are not paying livable wage which no truck driving job pays. They are all jobs that pay the bills and then some. But like any other career, it's what you make of it.

If you take a lower paying job because you are starting out and after some experience, you decide to stay where you are at, then fine. If you take that experience to better paying jobs, that's the best route to go.

If we ever get any good leadership in this country and they close off the borders, then those jobs will increase in pay.

To me it sounds like you're making excuses for every failure in this country. But guess what? There are no successful excuse makers. You won't find books on it, you won't find successful people that used it, and you won't find financial independence using excuses. All you really get from people that make excuses for themselves are stories of sympathy and failure.

I am telling you why your claim there are lots of good jobs out there is false. Your one example is clearly not the answer, wages are going down and safety is questionable. If there were lots of great jobs out there wages would be going up, wages are stagnant.

Wages only go up so far in any line of work. The wages in truck driving are just fine. I've made a living off of it for the last 25 years, so can anybody else. And my job is far from the best paying.

The reason safety is an issue is because of all the foreigners we have in the industry. They are being hired because of too many lazy Americans. Some can't read English, others can't speak it. I have no idea how these clowns figure out where they are going. How do they read the road signs? They are terrible drivers to boot.

Your stance however is that Americans should not pursue a new career because again, some jobs don't pay like they used to. Just sit home on welfare. Yeah, you'll get ahead in life that way.

In the meantime, people who actually care about supporting themselves and their families will take these jobs, get experience, and eventually make a great living.

My stance is that these great paying jobs you claim exist in great numbers do not. If they did exist wages would be going up, that's what happens when jobs go unfilled. Wages are stagnant, these jobs simply don't exist.
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Well soooorrrrry. Yes, you have to put a little effort to start a career. Is that too much to ask of an American today? No wonder we have so many people no longer working.

Jobs, training and experience won't come knocking at your door, you have to take the initiative to get those jobs yourself. I did and so did many others. That's why we're working today and the complainers are still complaining. It's why we never have to worry about working in the future; because we are always in demand.

You have two choices to get into this line of work: you can either sign up with a company that will train you and get you licensed, but you have to sign a contract (usually for one year) with them. Or you can pay a school to train you for a few thousand dollars and then you can work for who you want.

Admittedly, not all jobs pay great, but great paying jobs are still out there.

So your answer is everyone move to jobs with declining pay and questionable safety. Oh and they need to get a lot of training.

Just because SOME jobs don't pay what they used to does not mean they are low paying jobs. It doesn't mean they are not paying livable wage which no truck driving job pays. They are all jobs that pay the bills and then some. But like any other career, it's what you make of it.

If you take a lower paying job because you are starting out and after some experience, you decide to stay where you are at, then fine. If you take that experience to better paying jobs, that's the best route to go.

If we ever get any good leadership in this country and they close off the borders, then those jobs will increase in pay.

To me it sounds like you're making excuses for every failure in this country. But guess what? There are no successful excuse makers. You won't find books on it, you won't find successful people that used it, and you won't find financial independence using excuses. All you really get from people that make excuses for themselves are stories of sympathy and failure.

I am telling you why your claim there are lots of good jobs out there is false. Your one example is clearly not the answer, wages are going down and safety is questionable. If there were lots of great jobs out there wages would be going up, wages are stagnant.

Wages only go up so far in any line of work. The wages in truck driving are just fine. I've made a living off of it for the last 25 years, so can anybody else. And my job is far from the best paying.

The reason safety is an issue is because of all the foreigners we have in the industry. They are being hired because of too many lazy Americans. Some can't read English, others can't speak it. I have no idea how these clowns figure out where they are going. How do they read the road signs? They are terrible drivers to boot.

Your stance however is that Americans should not pursue a new career because again, some jobs don't pay like they used to. Just sit home on welfare. Yeah, you'll get ahead in life that way.

In the meantime, people who actually care about supporting themselves and their families will take these jobs, get experience, and eventually make a great living.

My stance is that these great paying jobs you claim exist in great numbers do not. If they did exist wages would be going up, that's what happens when jobs go unfilled. Wages are stagnant, these jobs simply don't exist.

What more proof do you need than to simply read the article I posted? On top of that, you can go to any want ad and read the jobs for yourself. Many companies are offering $1,000, $2,000, and even $3,000 as a sign up bonus. Go to Craigslist and see what they have listed. It's in plain view and you can even enquire about the job yourself.

Just by reading your replies here, something tells me you are one of those people that are not working yourself and looking for excuses as to why you shouldn't work. What's really unfortunate about that is that foreigners come here all the time, without a dime in their pocket, without any education, without even a command of the English language, and do much better than citizens that were born here. How do they do it? They don't make excuses. They aggress any job opportunity offered to them and work their asses off to make it happen.
You provided an example of capitalism, but you called it "socialism."

Thanks for admitting that socialism doesn't work.

Where is your example of capitalism working?

It has worked every time it has been tried.

Who has capitalism without socialism?

The less socialism we had, the better we did.

Our strength came from a strong middle class which was created by unions. So you are very wrong.

Nope. Unions are nothing but thugs who made American companies uncompetitive. Capitalists created the Middle Class - men like Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller.
So your answer is everyone move to jobs with declining pay and questionable safety. Oh and they need to get a lot of training.

Just because SOME jobs don't pay what they used to does not mean they are low paying jobs. It doesn't mean they are not paying livable wage which no truck driving job pays. They are all jobs that pay the bills and then some. But like any other career, it's what you make of it.

If you take a lower paying job because you are starting out and after some experience, you decide to stay where you are at, then fine. If you take that experience to better paying jobs, that's the best route to go.

If we ever get any good leadership in this country and they close off the borders, then those jobs will increase in pay.

To me it sounds like you're making excuses for every failure in this country. But guess what? There are no successful excuse makers. You won't find books on it, you won't find successful people that used it, and you won't find financial independence using excuses. All you really get from people that make excuses for themselves are stories of sympathy and failure.

I am telling you why your claim there are lots of good jobs out there is false. Your one example is clearly not the answer, wages are going down and safety is questionable. If there were lots of great jobs out there wages would be going up, wages are stagnant.

Wages only go up so far in any line of work. The wages in truck driving are just fine. I've made a living off of it for the last 25 years, so can anybody else. And my job is far from the best paying.

The reason safety is an issue is because of all the foreigners we have in the industry. They are being hired because of too many lazy Americans. Some can't read English, others can't speak it. I have no idea how these clowns figure out where they are going. How do they read the road signs? They are terrible drivers to boot.

Your stance however is that Americans should not pursue a new career because again, some jobs don't pay like they used to. Just sit home on welfare. Yeah, you'll get ahead in life that way.

In the meantime, people who actually care about supporting themselves and their families will take these jobs, get experience, and eventually make a great living.

My stance is that these great paying jobs you claim exist in great numbers do not. If they did exist wages would be going up, that's what happens when jobs go unfilled. Wages are stagnant, these jobs simply don't exist.

What more proof do you need than to simply read the article I posted? On top of that, you can go to any want ad and read the jobs for yourself. Many companies are offering $1,000, $2,000, and even $3,000 as a sign up bonus. Go to Craigslist and see what they have listed. It's in plain view and you can even enquire about the job yourself.

Just by reading your replies here, something tells me you are one of those people that are not working yourself and looking for excuses as to why you shouldn't work. What's really unfortunate about that is that foreigners come here all the time, without a dime in their pocket, without any education, without even a command of the English language, and do much better than citizens that were born here. How do they do it? They don't make excuses. They aggress any job opportunity offered to them and work their asses off to make it happen.

I have quite a lot of work and do rather well thank you.
Where is your example of capitalism working?

It has worked every time it has been tried.

Who has capitalism without socialism?

The less socialism we had, the better we did.

Our strength came from a strong middle class which was created by unions. So you are very wrong.

Nope. Unions are nothing but thugs who made American companies uncompetitive. Capitalists created the Middle Class - men like Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller.

Like Ford who actually paid well? We don't have any like that anymore. What years do you claim were the best?
Any fiscal policy is affected more by the one percent that own ninety percent of the wealth. I thought it was self-evident under Any form of capitalism.

No, it's not.

We do not live in a bubble. That's a liberal fallacy. There is no finite amount of money in the US where if one has too much, it's responsible for others not having enough.

In a great country such as ours, money is endless, it's just that you have to go out and get yours. The people that have the most are those who were obsessed with money their entire lives. But that obsession and accomplishment does not or should not make them responsible for those of us that never had that compulsion.
Still missing the point or are you just a lousy capitalist who doesn't understand the concept of leverage.

Oh, I don't? Then why not treat us to a few scenarios of this leverage you speak of?
Is one percent of the People owning ninety percent of the wealth, not self-evident enough for the right?

Oh, it's obvious that they do. What's not obvious is why that somehow entitles you to take it away from them.
Dear, the social Power to Tax is delegated by the People. Why appeal to ignorance of it?
Why are the expected to carry the weight of the other 300 million?
They aren't. The millionaires are as well. :). Oh and why? Because they pay such low wages that the 300 million need welfare to get buy. Pay more in wages or pay more in taxes. :)
Robin Hood never worked
Socialism works and we have the "richest poor" in the world, to prove it.

Yeah, it's the socialism causing that (which doesn't explain why countries that are even more socialist DON'T have richer poor).
Our Founding Fathers were simply wise enough to enumerate how much socialism we need; merely sufficient to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.
Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.

Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.
We're all for happiness. We believe that happiness is when one has total control over their destiny--not government. I'm happy. Do you want to see me happier? Take more government out of my life. That would make me happier.

Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.

So poor people are determined by how much the wealthy have?
Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.

So poor people are determined by how much the wealthy have?
Absolutely not.
But some VERY wealthy people have a knack of using their influence to maintain and increase their wealth whilst so that the remaining piece of the pie gets smaller.
It's simply a fact.
There are no lack of examples of driven people aka hustlers who will never make it into the 1%.

I do submit to the fact that someone from South Dakota WOULD have a different POV that someone from New York.
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Then why do you argue for more people to pay taxes? That is more government.

No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.

So poor people are determined by how much the wealthy have?
Is CEO pay determined how much wealth the firm has?
Socialism doesn't work anywhere, anytime. The only thing that works is capitalism, which in this world is always hobbled to one degree or another by socialism.

It is working fine in many countries. Your claim is obviously false.

How are we defining "fine"? And don't give me "Happy, no really, they say they're happier than we are". One, it's not the government's job to make people happy. Two, the United States wouldn't exist at all if it hadn't been settled and founded by people who were chronically discontented with the status quo and determined to improve things. Pissed off is kind of part of our national character. People in other countries are basically the descendants of those who looked around and went, "Eh, good enough."

Why are republicans so against happy? Germany and Denmark are both doing well.

We're not against happy, dumbass. We're against having happy defined and mandated for us by someone else, and we're against being forced to fund that specific "happiness" for everyone else.

Yes you want lots of inequality and happy rich people. The poor you want to just accept it. Not a very realistic plan in a country that votes.

Please stop trying to put your filthy words into my mouth. You have enough trouble figuring out what YOU are saying; you're utterly unqualified to speak for me.

Your "equality" comes with everyone being poor and miserable. The only poor who "just accept it" under capitalism are lazy, greedy shitbags like you who can't put together the brain wattage to get off your numb cans and do things for yourself. Pardon me if I have no sympathy with how pathetic you are.
Wrong. The countries you call "socialist" are actually largely capitalist. The socialist portion of their economies doesn't work.

Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?

We have socialism here.

Yes we do, and what's happening with that socialism?

Most all of our programs are going broke. We are 18 trillion in the hole and quickly approaching 19 trillion. Half of the people depend partly or entirely on the support of governments.

Back in the 60's and 70's we had communes. Communes were entirely socialist. Some went out to get supplies and necessities for the rest in the commune and others stayed in the commune having babies, smoking pot and watching television if they had one.

After a while, the people supporting the commune grew sick of taking care of everybody else. That's why communes disappeared.

Socialsim has a short fuse. Sure, it may work for a while. It may work 30 years, 60 years, even 100 years. But eventually, it will collapse much like our social programs are.

Well the problem is the rich have gotten lots of breaks and there has been nothing in return. Lots of inequality leads to a stagnant economy, that is where we are now.

Yeah, nothing in return . . . other than footing the bill for your squalling demands, infant. It's not the inequality that has made our economy stagnant; it's you and the other leeches like you.
No, that's spreading the burden of government more equally. The idea that one half of the country should pay for the other half is not less government.

Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.

So poor people are determined by how much the wealthy have?
Is CEO pay determined how much wealth the firm has?

Not really. It's usually determined by demand.

If there is a CEO renown for turning companies around or increasing sales by let's say 40%, then businesses compete for that CEO. That's how they get the money that they do.

Let's say I have a business and I know CEO X is available for a job. I calculate he or she can bring in 9 million more into my company, then if that CEO is asking 4 million a year to work, it's worth it for me to pay that money.

If I don't want to pay that CEO that kind of money, my competition will, so the choice is mine.

Lots of contract jobs work like that. It explains why a famous actor or actress gets 10 million dollars for just one movie. If that entertainer is famous enough to attract millions of movie goers, it's worth the 10 million. Same with sports figures and the same with musicians.
Actually it seems to work fine, they are some of the happiest countries in the world.

Yeah, and in case it hasn't occurred to you, WE don't live in those countries precisely because WE would not be happy. If socialism is your cup of tea, go live somewhere socialist. Stop trying to force it on people who don't want it and telling them how "happy" it's going to make them.

Human beings aren't a "one size fits all" scenario. We're not an anthill or a beehive or the Borg Collective. What the hell is it about being an individual that scares you so?

We have socialism here.

Yes we do, and what's happening with that socialism?

Most all of our programs are going broke. We are 18 trillion in the hole and quickly approaching 19 trillion. Half of the people depend partly or entirely on the support of governments.

Back in the 60's and 70's we had communes. Communes were entirely socialist. Some went out to get supplies and necessities for the rest in the commune and others stayed in the commune having babies, smoking pot and watching television if they had one.

After a while, the people supporting the commune grew sick of taking care of everybody else. That's why communes disappeared.

Socialsim has a short fuse. Sure, it may work for a while. It may work 30 years, 60 years, even 100 years. But eventually, it will collapse much like our social programs are.

Well the problem is the rich have gotten lots of breaks and there has been nothing in return. Lots of inequality leads to a stagnant economy, that is where we are now.

Yeah, nothing in return . . . other than footing the bill for your squalling demands, infant. It's not the inequality that has made our economy stagnant; it's you and the other leeches like you.

You talk so much and say so little. The tax breaks have done nothing to help the economy, that is a fact.
Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.

So poor people are determined by how much the wealthy have?
Is CEO pay determined how much wealth the firm has?

Not really. It's usually determined by demand.

If there is a CEO renown for turning companies around or increasing sales by let's say 40%, then businesses compete for that CEO. That's how they get the money that they do.

Let's say I have a business and I know CEO X is available for a job. I calculate he or she can bring in 9 million more into my company, then if that CEO is asking 4 million a year to work, it's worth it for me to pay that money.

If I don't want to pay that CEO that kind of money, my competition will, so the choice is mine.

Lots of contract jobs work like that. It explains why a famous actor or actress gets 10 million dollars for just one movie. If that entertainer is famous enough to attract millions of movie goers, it's worth the 10 million. Same with sports figures and the same with musicians.

No it is not based on performance or demand. The board which is filled with current and former ceos are giving raises as payback or because they want a future raise.

The actor is actually performance based. If movies sell they get paid a lot. Studies have shown this isn't true with ceos.
Yes it is. Expecting the very poor to pay taxes is silly. They will just get it back in welfare. It's inefficient and grows government.

The very poor? 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. Are they all very poor?
Yes dear, when compared and contrasted to the one percent who own ninety percent of the wealth.

So poor people are determined by how much the wealthy have?
Is CEO pay determined how much wealth the firm has?

Not really. It's usually determined by demand.

If there is a CEO renown for turning companies around or increasing sales by let's say 40%, then businesses compete for that CEO. That's how they get the money that they do.

Let's say I have a business and I know CEO X is available for a job. I calculate he or she can bring in 9 million more into my company, then if that CEO is asking 4 million a year to work, it's worth it for me to pay that money.

If I don't want to pay that CEO that kind of money, my competition will, so the choice is mine.

Lots of contract jobs work like that. It explains why a famous actor or actress gets 10 million dollars for just one movie. If that entertainer is famous enough to attract millions of movie goers, it's worth the 10 million. Same with sports figures and the same with musicians.
Special pleading much. Revenue belongs to the Firm.

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